344 research outputs found

    Disease recurrence and rejection following liver transplantation for autoimmune chronic active liver disease

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    Autoimmune chronic active liver disease (ACALD), a major indication for liver transplantation, is associated strongly with antigenic determinants HLA-B8 and DR3. A retrospective analysis of 43 patients who underwent OLTx for putative ACALD and who, as well as their tissue organ donors, were typed, was performed. Disease recurrence and graft rejection episodes were determined by chart review and histopathological review of all material available. Disease recurrence was histologically documented in 11 (25.6%) of these 43 cases. Graft rejection episodes occurred in 24 (66.8%). All recurrences were in recipients of HLA-DR3-negative grafts. Nine of the recurrences were in HLA-DR3-poeitive recipients (odds ratio: 6.14, P<0.03). Two of 11 cases of disease recurrence were in recipients who were HLA-DR3-negative. Nine of these 11 had received HLA-DR3-negative grafts. Rejection occurred in 13 HLA-B8-positive recipients, 12 of whom received HLA-B8-negative grafts. Eleven HLA-B8-negative recipients experienced at least one rejection episode and 9 of these had received HLA-B8-negative grafts. Based upon these data we conclude: 1) that recurrence of putative ACALD is more likely to occur in HLA-DR3-positive recipients of HLA-DR3-negative grafts; (2) that recurrences were not seen in recipients of HLA-DR3-positive grafts; (3) that BXA-B8 status does not affect disease recurrence; and (4) that neither the HLA-B8 nor the DR3 status of the graft or recipient has an effect on the observed frequency of rejection. ©1992 by Williams & Wilkins

    Physicians' attitudes about obesity and their associations with competency and specialty: A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physicians frequently report negative attitudes about obesity which is thought to affect patient care. However, little is known about how attitudes toward treating obese patients are formed. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of physicians in order to better characterize their attitudes and explore the relationships among attitudes, perceived competency in obesity care, including report of weight loss in patients, and other key physician, training, and practice characteristics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We surveyed all 399 physicians from internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry specialties at one institution regarding obesity care attitudes, competency, including physician report of percent of their patients who lose weight. We performed a factor analysis on the attitude items and used hierarchical regression analysis to explore the degree to which competency, reported weight loss, physician, training and practice characteristics explained the variance in each attitude factor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall response rate was 63%. More than 40% of physicians had a negative reaction towards obese patients, 56% felt qualified to treat obesity, and 46% felt successful in this realm. The factor analysis revealed 4 factors–<it>Physician Discomfort/Bias, Physician Success/Self Efficacy, Positive Outcome Expectancy</it>, and <it>Negative Outcome Expectancy</it>. Competency and reported percent of patients who lose weight were most strongly associated with the <it>Physician Success/Self Efficacy </it>attitude factor. Greater skill in patient assessment was associated with less <it>Physician Discomfort/Bias</it>. Training characteristics were associated with outcome expectancies with newer physicians reporting more positive treatment expectancies. Pediatric faculty was more positive and psychiatry faculty less negative in their treatment expectancies than internal medicine faculty.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Physician attitudes towards obesity are associated with competency, specialty, and years since postgraduate training. Further study is necessary to determine the direction of influence and to explore the impact of these attitudes on patient care.</p

    Development of a chemically defined medium and discovery of new mitogenic growth factors for mouse hepatocytes: Mitogenic effects of FGF1/2 and PDGF

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    Chemically defined serum-free media for rat hepatocytes have been useful in identifying EGFR ligands and HGF/MET signaling as direct mitogenic factors for rat hepatocytes. The absence of such media for mouse hepatocytes has prevented screening for discovery of such mitogens for mouse hepatocytes. We present results obtained by designing such a chemically defined medium for mouse hepatocytes and demonstrate that in addition to EGFR ligands and HGF, the growth factors FGF1 and FGF2 are also important mitogenic factors for mouse hepatocytes. Smaller mitogenic response was also noticed for PDGF AB. Mouse hepatocytes are more likely to enter into spontaneous proliferation in primary culture due to activation of cell cycle pathways resulting from collagenase perfusion. These results demonstrate unanticipated fundamental differences in growth biology of hepatocytes between the two rodent species. Copyright: © 2014 Reekie et al

