161 research outputs found

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and homocysteine levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid

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    Background: There is evidence that homocysteine contributes to various neurodegenerative disorders. Objective: To assess the values of homocysteine in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in both cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma. Methods: Study design: Case control study. Total homocysteine was quantified in CSF and plasma samples of CJD patients (n = 13) and healthy controls (n = 13). Results: Mean values in healthy controls: 0.15 mumol/l +/- 0.07 (CSF) and 9.10 mumol/l +/- 2.99 (plasma); mean values in CJD patients: 0.13 mumol/l +/- 0.03 (CSF) and 9.22 mumol/l +/- 1.81 (plasma). No significant differences between CJD patients and controls were observed (Mann-Whitney U, p > 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that the CSF and plasma of CJD patients showed no higher endogenous levels of homocysteine as compared to normal healthy controls. These findings provide no evidence for an additional role of homocysteine in the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying CJD neurodegeneration. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The effect of multisensory semantic congruency on unisensory object recognition in schizophrenia

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    Multisensory, as opposed to unisensory processing of stimuli, has been found to enhance the performance (e.g., reaction time, accuracy, and discrimination) of healthy individuals across various tasks. However, this enhancement is not as pronounced in patients with schizophrenia (SZ), indicating impaired multisensory integration (MSI) in these individuals. To the best of our knowledge, no study has yet investigated the impact of MSI deficits in the context of working memory, a domain highly reliant on multisensory processing and substantially impaired in schizophrenia. To address this research gap, we employed two adopted versions of the continuous object recognition task to investigate the effect of single-trail multisensory encoding on subsequent object recognition in 21 schizophrenia patients and 21 healthy controls (HC). Participants were tasked with discriminating between initial and repeated presentations. For the initial presentations, half of the stimuli were audiovisual pairings, while the other half were presented unimodal. The task-relevant stimuli were then presented a second time in a unisensory manner (either auditory stimuli in the auditory task or visual stimuli in the visual task). To explore the impact of semantic context on multisensory encoding, half of the audiovisual pairings were selected to be semantically congruent, while the remaining pairs were not semantically related to each other. Consistent with prior studies, our findings demonstrated that the impact of single-trial multisensory presentation during encoding remains discernible during subsequent object recognition. This influence could be distinguished based on the semantic congruity between the auditory and visual stimuli presented during the encoding. This effect was more robust in the auditory task. In the auditory task, when congruent multisensory pairings were encoded, both participant groups demonstrated a multisensory facilitation effect. This effect resulted in improved accuracy and RT performance. Regarding incongruent audiovisual encoding, as expected, HC did not demonstrate an evident multisensory facilitation effect on memory performance. In contrast, SZs exhibited an atypically accelerated reaction time during the subsequent auditory object recognition. Based on the predictive coding model we propose that this observed deviations indicate a reduced semantic modulatory effect and anomalous predictive errors signaling, particularly in the context of conflicting cross-modal sensory inputs in SZ

    Serum level of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase in children with ADHD

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to analyze the extracellularly acting semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) serum levels in children with ADHD for the first time. SSAO is known to show deviations from normal in various somatic disorders and to interplay with the intracellularly active MAO. In humans two forms of SSAO a circulating form in plasma and a membrane-bound form are involved in monoaminergic metabolism. METHODS: We analyzed serum levels of SSAO in 27 children meeting ICD-10 criteria of Hyperkinetic Disorder (F90) or DSM-IV criteria of ADHD combined type by HPLC method and fluorimetric detection. A group of 42 healthy volunteers within the same age range (7.0 – 14.0 years) served as controls. RESULTS: No significant differences between children with ADHD (SSAO activity M = 773, SD = 217 mU/l) and healthy controls (SSAO activity M = 775, SD = 256 mU/l) in SSAO serum levels were found (F = 2.18; p > 0.14). Further, stimulant medication status had no influence on the result (F = 2.52; p > 0.11). CONCLUSION: There is no evidence for a deviation of SSAO serum activity in ADHD. Hence, extracellularly acting SSAO does not seem to be a promising factor for further research in ADHD. But progress in knowledge of its physiologic role and of the relationship between the membrane-bound and the circulating serum form may open new avenues for research on SSAO in ADHD

    Pharmacotherapy of 1,044 inpatients with posttraumatic stress disorder: current status and trends in German-speaking countries

