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    Intención emprendedora en estudiantes universitarios: un análisis desde la teoría del comportamiento planificado en Colombia

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    JEL: L26, I23[EN] Studies on entrepreneurship have used several approaches, among which, research on entrepreneurial intention (EI) can be highlighted. Studies on EI help researchers better understand entrepreneurial behavior. In this sense, one of the most relevant frameworks in EI studies is the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which stands out for its predictive capacity, mainly in a university context. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between the variables of Personal Attitudes (PAs), Subjective Norms (SNs), and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) with respect to the EI of university students in Colombia. For this purpose, we constructed a model that integrates the elements of the TPB with EI with reference to the validated instrument of the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey (GUESSS) project applied to a sample of 12,383 students. The estimation of the model uses structural equations (SEMs) by means of Partial Least Squares-Path Modelling (PLS-PM). The findings show that PAs and PBC are determinants of EI, while SNs have no direct influence; however, their effects are indirect. These results have implications for how to promote entrepreneurship in emerging economies through the university environment. The results indicate that the development of students' capabilities is essential for entrepreneurship and its incorporation into the university's knowledge transfer model.[ES] Los estudios sobre el espíritu empresarial han tenido varios enfoques, entre los que destaca la investigación sobre la intención emprendedora (IE). Los estudios sobre la IE permiten explicar y comprender el comportamiento emprendedor. En este sentido, uno de los marcos más relevantes en los estudios de IE es la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (TCP), que ha destacado por su capacidad predictiva principalmente en el contexto universitario. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la relación entre las variables Actitudes Personales (AP), Normas Subjetivas (NS) y Control Conductual Percibido (CCP) con respecto a la IE de estudiantes universitarios en Colombia. Para ello se construye un modelo que integra los elementos de la TCP con la IE tomando como referencia el instrumento validado del proyecto Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey (GUESSS) aplicado a una muestra de 12.383 estudiantes. La estimación del modelo se realiza a través de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) mediante Partial Least Squares - Path Modelling (PLS-PM). Los resultados muestran que las AP y el CCP son determinantes de la IE, mientras que las NS no tienen influencia directa; sin embargo, sus efectos son indirectos. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones sobre cómo promover el espíritu empresarial en las economías emergentes desde el ámbito universitario. Por lo tanto, es evidente que el desarrollo de las capacidades de los estudiantes es esencial para el emprendimiento y su incorporación al modelo de transferencia de conocimiento de la universidad.We thank the GUESSS Project (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey) 2018-2019 edition of the University of St. Gallen (KMU-HSG/CFB-HSG) (GUESSS Project, 2021), and the GUESSS Colombia network led by the university e EAFIT (GUESSS-Colombia Project, 2021) that surveyed 12.383 students from 57 Higher Education Institutions. The data belong to Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey) 2018-2019 edition of the University of St. Gallen (KMU-HSG/CFB-HSG) and are used by members of the GUESSS Colombia network led by the university e EAFIT. These data are copyrighted. This research was funded by the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, grant number SGI 3134 and SGI 3066

    Mikroskopska građa mišićnih vlakana nakon izlaganja bisfenolu-A te mogućnost njihova oporavka primjenom plazme obogaćene trombocitima.

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    Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the chemical products most produced in large volumes world-wide. Among other items, it forms part of plastics and food containers, from which there is a migration of BPA into food, thus it enters our organism via the digestive tract, which in fact is one of the main sources of exposure in humans. In this study, BPA action has been investigated: at a muscular level with continuous exposure; after its withdrawal in order to evaluate the possible recovery of the muscle; and the potential effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on a muscle previously modified by the action of BPA. For this purpose, and as a fundamental tool, histopathology was used, from which it was observed that muscle modifications were produced. These were compatible with the action of hormones administered exogenously to animals to fatten them up. It was also noted that, after the withdrawal of BPA, there was some muscle structure recovery, and, after treatment with PRP, this was practically total. Further research should investigate the mechanisms through which BPA affects muscle tissue and PRP succeeds in restoring this type of muscular lesion.Bisfenol-A (BPA) je kemijska tvar koja se u velikim količinama proizvodi širom svijeta. Između ostaloga, bisfenol-A je sastavni dio plastike i ambalaže za prehrambene proizvode, odakle se otpušta u hranu te tako dospijeva u probavni sustav čovjeka pa hrana time postaje jedan od glavnih izvora izloženosti ljudi toj supstanciji. U ovom istraživanju učinci BPA promatrani su u mišićju nakon trajne izloženosti, u mišićju nakon prestanka davanja BPA kako bi se procijenio njihov mogući oporavak, te u mišićju s primijenjenom plazmom obogaćenom trombocitima (PRP) kako bi se utvrdio njezin utjecaj na BPA uzrokovana oštećenja. Opažene patohistološke promjene u mišićima bile se slične onima kod djelovanja hormona rabljenih za bolji prirast tovnih životinja. Nakon prestanka davanja BPA uočen je određeni oporavak mišićne građe, a nakon primjene PRP oporavak je bio potpun. Daljnjim istraživanjima treba utvrditi kojim mehanizmima BPA utječe na mišićno tkivo i kako PRP uspijeva oporaviti nastala mišićna oštećenja

