205 research outputs found

    Anthologie d'écrits de compositeurs extraits de recueils de motets, de messes et de livres d'orgue parus en France (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles): Textes rassemblés par Nathalie Berton-Blivet et Marie Demeilliez

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    Nous présentons ici une anthologie de textes liminaires, rédigés par les compositeurs ou leurs éditeurs, relatifs aux pratiques des musiques d'Église et à leur cadre liturgique. Ce corpus comporte des textes ou extraits de textes issus de recueils imprimés de motets, messes et livres d'orgue des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.This article presents an anthology of texts written by composers or their publishers on the practices of church music and their liturgical setting. This corpus includes texts or excerpts from printed collections of motets, masses and organ of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries books.Nous présentons ici une anthologie de textes liminaires, rédigés par les compositeurs ou leurs éditeurs, relatifs aux pratiques des musiques d'Église et à leur cadre liturgique. Ce corpus comporte des textes ou extraits de textes issus de recueils imprimés de motets, messes et livres d'orgue des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

    Large Retaining Structures Reinforced by Geosynthetics: French Case Histories

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    French experience in earth embankments reinforced by geosynthetics dates back more than 25 years. This technique was developed on the basis of reference structures fitted with instruments to monitor their behaviour. Three of the largest structures built have been chosen in this paper as they are typical of the different construction technologies used in France

    Anthologie d'écrits de compositeurs extraits de recueils de motets, de messes et de livres d'orgue parus en France (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles): Textes rassemblés par Nathalie Berton-Blivet et Marie Demeilliez

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    Nous présentons ici une anthologie de textes liminaires, rédigés par les compositeurs ou leurs éditeurs, relatifs aux pratiques des musiques d'Église et à leur cadre liturgique. Ce corpus comporte des textes ou extraits de textes issus de recueils imprimés de motets, messes et livres d'orgue des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.This article presents an anthology of texts written by composers or their publishers on the practices of church music and their liturgical setting. This corpus includes texts or excerpts from printed collections of motets, masses and organ of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries books.Nous présentons ici une anthologie de textes liminaires, rédigés par les compositeurs ou leurs éditeurs, relatifs aux pratiques des musiques d'Église et à leur cadre liturgique. Ce corpus comporte des textes ou extraits de textes issus de recueils imprimés de motets, messes et livres d'orgue des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

    Development of a TE011 Cavity for Thin-Films Study

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    Bulk niobium cavities have almost reached their maximum performances. Maximum accelerating gradient field is above 35-40 MV/m for a multi-cells cavity at 1.8 Kelvin and it achieves 25-30 MV/m with high reliability. The question of increasing the accelerating gradient in a significant way is running regarding the huge amount of units required for new projects (16000 units for ILC). A promising solution is to use thin films of new materials deposited on copper or niobium. In order to investigate the behaviour of these materials for the accelerating cavities, we have developed a dedicated setup based on thermometric method and a TE011 cavity. We present here the design study of the setup and the expected sensitivity of the method for the surface measurement of materials properties under RF fields

    Radiation Hardness Tests Of Piezoelectric Actuators With Fast Neutrons At Liquid Helium Temperature

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    Piezoelectric actuators, which are integrated into the cold tuning system and used to compensate the small mechanical deformations of the cavity wall induced by Lorentz forces due to the high electromagnetic surface field, may be located in the radiation environment during particle accelerator operation. In order to provide for a reliable operation of the accelerator, the performance and life time of piezoelectric actuators (~24.000 units for ILC) should not show any significant degradation for long periods (i.e. machine life duration: ~20 years), even when subjected to intense radiation (i.e. gamma rays and fast neutrons). An experimental program, aimed at investigating the effect of fast neutrons radiation on the characteristics of piezoelectric actuators at liquid helium temperature (i.e. T~4.2 K), was proposed for the working package WP#8 devoted to tuners development in the frame of CARE project. A neutrons irradiation facility, already installed at the CERI cyclotron located at Orléans (France), was upgraded and adapted for actuators irradiations tests purpose. A deuterons beam (maximum energy and beam current: 25 MeV and 35µA) collides with a thin (thickness: 3 mm) beryllium target producing a high neutrons flux with low gamma dose (~20%): a neutrons fluence of more than 1014 n/cm2 is achieved in ~20 hours of exposure. A dedicated cryostat was developed at IPN Orsay and used previously for radiation hardness test of calibrated cryogenic thermometers and pressure transducers used in LHC superconducting magnets. This cryostat could be operated either with liquid helium or liquid argon. This irradiation facility was upgraded for allowing fast turn-over of experiments and a dedicated experimental set-up was designed, fabricated, installed at CERI and successfully operated for radiation hardness tests of several piezoelectric actuators at T~4.2 K. This new apparatus allows on-line automatic measurements of actuators characteristics and the cryogenic parameters. Further, the test-cell and actuators are equipped with high purity Ni foils for measuring the total neutrons dose by an activation method. In this report, the details of the irradiation test facility will be described then the experimental data will be analyzed and discussed

    Electromechanical, Thermal Properties And Radiation Hardness Tests Of Piezoelectric Actuators At Low Temperature

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    IPN Orsay participates, in the frame of the CARE project activities supported by EU, to the development of a fast cold tuning system for SRF cavities. The main task of IPN is the full characterization of piezoelectric actuators at low temperature T, and the study of their behaviour when subjected to fast neutrons radiation at T=4.2 K. In order to compare the performance of various industrial piezoelectric actuators, a new apparatus was developed and successfully used for measuring their electromechanical and thermal properties for T in the range 1.8 K-300 K. Different parameters were investigated as function of T: piezoelectric constant, dielectric and thermal properties including heating ΔT due to dielectric losses vs. modulating voltage Vmod and frequency f. We observed a decrease of the maximum displacement ΔX of the actuators tested from ΔX ~40μm @ 300K down to 1.8μm-3.5 μm @ 1.8K, depending on both material and fabrication process of the piezostacks. Besides, both material and fabrication process have a strong influence on the shape of the characteristics ΔX vs. T dependence. Finally a dedicated facility located at CERI institute (Orléans, France) for radiation hardness tests of actuators with fast neutrons at T=4.2 K was developed and the first beam tests results are summarized

    High intensity linac driver for the SPIRAL-2 project : Design of superconducting 88 MHz quarter wave resonators (beta 0.12), power couplers and cryomodules

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    ACCInternational audienceA Superconducting Linac Driver, delivering deuterons with energy up to 40 MeV (5 mA) and heavy ions with energy of 14.5 MeV/u (1 mA ), is proposed for the Spiral-2 radioactive beams facility. For the high energy section of the linac, a superconducting 88 MHz Quarter Wave Resonator (beta 0.12) has been designed and the optimisation of RF and mechanical performances will be presented. Based on the present state-of-art of the Superconducting RF technology, maximum electric surface field of 40 MV/m and magnetic surface field of 80 mT, have been adopted which should allow to reach an accelerating field of 7 MV/m (energy gain 3 MeV per resonator). A first complete prototype is under construction. The high intensity deuteron beam specifications have imposed the design of an original power coupler (maximum power 20 KW). The RF, mechanical, and thermal characteristics will be presented. The design of the cryomodule for this high energy section, integrating two QWR with its associated equipments (couplers, tuners, helium tanks), will be presented
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