14 research outputs found

    Efficacy of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 1% spot-on formulation (Advocate®) in the prevention and treatment of feline aelurostrongylosis

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    Background: In three randomized, controlled laboratory efficacy studies, the efficacy in the prevention of patent infections of a topical combination of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 1% (Advocate® spot-on formulation for cats, Bayer Animal Health GmbH) against larval stages and immature adults of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, as well as the treatment efficacy of a single or three monthly treatments against adult A. abstrusus, were evaluated. Methods: Cats were experimentally inoculated with 300–800 third-stage larvae (L3). Each group comprised 8 animals and the treatment dose was 10 mg/kg bodyweight (bw) imidacloprid and 1 mg/kg bw moxidectin in each study. Prevention of the establishment of patent infections was evaluated by two treatments at a monthly interval at three different time points before and after challenge infection. Curative efficacy was tested by one or three treatments after the onset of patency. Worm counts at necropsy were used for efficacy calculations. Results: In Study 1, the control group had a geometric mean (GM) of 28.8 adult nematodes and the single treatment group had a GM of 3.4 (efficacy 88.3%). In Study 2, the control group had a GM of 14.3, the prevention group had a GM of 0 (efficacy 100%), while the treatment group had a GM of 0.1 (efficacy 99.4%). In Study 3, the GM worm burden in the control group was 32.6 compared to 0 in all three prevention groups (efficacy 100% for all of those groups). Conclusions: The monthly administration of Advocate® reliably eliminated early larval stages and thereby prevented lung damage from and patent infections with A. abstrusus in cats. Regarding treatment, a single application of Advocate® reduced the worm burden, but it did not sufficiently clear the infection. In contrast, three monthly treatments were safe and highly efficacious against A. abstrusus

    Plasma pharmacokinetics of tigolaner, emodepside, and praziquantel following topical administration of a combination product (Felpreva®) and of intravenous administration of the individual active ingredients in cats

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    Felpreva® for cats contains the new acaricidal/insecticidal active ingredient tigolaner in a fixed combination with the nematocidal and cestocidal compounds emodepside and praziquantel, respectively. The plasma pharmacokinetics of tigolaner, emodepside, and praziquantel were evaluated in clinically healthy cats following topical (spot-on) treatment as fixed combination Felpreva®. For the determination of bioavailability intravenous administration of single active ingredients was also performed. After a single topical administration of Felpreva® using the target dose volume of 0.148 ​ml/kg to cats, tigolaner reached mean peak concentrations of 1352 ​μg/l with a Tmax of 12 days and a mean half-life of 24 days. Simulation of repetitive topical administration every 91 days indicates only a low risk of accumulation after reaching steady state within two to three administrations. The volume of distribution calculated after intravenous dosing was 4 ​l/kg and plasma clearance was low with 0.005 ​l/h/kg. Overall plasma exposure was 1566 ​mg∗h/l after topical administration, providing an absolute bioavailability of 57%. Tigolaner was mainly cleared via the faeces (54% within 28 days), renal clearance was neglectable (< 0.5% within 28 days). Emodepside and praziquantel showed mean peak concentrations of 44 ​μg/l and 48 ​μg/l (reached after 1.5 days and 5 ​h, respectively). Overall plasma exposures were 20.6 and 3.69 ​mg∗h/l, respectively. The elimination half-life was 14.5 days for emodepside and 10 days for praziquantel after topical administration. After topical administration of Felpreva® using 2.5× and 5× dose multiples an almost proportional increase of plasma exposure was observed for all three active ingredients. With the addition of tigolaner, Felpreva® combines the established pharmacokinetic (PK) characteristics of emodepside and praziquantel contained in Profender® spot-on for cats with the favourable PK of tigolaner suitable for a 3-months protection against fleas and ticks

    Efficacy of a spot-on combination containing 10% w/v imidacloprid and 1% w/v moxidectin for the treatment of troglostrongylosis in experimentally infected cats

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    Parasitic bronchopneumonia in domestic cats in Europe, which can manifest with moderate to severe clinical signs, is frequently caused by Troglostrongylus brevior. Data on epizootiological and clinical relevance of cat troglostrongylosis have been published in the last decade but treatment options are still limited. Promising effectiveness data have been generated from clinical cases and field trials for a spot-on formulation containing 1% w/v moxidectin and 10% w/v imidacloprid (Advocate®, Elanco Animal Health). Therefore, two studies have been conducted to confirm under experimental conditions the efficacy of moxidectin 1% contained in Advocate® for the treatment of cat troglostrongylosis

