2 research outputs found

    SmartHeaP – Smart Hearing Aid Processor : Ein industrielles Translationsprojekt für digitale Hörhilfen

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    Im Smart Hearing Aid Processor Projekt (SmartHeaP) werden die aus dem Exzellenzcluster Hearing4all gewonnenen Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Architektur und Algorithmenentwicklung für digitale Hörgeräte in die Industrie übertragen. Dazu hat sich aus Forschung und Industrie ein großer Projektverbund zusammengeschlossen, um mit Hilfe von modernen Technologien und kommerziellen Softwareframeworks ein neues Hörgerätesystem zu entwickeln. Das System on Chip (SoC) verbindet alle Komponenten, um die gesamte Technologie eines Hörgerätes auf einem Chip zu realisieren

    Forward Error Correction for DNA Data Storage

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    AbstractWe report on a strong capacity boost in storing digital data in synthetic DNA. In principle, synthetic DNA is an ideal media to archive digital data for very long times because the achievable data density and longevity outperforms today's digital data storage media by far. On the other hand, neither the synthesis, nor the amplification and the sequencing of DNA strands can be performed error-free today and in the foreseeable future. In order to make synthetic DNA available as digital data storage media, specifically tailored forward error correction schemes have to be applied.For the purpose of realizing a DNA data storage, we have developed an efficient and robust forwarderror-correcting scheme adapted to the DNA channel. We based the design of the needed DNA channel model on data from a proof-of-concept conducted 2012 by a team from the Harvard Medical School [1]. Our forward error correction scheme is able to cope with all error types of today's DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing processes, e.g. insertion, deletion, and swap errors.In a successful experiment, we were able to store and retrieve error-free 22 MByte of digital data in synthetic DNA recently. The found residual error probability is already in the same order as it is in hard disk drives and can be easily improved further. This proves the feasibility to use synthetic DNA as longterm digital data storage media