    Evaluación de la actividad docente para lograr la calidad del profesorado en el proceso de acreditación internacional del CEP la Inmaculada Concepción, del Consorcio de Centros Educativos Católicos en el distrito de Surco – Lima, durante el año 2014

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAnaliza la influencia de la evaluación de la actividad docente para lograr la calidad del profesorado en el proceso de acreditación internacional del Centro Educativo Privado La Inmaculada Concepción, del Consorcio de Centros Educativos Católicos en el distrito de Surco – Lima, durante el año 2014. La población objeto de estudio está constituida por un total de 478 alumnos de educación secundaria de menores desde el primer año al quinto año de educación secundaria, distribuidos en 16 secciones y una población total de 36 Docentes. Sumando un total de 514 sujetos de investigación. Respecto a la técnica básica de recolección de datos que se utilizó en el estudio es una encuesta, que fue aplicado en estudiantes de educación secundaria, para determinar el nivel de satisfacción frente a la actividad docente, así mismo una autoevaluación docente, ambos instrumentos permitirán recabar información respecto a la influencia de la evaluación de la actividad docente para el logro de la calidad del profesorado en el proceso de acreditación internacional del CEP La Inmaculada Concepción. En el empeño por perfeccionar el sistema educativo y mejorar la calidad del impacto de éste, se ha determinado como elemento importante el desempeño profesional del docente que contribuirá al cambio en el proceso educacional. El éxito de cualquier sistema educativo dependerá en gran medida del nivel de desarrollo profesional alcanzado por los docentes lo que repercutirá en la calidad de los resultados del aprendizaje.Tesi

    Implementación de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo para incrementar la disponibilidad de los Reach Stacker en la empresa Fargoline S. A., Callao 2022

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    El objetivo de la actual investigación es establecer en qué medida un plan de mantenimiento preventivo incrementa la disponibilidad de los reach stacker en la empresa Fargoline S.A., Callao 2022. Para lograr este objetivo se realizó un plan de mantenimiento preventivo de acuerdo a la cantidad de horas de trabajo de las máquinas. Mediante la implementación del plan de mantenimiento preventivo se consiguió incrementar la disponibilidad del 65.03% al 78.13%, asimismo, se logró incrementar la mantenibilidad del 66.26% al 69.60% y se obtuvo un aumento en la confiabilidad de las grúas reach stacker del 88.38% al 93.32%. Con la implementación de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo se logró reducir los tiempos de paradas por mantenimientos de 549 horas a 428 horas, obteniendo una reducción de 121 horas. Se logró un ahorro económico de 3,630 dólares después de la implementación durante los meses de estudio, el cual nos indica un aspecto positivo en la implementación del plan de mantenimiento preventivo para las grúas reach stacker. En conclusión, la implementación de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo incrementa la disponibilidad de las grúas reach stacker en la empresa Fargoline S.A., reduciendo los tiempos de paradas por mantenimiento, minimizando los costos de los mantenimientos correctivos y optimizando las operaciones de la empresa

    A Survey of Speech-language Pathologists: Long-term Speech Therapy Needs for Patients within Three Neurological Conditions

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    Forty-seven speech-language pathologists (SLPs) completed a written survey designed to obtain their opinions regarding the speech-language pathology needs of patients presenting with communication deficits following traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident and cerebral palsy. Results indicated that over one-half of the SLPs in the study cited the most common reason that speech therapy is stopped is due to lack of insurance coverage, not because the patient reached maximum improvement. After discharge from services, 78-92% of SLPs affirmed that their patients would have benefitted from ongoing speech-language treatment if insurance limitations were not a consideration. In many instances, therapy was recommended for several years up to lifetime follow-up. Study results demonstrate that a common reason for termination of therapy was due to insurance limits, The implications of this pilot study for life care planners pertain to consulting with SLPs regarding what the evaluation and long term speech-language pathology needs may be for patients with these three neurological disorders, without considering insurance limits