    A 10-year surveillance of Rickettsiales (Rickettsia spp. and Anaplasma phagocytophilum) in the city of Hanover, Germany, reveals Rickettsia spp. as emerging pathogens in ticks

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    Abstract Background Rickettsiales (Rickettsia spp. and Anaplasma phagocytophilum) transmitted by ticks are considered (re-)emerging pathogens posing a risk to public health. Nevertheless, year-long monitoring studies on prevalences of these pathogens in questing ticks to contribute to public health risk assessment are rare. Methods The current study extends previous prevalence surveillances (2005 and 2010) by 2015 to a 10-year monitoring. Therefore, 2100 questing Ixodes ricinus were collected from April to October 2015 at ten different recreation sites in the city of Hanover, Germany, to determine potential changes in tick infection rates with Rickettsiales. Results Of the collected ticks, 288 were adult females, 285 adult males and 1527 nymphs. Overall, 3.8% (79/2100) of ticks were infected with A. phagocytophilum, 50.8% (1066/2100) with Rickettsia spp. and 2.2% (46/2100) with both pathogens. Statistical analyses revealed stagnating A. phagocytophilum infection rates over the 10-year monitoring period, whereas Rickettsia infections increased significantly (33.3% in 2005 and 26.2% in 2010 vs 50.8% in 2015). This increase was also characterized by prominent seasonality with higher prevalences from July to October. Conclusions As increased tick infection rates result in an increased risk for public health, the long-term data reported here provide significant implications for the understanding of progressing Rickettsiales distribution in ticks and essentially contribute to reliable public health risk assessments

    Shifts in Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) geno-species infections in Ixodes ricinus over a 10-year surveillance period in the city of Hanover (Germany) and Borrelia miyamotoi-specific Reverse Line Blot detection

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    Abstract Background Lyme borreliosis caused by spirochetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato) complex is still the most common tick-borne disease in Europe, posing a considerable threat to public health. The predominant vector in Europe is the widespread hard tick Ixodes ricinus, which also transmits the relapsing fever spirochete B. miyamotoi as well as pathogenic Rickettsiales (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia spp.). To assess the public health risk, a long-term monitoring of tick infection rates with the named pathogens is indispensable. Methods The present study is the first German 10-year follow-up monitoring of tick infections with Borrelia spp. and co-infections with Rickettsiales. Furthermore, a specific Reverse Line Blot (RLB) protocol for detection of B. miyamotoi and simultaneous differentiation of B. burgdorferi (s.l.) geno-species was established. Results Overall, 24.0% (505/2100) of ticks collected in the city of Hanover were infected with Borrelia. In detail, 35.4% (203/573) of adult ticks [38.5% females (111/288) and 32.3% males (92/285)] and 19.8% nymphs (302/1527) were infected, representing consistent infection rates over the 10-year monitoring period. Geno-species differentiation using RLB determined B. miyamotoi in 8.9% (45/505) of positive ticks. Furthermore, a significant decrease in B. afzelii and B. spielmanii infection rates from 2010 to 2015 was observed. Co-infections with Rickettsia spp. and A. phagocytophilum increased between 2010 and 2015 (7.3 vs 10.9% and 0.3 vs 1.1%, respectively). Conclusions Long-term monitoring is an essential part of public health risk assessment to capture data on pathogen occurrence over time. Such data will reveal shifts in pathogen geno-species distribution and help to answer the question whether or not climate change influences tick-borne pathogens

    Plasma pharmacokinetics of tigolaner, emodepside, and praziquantel following topical administration of a combination product (Felpreva®) and of intravenous administration of the individual active ingredients in cats