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder with limited approved pharmacological treatment options and high symptom burden. Therefore, real-life prescription patterns may differ from guideline recommendations, especially in psychiatric inpatient settings. The European Drug Safety Program in Psychiatry (“Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie”, AMSP) collects inpatients’ prescription rates cross-sectionally twice a year in German-speaking psychiatric hospitals. For this study, the AMSP database was screened for psychiatric inpatients with a primary diagnosis of PTSD between 2001 and 2017. N = 1,044 patients with a primary diagnosis of PTSD were identified with 89.9% taking psychotropics. The average prescription rate was 2.4 (standard deviation: 1.5) psychotropics per patient with high rates of antidepressant drugs (72.0%), antipsychotics drugs (58.4%) and tranquilizing drugs (29.3%). The presence of psychiatric comorbidities was associated with higher rates of psychotropic drug use. The most often prescribed substances were quetiapine (24.1% of all patients), lorazepam (18.1%) and mirtazapine (15.0%). The use of drugs approved for PTSD was low (sertraline 11.1%; paroxetine 3.7%). Prescription rates of second-generation antipsychotic drugs increased, while the use of tranquilizing drugs declined over the years. High prescription rates and extensive use of sedative medication suggest a symptom-driven prescription (e.g., hyperarousal, insomnia) that can only be explained to a minor extent by existing comorbidities. The observed discrepancy with existing guidelines underlines the need for effective pharmacological and psychological treatment options in psychiatric inpatient settings

    Alcohol consumption and binge drinking in adolescents: comparison of different migration backgrounds and rural vs. urban residence - a representative study

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    Background Binge drinking is a constant problem behavior in adolescents across Europe. Epidemiological investigations have been reported. However, epidemiological data on alcohol consumption of adolescents with different migration backgrounds are rare. Furthermore representative data on rural-urban comparison concerning alcohol consumption and binge drinking are lacking. The aims of the study are the investigation of alcohol consumption patterns with respect to a) urban-rural differences and b) differences according to migration background. Methods In the years 2007/2008, a representative written survey of N = 44,610 students in the 9th. grade of different school types in Germany was carried out (net sample). The return rate of questionnaires was 88% regarding all students whose teachers respectively school directors had agreed to participate in the study. Weighting factors were specified and used to make up for regional and school-type specific differences in return rates. 27.4% of the adolescents surveyed have a migration background, whereby the Turkish culture is the largest group followed by adolescents who emigrated from former Soviet Union states. The sample includes seven large cities (over 500,000 inhabitants) (12.2%), independent smaller cities ("urban districts") (19.0%) and rural areas ("rural districts") (68.8%). Results Life-time prevalence for alcohol consumption differs significantly between rural (93.7%) and urban areas (86.6% large cities; 89.1% smaller cities) with a higher prevalence in rural areas. The same accounts for 12-month prevalence for alcohol consumption. 57.3% of the rural, re-spectively 45.9% of the urban adolescents engaged in binge drinking in the 4 weeks prior to the survey. Students with migration background of the former Soviet Union showed mainly drinking behavior similar to that of German adolescents. Adolescents with Turkish roots had engaged in binge drinking in the last four weeks less frequently than adolescents of German descent (23.6% vs. 57.4%). However, in those adolescents who consumed alcohol in the last 4 weeks, binge drinking is very prominent across the cultural backgrounds. Conclusions Binge drinking is a common problem behavior in German adolescents. Obviously adolescents with rural residence have fewer alternatives for engaging in interesting leisure activities than adolescents living in cities. This might be one reason for the more problematic consumption patterns there. Common expectations concerning drinking behavior of adolescents of certain cultural backgrounds ('migrants with Russian background drink more'/'migrants from Arabic respectively Oriental-Islamic countries drink less') are only partly affirmed. Possibly, the degree of acculturation to the permissive German alcohol culture plays a role here

    Cognitive control in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: a study with event-related potentials

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    IntroductionLittle is known about cognitive control in adults with high-functioning forms of autism spectrum disorder because previous research focused on children and adolescents. Cognitive control is crucial to monitor and readjust behavior after errors to select contextually appropriate reactions. The congruency effect and conflict adaptation are measures of cognitive control. Post-error slowing, error-related negativity and error positivity provide insight into behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of error processing. In children and adolescent with autism spectrum disorder deficits in cognitive control and error processing have been shown by changes in post-error slowing, error-related negativity and error positivity in the flanker task.MethodsWe performed a modified Eriksen flanker task in 17 adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder and 17 healthy controls. As behavioral measures of cognitive control and error processing, we included reaction times and error rates to calculate congruency effects, conflict adaptation, and post-error slowing. Event-related potentials namely error-related negativity and error positivity were measured to assess error-related brain activity.ResultsBoth groups of participants showed the expected congruency effects demonstrated by faster and more accurate responses in congruent compared to incongruent trials. Healthy controls exhibited conflict adaptation as they obtained performance benefits after incongruent trials whereas patients with autism spectrum disorder did not. The expected slowing in reaction times after errors was observed in both groups of participants. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder demonstrated enhanced electrophysiological error-processing compared to healthy controls indicated by increased error-related negativity and error positivity difference amplitudes.DiscussionOur findings show that adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder do not show the expected upregulation of cognitive control in response to conflicts. This finding implies that previous experiences may have a reduced influence on current behavior in these patients which possibly contributes to less flexible behavior. Nevertheless, we observed intact behavioral reactions after errors indicating that adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder can flexibly adjust behavior in response to changed environmental demands when necessary. The enhancement of electrophysiological error-processing indicates that adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder demonstrate an extraordinary reactivity toward errors reflecting increased performance monitoring in this subpopulation of autism spectrum disorder patients