    Barriers to obesity management: a pilot study of primary care clinicians

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is an increasing epidemic in both the US and veteran populations, yet it remains largely understudied in the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA) setting. The purpose of our study was to identify barriers to the effective management of obesity in VHA primary care settings. METHODS: Three focus groups of clinicians from a Veteran's Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) and an affiliated Community Based Outpatient Center (CBOC) were conducted to identify potential barriers to obesity management. The focus groups and previously published studies then informed the creation of a 47-item survey that was then disseminated and completed by 55 primary care clinicians. RESULTS: The focus groups identified provider, system, and patient barriers to obesity care. Lack of obesity training during medical school and residency was associated with lower rates of discussing diet and exercise with obese patients (p < 0.05). Clinicians who watched their own diets vigorously were more likely to calculate BMI for obese patients than other clinicians (42% vs. 13%, p < 0.05). Many barriers identified in previous studies (e.g., attitudes toward obese patients, lack of insurance payments for obesity care) were not prevalent barriers in the current study. CONCLUSION: Many VHA clinicians do not routinely provide weight management services for obese patients. The most prevalent barriers to obesity care were poor education during medical school and residency and the lack of information provided by the VHA to both clinicians and patients about available weight management services

    Rizatriptan versus rizatriptan plus rofecoxib versus rizatriptan plus tolfenamic acid in the acute treatment of migraine

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    BACKGROUND: Rizatriptan is an effective and fast acting drug for the acute treatment of migraine. Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) have also demonstrated efficacy in treating migraine attacks. There is evidence that the combination of a triptan and a NSAID decreases migraine recurrence in clinical practice. The primary aim of this randomized open label study was to assess the recurrence rates in migraine sufferers acutely treated with rizatriptan (RI) alone vs. rizatriptan plus a COX-2 enzyme inhibitor (rofecoxib, RO) vs. rizatriptan plus a traditional NSAID (tolfenamic acid, TO). We were also interested in comparing the efficacy rates within these three groups. METHODS: We assessed 45 patients from a headache clinic in Rio de Janeiro (35 women and 10 men, ages 18 to 65 years, mean 37 years). Patients with IHS migraine were randomized to one out of 3 groups, where they had to treat 6 consecutive moderate or severe attacks in counterbalanced order. In group 1, patients treated the first two attacks with 10 mg RI, the third and fourth attacks with RI + 50 mg RO and the last attacks with RI + 200 mg of TA. In group 2, we began with RI + TA, followed by RI, and RI + RO. Group 3 treated in the following order: RI + RO, RI + TA, RI alone. The presence of headache, nausea and photophobia at 1, 2 and 4 hours, as well as recurrence and side effects were compared. RESULTS: A total of 33 patients finished the study, treating 184 attacks. The pain-free rates at 1 hour were: RI: 15.5%; RI + RO: 22.6%; RI + TA: 20.3%(NS). Pain-free rates at 2 h were: RI: 37.9%; RI + RO: 62.9%, and RI + TA: 40.6% (p = 0.008 for RI vs. RI + RO; p = 0.007 for RI + RO vs. RI + TA, NS for RI vs RI + TA). At 4 h, pain-free rates were: RI: 69%; RI + RO: 82.3%; RI + TA: 78.1% (NS for all comparisons). The combination of RI + RO was superior to RI and to RI + TA in regard of the absense of nausea and photophobia at 4 hours. Recurrence (after being pain-free at 2 h) was observed in 50% of patients treated with RI, in 15,4% of those treated with RI + RO, and in 7,7% of those treated with RI + TA. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the methodological limitations of this study, the combination of RI and RO revealed a higher response rate at 2 hours. Recurrence was also clearly decreased with both combinations in relation to the use of RI alone. Controlled studies are necessary to provide additional evidence

    Do aluminium-based phosphate binders continue to have a role in contemporary nephrology practice?

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    Background: Aluminium-containing phosphate binders have long been used for treatment of hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients. Their safety became controversial in the early 1980's after reports of aluminium related neurological and bone disease began to appear. Available historical evidence however, suggests that neurological toxicity may have primarily been caused by excessive exposure to aluminium in dialysis fluid, rather than aluminium-containing oral phosphate binders. Limited evidence suggests that aluminium bone disease may also be on the decline in the era of aluminium removal from dialysis fluid, even with continued use of aluminium binders

    Conditional Genetic Elimination of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Mice Compromises Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