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    Felpreva® for cats contains the new acaricidal/insecticidal active ingredient tigolaner in a fixed combination with the nematocidal and cestocidal compounds emodepside and praziquantel, respectively. The plasma pharmacokinetics of tigolaner, emodepside, and praziquantel were evaluated in clinically healthy cats following topical (spot-on) treatment as fixed combination Felpreva®. For the determination of bioavailability intravenous administration of single active ingredients was also performed. After a single topical administration of Felpreva® using the target dose volume of 0.148 ​ml/kg to cats, tigolaner reached mean peak concentrations of 1352 ​μg/l with a Tmax of 12 days and a mean half-life of 24 days. Simulation of repetitive topical administration every 91 days indicates only a low risk of accumulation after reaching steady state within two to three administrations. The volume of distribution calculated after intravenous dosing was 4 ​l/kg and plasma clearance was low with 0.005 ​l/h/kg. Overall plasma exposure was 1566 ​mg∗h/l after topical administration, providing an absolute bioavailability of 57%. Tigolaner was mainly cleared via the faeces (54% within 28 days), renal clearance was neglectable (< 0.5% within 28 days). Emodepside and praziquantel showed mean peak concentrations of 44 ​μg/l and 48 ​μg/l (reached after 1.5 days and 5 ​h, respectively). Overall plasma exposures were 20.6 and 3.69 ​mg∗h/l, respectively. The elimination half-life was 14.5 days for emodepside and 10 days for praziquantel after topical administration. After topical administration of Felpreva® using 2.5× and 5× dose multiples an almost proportional increase of plasma exposure was observed for all three active ingredients. With the addition of tigolaner, Felpreva® combines the established pharmacokinetic (PK) characteristics of emodepside and praziquantel contained in Profender® spot-on for cats with the favourable PK of tigolaner suitable for a 3-months protection against fleas and ticks

    Efficacy and safety of Felpreva®, a spot-on formulation for cats containing emodepside, praziquantel and tigolaner against experimental infestation with the Australian paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus

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    The Australian paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus continues to be a serious threat to companion animals along Australia’s east coast. The tick produces a potent neurotoxin which causes a rapidly ascending flaccid paralysis, which if left untreated, can result in the death of the animal. There is currently only a limited number of products registered in Australia for the treatment and control of paralysis ticks in cats. Felpreva® is an effective spot-on combination containing emodepside, praziquantel and tigolaner. To investigate the therapeutic and long-term persistent efficacy of Felpreva® (2.04% w/v emodepside, 8.14% w/v praziquantel and 9.79% w/v tigolaner) against experimental infestation with I. holocyclus in cats, two studies were undertaken. Fifty cats were included in the studies on study Day -17. These cats were immunized against paralysis tick holocyclotoxin prior to the study commencing. Immunity to holocyclotoxin was confirmed with a tick carrying capacity (TCC) test conducted prior to treatment. Cats were treated once on Day 0. Group 1 cats were treated with the placebo formulation and Group 2 cats were treated with Felpreva®. Cats were infested on Days -14 (tick carrying capacity test), 0, 28, 56, 70, 84 and 91 (weeks 4, 8, 10, 12 and 13). Ticks were counted on cats 24 h, 48 h and 72 ​h post-treatment and infestation, except during the tick carrying capacity test when they were counted approximately 72 ​h post-infestation only. The 24-h and 48-h assessments were conducted without removing the ticks. The ticks were assessed, removed and discarded at the 72-h assessment time-points. Significant differences in total live tick counts at ∼24 h, ∼48 h and ∼72 ​h post-infestation were observed between the treatment and control group. Differences were significant (P ​< ​0.05 to ​< ​0.001) in all instances. Treatment efficacies of 98.1–100% were observed ∼72 ​h post-infestation through to 13 weeks (94 days) post-treatment. These results show that a single application of Felpreva® provides effective treatment and control against induced infestation with paralysis ticks for 13 weeks

    Efficacy of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 1% spot-on formulation (Advocate®) in the prevention and treatment of feline aelurostrongylosis

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    BACKGROUND: In three randomized, controlled laboratory efficacy studies, the efficacy in the prevention of patent infections of a topical combination of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 1% (Advocate® spot-on formulation for cats, Bayer Animal Health GmbH) against larval stages and immature adults of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, as well as the treatment efficacy of a single or three monthly treatments against adult A. abstrusus, were evaluated. METHODS: Cats were experimentally inoculated with 300-800 third-stage larvae (L3). Each group comprised 8 animals and the treatment dose was 10 mg/kg bodyweight (bw) imidacloprid and 1 mg/kg bw moxidectin in each study. Prevention of the establishment of patent infections was evaluated by two treatments at a monthly interval at three different time points before and after challenge infection. Curative efficacy was tested by one or three treatments after the onset of patency. Worm counts at necropsy were used for efficacy calculations. RESULTS: In Study 1, the control group had a geometric mean (GM) of 28.8 adult nematodes and the single treatment group had a GM of 3.4 (efficacy 88.3%). In Study 2, the control group had a GM of 14.3, the prevention group had a GM of 0 (efficacy 100%), while the treatment group had a GM of 0.1 (efficacy 99.4%). In Study 3, the GM worm burden in the control group was 32.6 compared to 0 in all three prevention groups (efficacy 100% for all of those groups). CONCLUSIONS: The monthly administration of Advocate® reliably eliminated early larval stages and thereby prevented lung damage from and patent infections with A. abstrusus in cats. Regarding treatment, a single application of Advocate® reduced the worm burden, but it did not sufficiently clear the infection. In contrast, three monthly treatments were safe and highly efficacious against A. abstrusus