    Genetic association of apolipoprotein E with optic disc size

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    INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this clinical non-interventional cross-sectional study was to evaluate the role of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene alleles (e2, e3, e4) in the determination of optic disc size. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In 32 normal controls, 54 patients with ocular hypertension (OHT), and 96 patients with primary open-angle the optic disc size was determined by planimetry using 15° colour stereo photographs. In all individuals ApoE genotyping was performed. RESULTS. The size of the optic disc was significantly different between subjects with e3e2, e3e3, and e4e3 allele (Kruskal-Wallis-test, Chi-Square: 6.95, p = 0.031; 2.39, 2.77, and 2.78 mm2, respectively). CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that ApoE gene alleles are associated with optic disc size. ApoE may act as a modulator gene for optic disc morphogenesis

    Characteristics of clinical-pharmacological recommendations in psychiatry.

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    OBJECTIVE Psychiatric patients in general, and elderly psychiatric patients in particular, are at risk of adverse drug reactions due to comorbidities and inappropriate polypharmacy. Interdisciplinary and clinical-pharmacologist-led medication reviews may contribute to medication safety in the field of psychiatry. In this study, we reported the frequency and characteristics of clinical-pharmacological recommendations in psychiatry, with a particular focus on geriatric psychiatry. METHOD A clinical pharmacologist, in collaboration with the attending psychiatrists and a consulting neurologist, conducted interdisciplinary medication reviews in a general psychiatric ward with a geropsychiatric focus at a university hospital over a 25-week period. All clinical and pharmacological recommendations were recorded and evaluated. RESULTS A total of 316 recommendations were made during 374 medication reviews. Indications/contraindications of drugs were the most frequently discussed topics (59/316; 18.7 %), followed by dose reductions (37/316; 11.7 %), and temporary or permanent discontinuation of medications (36/316; 11.4 %). The most frequent recommendations for dose reduction involvedbenzodiazepines (9/37; 24.3 %). An unclear or absent indication was the most common reason for recommending temporary or permanent discontinuation of the medication (6/36; 16.7 %). CONCLUSION Interdisciplinary clinical pharmacologist-led medication reviews represented a valuable contribution to medication management in psychiatric patients, particularly the elderly ones

    CD14 and ALPK1 Affect Expression of Tight Junction Components and Proinflammatory Mediators upon Bacterial Stimulation in a Colonic 3D Organoid Model

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    Cd14 and Alpk1 both encode pathogen recognition receptors and are known candidate genes for affecting severity in inflammatory bowel diseases. CD14 acts as a coreceptor for bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), while ALPK1 senses ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose, a metabolic intermediate of LPS biosynthesis. Intestinal barrier integrity can be influenced by CD14, whereas to date, the role of ALPK1 in maintaining barrier function remains unknown. We used colon-derived 3D organoids, first characterised for growth, proliferation, stem cell markers, and expression of tight junction (TJ) components using qPCR and immunohistochemistry. They showed characteristic crypt stem cells, apical shedding of dead cells, and TJ formation. Afterwards, organoids of different genotypes (WT, Il10-/-, Cd14-/-, and Alpk1-/-) were then stimulated with either LPS or Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN). Gene expression and protein levels of cytokines and TJ components were analysed. WT organoids increased expression of Tnfα and tight junction components. Cd14-/- organoids expressed significantly less Tnfα and Ocln after LPS stimulation than WT organoids but reacted similarly to WT organoids after EcN stimulation. In contrast, compared to WT, Alpk1-/- organoids showed decreased expression of different TJ and cytokine genes in response to EcN but not LPS. However, Western blotting revealed an effect of ALPK1 on TJ protein levels. These findings demonstrate that Cd14, but not Alpk1, alters the response to LPS stimulation in colonic epithelial cells, whereas Alpk1 is involved in the response upon bacterial challenge. © 2020 Pascal Brooks et al
