24 research outputs found

    Survey of the State and Future Trends of Intelligent Systems

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    This paper presents an attempt to formalize objective macro model of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). We show that creation of this model is justified, and with the aid of information from World Wide Web it is possible now. With this aim in view, we propose a research method. To obtain a macro model of the artificial intelligence field, we made a survey of research groups in the world, including companies, applications, organizations as well as a general assessment of the state of Al technology. The survey is intended to show some benefits. Intelligent systems are becoming very useful and are starting to achieve many of the projected past promises. Important documents on future trends and roles of intelligent systems have been recently published, as well as interesting surveys in the field. We have assessed several methodologies of research of the state of the art in this field and identified their promises and limitations. Considering the present state of Al technology, research projects, important documents and trends in traditional information technologies, we have made a preliminary model of intelligent systems and their future surveys. In the era of second generation knowledge-based systems and growing complexity of the Al field, we believe that it is necessary to include macro model of Al in all scientific researches and application projects


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    A knowledge elicitation technique selection for a knowledge elicitation from an expert still represents a problem in a KBS development. In this paper is presented an original computer program for technique selection and a changed program that was aimed at improving the selection. Both programs use certain factor values as a starting point, but the first program is based on a technique grading and the second on decision trees. Comparison and testing results for both programs are presented


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    U ovom radu daje se prikaz naraslih potreba, sadašnjeg stanja i problema u sustavima za zaštitu okoliša, ljudi i vlasništva. Primjenom napredne informacijske tehnologije, temeljenom prvenstveno na umjetnoj inteligenciji, moguće će biti u znatnoj mjeri poboljšati sustave za zaštitu okoliša, ljudi i vlasništva. U tu svrhu predlaže se pristup u kojem bi se najprije izgradio model na problematici kemijskih akcidenata i koji bi bio osnovica za navedene sustave u Republici Hrvatskoj. Model upravljanja kemijskim akcidentima ostvario bi se projektom, u kojem bi se definirao sustav za podršku odlučivanju u jednom složenom i teškom području, s potrebom donošenja brzih odluka s velikim rizikom. Najveći izazov sudionicima projekta predstavljat će objedinjavanje interdisciplinarnog znanja. (1)In this work an overview of increased demands, today state and problems of systems for environment, people and property protection, is present. Applying advanced information technology, based on the artificial intelligence, it will be possible to improve systems for environment, people and property protection. In this purpose an approach which would have to build model for chemical accident is proposed. This model will be base for the system in Republic of Croatia. Model for chemical accidents management would be obtained through a project. Decision support system will be obtained in a complex and hard field. This area has need for a quick decision making with high risk The greatest challenge to the participants will be interdisciplinary knowledge integration


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    U ovom radu obrađen je problem izbora programa i plana vježbi iz predmeta "Građa računarskih sistema" na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike u Varaždinu (FOI). Obrazložen je pristup izboru sadržaja vježbi te njihovom izvođenju. Osnovu za rješenje tog problema pružila su iskustva na drugim fakultetima, ali najvećim dijelom vlastita iskustva stečena pri izvođenju vježbi u šk. god. 1988/89, s obzirom na specifičnost studija na FOI. Prijedlogom sadržaja vježbi, koji se daje na kraju rada, predviđaju se auditorne vježbe i praktikum. Auditorne vježbe trebale bi biti nadopuna gradivu obuhvaćenom predavanjima i predznanju neophodno za sam predmet. Auditorne vježbe također bi trebale osigurati osnovu za rad u praktikumu


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    Visokoškolske ustanove svoje specifične zahtjeve za računalima i programskom podrškom ne mogu u potpunosti zadovoljiti postojećim personalnim računalima i radnim stanicama. U radu se opisuju zahtjevi visokoškolskog tržišta i svojstva računala NeXT, namijenjenog tom tržištu. Računalo NeXT nudi napredna rješenja na području arhitekture računala, operativnih sistema, objektnog programiranja i druge prednosti. Razmatraju se mogući efekti koje će izazvati ovo računalo, te mogućnosti primjene ovog računala na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike u Varaždinu

    The Effects of Multimedia Learning Materials Quality on Knowledge Acquisition

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    Different learning environments offer l earners various kinds of multimedia learning materials (MLMs). Although the usage of multimedia has proven to foster meaningful learning, a multimedia resource will not necessarily contribute to the teaching-learning process unless proper attention is paid to its quality. This paper explores issues regarding the assessment of multimedia learning materials (MLMs) quality as well as the relationship between MLM quality and knowledge acquisition. We present a research experiment that involves low-quality and high-quality MLMs implemented in the learning management system (LMS) Moodle of a polytechnic school course. The quality of MLMs was evaluated by means of the LORI assessment tool adapted for the purpose of this research. The analysis of research data shows that MLMs developed according to the principles of multimedia learning and principles for reducing cognitive load were perceived as being of higher quality than those not developed using multimedia principles. Furthermore, students’ usage of high-quality MLMs during treatment resulted in better knowledge acquisition indicated by significantly higher scores in knowledge assessment


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    U radu se daje pregled međunarodno prihvaćenih postupaka za organizaciju i upravljanje rizicima i akcidentima. Prezentiraju se različiti aspekti sustava APELL, namijenjenog lokalnom zbrinjavanju kemijskih akcidenata. Ukazuje se na potrebu organiziranja odgovarajućih ustanova, službi i postupaka za upravljanje rizicima u Republici Hrvatskoj, te se analiziraju organizacijske i materijalno-tehničke pretpostavke njihova stvaranja na lokalnoj i nacionalnoj razini.The work gives a survey of the internationally accepted procedures for the organisation and risk and accident management. Different aspects of the APELL system are presented, as the system is intended for the local solving of the chemicals accidents. The need for organising the suitable institutions, services and procedures for the risk management in the Republic of Croatia is emphasised. The organisational, material and technical basis for their establishment on the local and national level is discussed and analysed.Der Text gibt einen Überblick der international akzeptierten Verfahren zur Organisation und Verwaltung der Risiken und Unfällen. Es werden unterschiedliche Aspekte des Systems APELL vorgestellt, die für die Versorgung lokaler chemischer Unfälle bestimmt sind. Es wird auf die Notwendigkeit der Organisierung entsprechender Einrichtungen, Dienste und Verfahren zur Verwaltung der Risiken in Kroatien hingewiesen, und es werden die organisatorischen und materiell-technischen Voraussetzungen ihrer Gründung auf lokaler und nationaler Ebene analysiert


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    This paper deals with usage of multimedia in the field of knowledge elicitation. It introduces the multimedia poll as a technique suitable for knowledge elicitation that would otherwise use the classic poll technique. The problems in its implementation are discussed using our system as an example and possible solutions to those problems are offered. Artificial intelligence techniques can be added to multimedia poll techniques for the creation of semi-structured interviews (like genetic algorithms and decision trees), and data mining techniques for further analysis of results. A pro and con analysis of using multimedia is also presented