    Field efficacy and safety of Felpreva® (tigolaner, emodepside and praziquantel) spot-on for the treatment of natural ear mite infestations (Otodectes cynotis) and notoedric mange (Notoedres cati) in cats

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    The miticide efficacy of a single treatment with Felpreva® (tigolaner, emodepside and praziquantel) spot-on solution for cats was evaluated in two European field studies. One study was conducted in cats naturally infested with Otodectes cynotis. The other study was conducted in cats naturally infested with Notoedres cati. In both studies, the presence of viable mites was confirmed prior to treatment (Day -1/Day 0) and re-evaluated on Day 14 (O. cynotis study) and on Day 28 (both studies). Efficacy was calculated based on the number of viable mites found after treatment. In the O. cynotis study, the primary criterion was the percentage of mite-free cats after treatment with Felpreva® compared to a sarolaner/selamectin combination (Stronghold® Plus, Zoetis) as a positive control. In the N. cati study, the primary criterion was the difference between arithmetic mean mite counts of cats treated with Felpreva® and cats treated with a placebo formulation (solketal). Secondary criteria in both studies were changes in clinical lesion scores after treatment. In both studies, all Felpreva®-treated cats were mite-free (100% parasitological cure) on Day 28, 4 weeks after treatment. Signs of mange on Day 28 were clinically improved in all O. cynotis-infested cats (100%) and clinically cured in all N. cati-infested cats (100%). There were no records of any adverse events or application site reactions in Felpreva®-treated cats

    Efficacy of two topical combinations containing emodepside plus praziquantel, and emodepside plus praziquantel plus tigolaner, for the treatment of troglostrongylosis in experimentally infected cats

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    : Feline troglostrongylosis caused by Troglostrongylus brevior is increasingly reported in European countries. Although the disease can be severe and potentially life-threatening, especially in kittens and young cats, effective treatment options are still limited. Two administrations of emodepside 2 weeks apart have shown promising results for the treatment of T.&nbsp;brevior infection in single cases and in a field trial. Therefore, the present study has been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of two spot-on combinations containing emodepside (i.e. 2.14% w/v emodepside and 8.58% w/v praziquantel - Profender®, and 2.04% w/v emodepside, 8.14% w/v praziquantel and 9.79% w/v tigolaner - Felpreva®) in the treatment of troglostrongylosis under experimental conditions. Twenty-four cats were experimentally infected with T.&nbsp;brevior and randomly assigned to one of three groups of eight cats each, i.e. (i) Group 1 (G1) left untreated, (ii) Group 2 (G2) receiving Profender® on Days 28 and 44, and (iii) Group 3 (G3) receiving Felpreva® on Day 28 and Profender® on Day 44. Doses corresponded to the minimum effective dose of 0.140 and 0.148&nbsp;ml/kg body weight, for Profender® and Felpreva®, respectively. The primary efficacy criterion was the number of viable adult T.&nbsp;brevior counted at necropsy conducted between Days 69 and 72. The fecal shedding of first-stage larvae (L1) was also assessed. L1 of T.&nbsp;brevior were detected in samples from all cats within 20 days post-infection. At necropsy, 4 of 8 G1 cats harbored adult T.&nbsp;brevior, while no adult T.&nbsp;brevior worms or other development stages were recovered from any of the G2 and G3 cats. The primary efficacy criterion was not evaluated as the worm counts in G1 did not meet VICH guideline requirements. After the first treatment (Day 28), most G2 and G3 cats were negative at the Baermann examination. After the second treatment (Day 44), L1 were found in two cats from G2 on Day 49 and in one G3 cat on Day 51. No adverse events occurred in G2 and G3 cats. These results indicate that two applications of emodepside spot-on given 2 weeks apart represent a safe and efficacious treatment regime against troglostrongylosis