223 research outputs found

    Exact solution of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary condition. Critical line between ferroelectric and disordered phases

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    This is a continuation of the papers [4] of Bleher and Fokin and [5] of Bleher and Liechty, in which the large nn asymptotics is obtained for the partition function ZnZ_n of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions in the disordered and ferroelectric phases, respectively. In the present paper we obtain the large nn asymptotics of ZnZ_n on the critical line between these two phases.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    The Julia sets and complex singularities in hierarchical Ising models

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    We study the analytical continuation in the complex plane of free energy of the Ising model on diamond-like hierarchical lattices. It is known that the singularities of free energy of this model lie on the Julia set of some rational endomorphism ff related to the action of the Migdal-Kadanoff renorm-group. We study the asymptotics of free energy when temperature goes along hyperbolic geodesics to the boundary of an attractive basin of ff. We prove that for almost all (with respect to the harmonic measure) geodesics the complex critical exponent is common, and compute it

    Domino tilings and the six-vertex model at its free fermion point

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    At the free-fermion point, the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions (DWBC) can be related to the Aztec diamond, a domino tiling problem. We study the mapping on the level of complete statistics for general domains and boundary conditions. This is obtained by associating to both models a set of non-intersecting lines in the Lindstroem-Gessel-Viennot (LGV) scheme. One of the consequence for DWBC is that the boundaries of the ordered phases are described by the Airy process in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus

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    We study the spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus, which are ergodic but not mixing for irrational parameters. It is shown explicitly that in this case the level--spacing distribution and other common spectral statistics, like the number variance, do not exist in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 7 pages. One figure, include

    Locally Perturbed Random Walks with Unbounded Jumps

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    In \cite{SzT}, D. Sz\'asz and A. Telcs have shown that for the diffusively scaled, simple symmetric random walk, weak convergence to the Brownian motion holds even in the case of local impurities if d2d \ge 2. The extension of their result to finite range random walks is straightforward. Here, however, we are interested in the situation when the random walk has unbounded range. Concretely we generalize the statement of \cite{SzT} to unbounded random walks whose jump distribution belongs to the domain of attraction of the normal law. We do this first: for diffusively scaled random walks on Zd\mathbf Z^d (d2)(d \ge 2) having finite variance; and second: for random walks with distribution belonging to the non-normal domain of attraction of the normal law. This result can be applied to random walks with tail behavior analogous to that of the infinite horizon Lorentz-process; these, in particular, have infinite variance, and convergence to Brownian motion holds with the superdiffusive nlogn\sqrt{n \log n} scaling.Comment: 16 page

    Convergence of random zeros on complex manifolds

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    We show that the zeros of random sequences of Gaussian systems of polynomials of increasing degree almost surely converge to the expected limit distribution under very general hypotheses. In particular, the normalized distribution of zeros of systems of m polynomials of degree N, orthonormalized on a regular compact subset K of C^m, almost surely converge to the equilibrium measure on K as the degree N goes to infinity.Comment: 16 page

    Free particle scattering off two oscillating disks

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    We investigate the two-dimensional classical dynamics of the scattering of point particles by two periodically oscillating disks. The dynamics exhibits regular and chaotic scattering properties, as a function of the initial conditions and parameter values of the system. The energy is not conserved since the particles can gain and loose energy from the collisions with the disks. We find that for incident particles whose velocity is on the order of the oscillating disk velocity, the energy of the exiting particles displays non-monotonic gaps of allowed energies, and the distribution of exiting particle velocities shows significant fluctuations in the low energy regime. We also considered the case when the initial velocity distribution is Gaussian, and found that for high energies the exit velocity distribution is Gaussian with the same mean and variance. When the initial particle velocities are in the irregular regime the exit velocity distribution is Gaussian but with a smaller mean and variance. The latter result can be understood as an example of stochastic cooling. In the intermediate regime the exit velocity distribution differs significantly from Gaussian. A comparison of the results presented in this paper to previous chaotic static scattering problems is also discussed.Comment: 9 doble sided pages 13 Postscript figures, REVTEX style. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nearest Neighbor Distances on a Circle: Multidimensional Case

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    We study the distances, called spacings, between pairs of neighboring energy levels for the quantum harmonic oscillator. Specifically, we consider all energy levels falling between E and E+1, and study how the spacings between these levels change for various choices of E, particularly when E goes to infinity. Primarily, we study the case in which the spring constant is a badly approximable vector. We first give the proof by Boshernitzan-Dyson that the number of distinct spacings has a uniform bound independent of E. Then, if the spring constant has components forming a basis of an algebraic number field, we show that, when normalized up to a unit, the spacings are from a finite set. Moreover, in the specific case that the field has one fundamental unit, the probability distribution of these spacings behaves quasiperiodically in log E. We conclude by studying the spacings in the case that the spring constant is not badly approximable, providing examples for which the number of distinct spacings is unbounded.Comment: Version 2 is updated to include more discussion of previous works. 17 pages with five figures. To appear in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian power series: a conformally invariant determinantal process

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    Consider the zero set of the random power series f(z)=sum a_n z^n with i.i.d. complex Gaussian coefficients a_n. We show that these zeros form a determinantal process: more precisely, their joint intensity can be written as a minor of the Bergman kernel. We show that the number of zeros of f in a disk of radius r about the origin has the same distribution as the sum of independent {0,1}-valued random variables X_k, where P(X_k=1)=r^{2k}. Moreover, the set of absolute values of the zeros of f has the same distribution as the set {U_k^{1/2k}} where the U_k are i.i.d. random variables uniform in [0,1]. The repulsion between zeros can be studied via a dynamic version where the coefficients perform Brownian motion; we show that this dynamics is conformally invariant.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, updated proof

    Multiplying unitary random matrices - universality and spectral properties

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    In this paper we calculate, in the large N limit, the eigenvalue density of an infinite product of random unitary matrices, each of them generated by a random hermitian matrix. This is equivalent to solving unitary diffusion generated by a hamiltonian random in time. We find that the result is universal and depends only on the second moment of the generator of the stochastic evolution. We find indications of critical behavior (eigenvalue spacing scaling like 1/N3/41/N^{3/4}) close to θ=π\theta=\pi for a specific critical evolution time tct_c.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure