33 research outputs found
Job satisfaction, life orientation and perception of family role - Comparison between women employed in public sector and in economy
Our scope of interest in this article is employed women in Slovenia working in public sector (state administration, education and healthcare) and in economy. Working womenās various roles today may lead to conflict or enrichment. This study seeks to determine the connection between their multiple roles, life orientation, and life satisfaction. The study was carried out through Internet questionnaires and surveyed 1,298 working women. Their average age was 35.6 years. A total of 43% of participants had at least college degree. The results show that working women are at least satisfied with their leisure time and most satisfied with their maternal role. The most satisfied women work in pharmaceuticals and healthcare, and the least satisfied work in the state administration sector. Women with multiple roles are more satisfied with their maternal role but less satisfied with their partners and leisure time. They are also more optimistic
Returning to work after suffering from burnout syndrome: Perceived changes in personality, views, values, and behaviors connected with work
To date only a few studies have focused on returning to work after suffering
from burnout syndrome. Participants were asked about their perceived work
effectiveness, changes in their personal values, and obstacles and support
factors that they encountered when they returned to work. Among the 27
individuals of various professions included in the study, 18 achieved an
average or a high score on the Maslach Burnout Inventory, which was used to
conduct a semi-structured interview. The answers were later processed by
analyzing the content. The results showed that burned-out individuals only
slowly return to work after recovery. When they return to work, they
encounter changes in personality, personal values, and work effectiveness,
and they only receive partial support from the environment. The results draw
attention to insufficient detection of the disease by medical staff and
employers in Slovenia. Recovering from burnout is a long-term process, which
depends most on individuals themselves. At the same time, they can receive
the necessary support from their family and coworkers, especially in terms of
understanding them and partially adapting their responsibilities at work when
they return. This study draws attention to a number of factors that can
influence an individualās process of returning to work and can be used as a
basis for developing systematic rehabilitation programs
Motivation and Life Satisfaction of Employees in the Public and Private Sectors
Work motivation is the steering of human activity towards a desired objective by means of motives generated internally in a person or in his or her environment, on the basis of his or her needs. The aim of this research was to verify whether the different types of work motivation employees reported in their work were influenced by sector, job, gender and education, and to assess how the different types of motivation are linked to life satisfaction. The research involved the participation of 288 employees ā 153 in the private sector and 116 in the public sector (19 did not specify). The results show that among all employees the most distinctly expressed factor is intrinsic motivation. No differences in any type of motivation were observed between sectors; between managers in the public and private sectors there were no statistically significant differences in either extrinsic motivation or intrinsic motivation or in life satisfaction
BoÅ”tjan Bajec, Eva BoÅ”tjanÄiÄ, Sara Tement ÄLOVEK, DELO IN ORGANIZACIJA: Pregled psiholoÅ”kih podroÄij in perspektiv Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2016
Knjiga je pomembna za razliÄne akterje (Å”tudente, strokovnjake, ki gradijo kariero na tem podroÄju, zaposlene v kadrovskih oddelkih, izobraževalce) in bi jo potrebovali že pred 20 leti, a do danes ni bilo prave možnosti, da bi se lotili sistematiÄnega pregleda podroÄij, ki jih pokriva psihologija dela in organizacije
Motivacija in zadovoljstvo z življenjem pri zaposlenih v javnem in zasebnem sektorju
Delovna motivacija je usmerjanje Älovekove aktivnosti k želenim ciljem, s pomoÄjo njegovih motivov, nastalih v Älovekovi notranjosti ali v njegovem okolju, na podlagi njegovih potreb. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti, ali se zaposleni razlikujejo v vrsti delovne motivacije glede na sektor, delovno mesto, spol in izobrazbo ter kako se razliÄni tipi motivacije povezujejo z zadovoljstvom z življenjem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 288 zaposlenih - 153 v zasebnem in 116 v javnem sektorju (19 jih tega ni oznaÄilo). Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri vseh zaposlenih najbolj izražena notranja motivacija, da med sektorjema ni priÅ”lo do razlik pri nobenem tipu motivacije ter da med vodji v javnem in zasebnem sektorju ni priÅ”lo do statistiÄno pomembnih razlik ne v zunanji motivaciji, ne v notranji motivaciji in ne v zadovoljstvu z življenjem
Vloga plaÄe pri motiviranosti in zavzetosti zaposlenih na izbranem ministrstvu v Sloveniji
Leta 2008 so v javnem sektorju zaradi gospodarske krize uvedli Å”tevilneĀ ukrepe na podroÄju plaÄ zaposlenih. PlaÄa pomeni enega kljuÄnihĀ motivatorjev za zadovoljstvo in zavzetost zaposlenih. Älanek predstavljaĀ Å”tudijo, v kateri sva raziskovali vlogo plaÄe pri zavzetosti, zadovoljstvuĀ z delom in motivaciji zaposlenih na izbranem ministrstvu v Äasu krize.Ā Sodelovalo je 167 zaposlenih, vkljuÄili pa sva tri merske instrumente ā Lestvico delovnega zadovoljstva, Lestvico delovne zavzetosti in LestvicoĀ delovnih preferenc.Ugotovili sva, da so bolj zavzeti tisti zaposleni, katerih zadovoljstvo sĀ plaÄo je viÅ”je, in ne tisti, katerih sama plaÄa je viÅ”ja. Povezava med plaÄoĀ in zadovoljstvom je sicer pozitivna, vendar ni jasno linearna. Pri delu soĀ bolj zavzeti zaposleni z viÅ”jo stopnjo notranje motivacije, medtem koĀ viÅ”ja stopnja zunanje motivacije pomeni nižje zadovoljstvo s plaÄo. TakoĀ sva opozorili na pomembno vlogo denarnega nagrajevanja ter ob koncuĀ predstavili smernice za nadaljnje delo na tem podroÄju