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    Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) has been shown to be indispensable for liver regeneration because it serves as a main mitogenic stimulus driving hepatocytes toward proliferation. We hypothesized that ablating HGF in adult mice would have a negative effect on the ability of hepatocytes to regenerate. Deletion of the HGF gene was achieved by inducing systemic recombination in mice lacking exon 5 of HGF and carrying the Mx1-cre or Cre-ERT transgene. Analysis of liver genomic DNA from animals 10 days after treatment showed that a majority (70-80%) of alleles underwent cre-induced genetic recombination. Intriguingly, however, analysis by RT-PCR showed the continued presence of both unrecombined and recombined forms of HGF mRNA after treatment. Separation of liver cell populations into hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells showed equal recombination of genomic HGF in both cell types. The presence of the unrecombined form of HGF mRNA persisted in the liver in significant amounts even after partial hepatectomy (PH), which correlated with insignificant changes in HGF protein and hepatocyte proliferation. The amount of HGF produced by stellate cells in culture was indirectly proportional to the concentration of HGF, suggesting that a decrease in HGF may induce de novo synthesis of HGF from cells with residual unrecombined alleles. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced regeneration resulted in a substantial decrease in preexisting HGF mRNA and protein, and subsequent PH led to a delayed regenerative response. Thus, HGF mRNA persists in the liver even after genetic recombination affecting most cells; however, PH subsequent to CCl4 treatment is associated with a decrease in both HGF mRNA and protein and results in compromised liver regeneration, validating an important role of this mitogen in hepatic growth. © 2013 Nejak-Bowen et al

    Physicians' use of the 5As in counseling obese patients: is the quality of counseling associated with patients' motivation and intention to lose weight?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physicians are encouraged to counsel obese patients to lose weight, but studies measuring the quality of physicians' counseling are rare. We sought to describe the quality of physicians' obesity counseling and to determine associations between the quality of counseling and obese patients' motivation and intentions to lose weight, key predictors of behavior change.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted post-visit surveys with obese patients to assess physician's use of 5As counseling techniques and the overall patient-centeredness of the physician.. Patients also reported on their motivation to lose weight and their intentions to eat healthier and exercise. One-way ANOVAs were used to describe mean differences in number of counseling practices across levels of self-rated intention and motivation. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess associations between number of 5As counseling practices used and patient intention and motivation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>137 patients of 23 physicians were included in the analysis. While 85% of the patients were counseled about obesity, physicians used only a mean of 5.3 (SD = 4.6) of 18 possible 5As counseling practices. Patients with higher levels of motivation and intentions reported receiving more 5As counseling techniques than those with lower levels. Each additional counseling practice was associated with higher odds of being motivated to lose weight (OR 1.31, CI 1.11-1.55), intending to eat better (OR 1.23, CI 1.06-1.44), and intending to exercise regularly (OR 1.14, CI 1.00-1.31). Patient centeredness of the physician was also positively associated with intentions to eat better (OR 2.96, CI 1.03-8.47) and exercise (OR 26.07, CI 3.70-83.93).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Quality of physician counseling (as measured using the 5As counseling framework and patient-centeredness scales) was associated with motivation to lose weight and intentions to change behavior. Future studies should determine whether higher quality obesity counseling leads to improved behavioral and weight outcomes.</p

    Tension, Free Space, and Cell Damage in a Microfluidic Wound Healing Assay

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    We use a novel, microfluidics-based technique to deconstruct the classical wound healing scratch assay, decoupling the contribution of free space and cell damage on the migratory dynamics of an epithelial sheet. This method utilizes multiple laminar flows to selectively cleave cells enzymatically, and allows us to present a 'damage free' denudation. We therefore isolate the influence of free space on the onset of sheet migration. First, we observe denudation directly to measure the retraction in the cell sheet that occurs after cell-cell contact is broken, providing direct and quantitative evidence of strong tension within the sheet. We further probe the mechanical integrity of the sheet without denudation, instead using laminar flows to selectively inactivate actomyosin contractility. In both cases, retraction is observed over many cell diameters. We then extend this method and complement the enzymatic denudation with analogies to wounding, including gradients in signals associated with cell damage, such as reactive oxygen species, suspected to play a role in the induction of movement after wounding. These chemical factors are evaluated in combination with the enzymatic cleavage of cells, and are assessed for their influence on the collective migration of a non-abrasively denuded epithelial sheet. We conclude that free space alone is sufficient to induce movement, but this movement is predominantly limited to the leading edge, leaving cells further from the edge less able to move towards the wound. Surprisingly, when coupled with a gradient in ROS to simulate the chemical effects of abrasion however, motility was not restored, but further inhibited.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Presidential FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (U.S.). Biotechnology Training FellowshipSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Biotechnology Training GrantMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Open-source Funding