Links between Perceived Leadership Styles and Self-reported Coping Strategies
The focus of this study was the relatively unexplored link between perceived leadership styles and employees\u27 current levels of workplace stress and coping strategies. The participants were 442 employees in five IT organisations in Slovenia. The theoretical background for leadership styles was taken from the full-range leadership model. Data were collected using three questionnaires: Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and a single questionnaire item on the current level of workplace stress. Correlations and linear regression were used to test whether leadership style influences the employees\u27 stress-coping strategies.Lower levels of stress at work were found for employees whose leader showed more transformational or transactional leadership behaviours. The results showed low to moderate correlations between the three basic leadership styles and coping strategies such as positive reappraisal, seeking social assistance, and negative escape/avoidance. These coping strategies were more frequently used by employees whose leaders often used transformational and transactional leadership styles. Employees whose leaders frequently used passive-avoidant leadership style more often approach to stress situations with escape, avoidance, and rarely with positive reappraisal. But the regression models explained only 2% to 7% of the variance for certain coping strategie
Corporate Volunteering: Relationship to Job Resources and Work Engagement
Employers are increasingly including volunteer activities in their social responsibility programs. At companies at which this is done in a planned manner, we can speak of the development of a corporate volunteering, which correlates with numerous positive psychological outcomes at both the individual and the organizational level. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the corporate volunteering programs and job characteristics, connected with work engagement. In our study we were interested in identifying the role of the corporate volunteering in the evaluation of job resources and work engagement. The study included 274 employees from 15 Slovenian companies, of whom 62% participate in their organizationsā volunteer activities. They filled out the Job demands and resources questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) and a scale for measuring the corporate volunteering climate. The results indicate that the carrying out of volunteer activities correlates with the perception of the corporate volunteering climate. Employees whose employers implement volunteering programs are more engaged and report higher levels of both autonomy and support from their co-workers and supervisors. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed
Factorial Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Slovene Version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale
This study examined the factorial validity of the Slovene version of the cultural intelligence scale (CQS) in a representative sample of 1,000 Slovenian participants (49% were female). The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the factorial validity of the Slovene CQS and the existence of a general (second-order) cultural intelligence factor. The four scales and the overall (general) CQS scale showed satisfactory internal consistency. The results of multiple-group confirmatory factor analyses supported the hypotheses of partial measurement invariance across gender, and full measurement invariance across type of settlement (urban vs. rural)
NaÄrtovanje kariere invalidov ā Želje in ovire
A survey was conducted on a representative sample of 243 users of vocational rehabilitation in Slovenia in order to explore the importance of disability for career planning and development among people with disabilities. We analysed the association of disability with demographic characteristics, career choices and employment barriers. The prevailing career choices belong to elementary occupations, even though the majority of participants had completed secondary school. Career choices were mostly based on the participantsā own interest but at the same time constrained by disability. The majority of participants changed their career choices during unemployment, the most common reason being their disability and the employerās attitude towards disability. Disability was identified as the main barrier for career choices, employment and career development. The findings highlight the importance of considering disability in the process of career planning and development, and the importance of appropriate career planning as a critical factor for successful employment.Na reprezentativnem vzorcu 243 uporabnikov storitev zaposlitvene rehabilitacije iz celotne Slovenije smo z anketnim vpraÅ”alnikom preuÄevali pomembnost invalidnosti pri naÄrtovanju in razvoju kariere invalidov. Analizirali smo povezave med invalidnostjo in demografskimi znaÄilnostmi, poklicnimi izbirami in ovirami za zaposlovanje. VeÄina udeležencev je izrazila željo po zaposlitvi v poklicih za preprosta dela, Äeprav je najveÄ sodelujoÄih pridobilo IV. ali V. stopnjo izobrazbe. Pri izbiri poklica so jih veÄinoma vodili lasten interes in tudi zdravstvene težave, a je veliko udeležencev raziskave v obdobju brezposelnosti poklicno izbiro veÄkrat spremenilo, za kar so se kot najpomembnejÅ”i razlog izkazale zdravstvene težave in odnos delodajalcev do invalidnosti. Invalidnost je bila prepoznana kot glavna oziroma najpogostejÅ”a ovira pri izbiri poklicnih ciljev, iskanju zaposlitve in razvoju kariere. Z raziskavo smo pritrdili dosedanjim ugotovitvam in teoretiÄnim predpostavkam, da je invalidnost osrednjega pomena pri naÄrtovanju kariere invalidov, in poudarili pomen ustreznega naÄrtovanja kariere za uspeÅ”no reÅ”evanje zaposlitvene problematike