    Procjena utjecaja disruptora bisfenola A na ionske regulacije kod Danio rerio kroz ispitivanje njihovih kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the chemicals produced in the largest volume in the world. It is commonly used as a component of plastics and food containers and can act as a xenoestrogen in humans. In view of the risk of exposure to it from the environment and diet, and basically as a water pollutant, the objective of our study was to assess possible effects on ionic regulation after exposure to BPA by means of a histopathological and morphometric study of the chloride and prolactin cells in zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an experimental model. Twenty-five male 16-week old zebrafish (Danio rerio) were allocated randomly into 5 study groups (n=5/group); a control group, and four groups, exposed for 2 weeks to a concentration of (1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg/L) of BPA, respectively. After 2 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples of their gills and pituitary gland were immediately taken for their subsequent histopathological analysis. Our results showed how, in the first study groups, lesions appeared in chloride cells, generating compensatory modifications in the prolactin cells, which were enough to maintain stability in the ionic exchange. As the exposure concentration increased, more serious histological modifications occurred. In the groups with the highest concentration (100 and 1000 μg/L), the lesions were so severe that the prolactin cells underwent some degenerative processes, which probably prevented the compensatory action at gill level.Bisfenol A je jedan od kemijskih spojeva koji se najviše proizvodi u svijetu. Najčešće se koristi za dobivanje plastike i posuda za hranu i može djelovati kao ksenoestrogen kod ljudi. S obzirom na rizik izloženosti bisfenolu A iz okoline i prehrane, i u osnovi kao zagađivaču vode. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti moguće učinke na ionsku regulaciju nakon izlaganja bisfenolu A pomoću histopatološke i morfometrijske studije kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica u Danio rerio kao eksperimentalnog modela. Dvadesetpet muških jedinki 16 tjedana starih Danio rerio bili su nasumično raspoređeni u pet ispitivanih skupina (n=5/skupina). Kontrolna skupina i četiri skupine bile su dva tjedna izložene koncentracijama od 1, 10, 100 odnosno 1000 μg/L bisfenola A. Nakon ta dva tjedna uzorci njihovih škrga i hipofize su odmah izuzeti za naknadnu patohistološku analizu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su se, kod prvih ispitivanih skupina, lezije pojavile u kloridnim stanicama, stvarajući kompenzacijske promjene na prolaktinskim stanicama koje su bile dovoljne za održavanje stabilnosti u izmjeni iona. Kako se povećavala koncentracija izloženosti, ozbiljnije histološke modifikacije su se dogodile. Kod skupina s višom koncentracijom (100 i 1000 μg/L) lezije su bile tako jake da su prolaktinske stanice prošle kroz određene degenerativne procese, što je vjerojatno spriječilo kompenzacijsko djelovanje na škrgama

    Procjene strukture i ultrastrukture ovarija vrste Danio rerionakon izlaganja 2, 3, 7, 8 – tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksinu (TCDD)

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    The morphological consequences of long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlo rodibenzo-p-dioxin in the ovaries were nvestigated in 50 adult female zebrafish at structural and ultrastructural levels. Animals were exposed to graded concentrations of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodiben zo-p-dioxin (10, 40, 100 and 270 ppb) for 21 days, then zebrafish were sacrificed by an overdose of anaesthetic solution tricaine methanesulfonate, and immediately samples were taken for morphological evaluation. At lower concentrations of exposure there was no evidence of morphological modifications, while at higher concentrations (100 and 270 ppb) we frequently observed degeneration and inflammation. Significant increases in follicular atresia were observed among all groups (p<0.05). These results indicate that long-term exposure to low doses of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin are able to induce morphological damage on the ovaries, which could then produce adverse effects on fish reproductive health.Morfološke konsekvence ovarija po dugotrajnijem izlaganju niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetra klorodibenzo-p-dioksina su utvrđene na 50 odraslih jedinki vrste Danio rerio i to na strukturnoj i ultrastrukturnoj razini. Jedinke su bile izložene stupnjevanim koncentracijama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodi benzo-p-dioksina (10, 40, 100 i 270 ppb) tijekom 21 dana, i tada su jedinke bile žrtvovane uporabom letalne doze anestetske solucije tricain metansulfonata, i odmah su jedinke uzete za morfološku procjenu. Utvrđeno je da pri nižim koncentracijama izloženosti nema morfoloških modifikacija, dok su pri višim koncentracijama (100 i 270 ppb) utvrđene učestale degeneracije i upale. Značajan porast folikularne atrezije je utvrđen unutar svih grupa (p0.05). Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to se da po dugom izlaganju ovarija niskim dozama 2, 3, 7, 8-tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksina mogu inducirati morfološkepromjene ovarija, koje tada mogu imati negativni utjecaj na normalnu reprodukciju vrste

    Análisis de impacto presupuestal para Octeotride, Lanreotide y Pasiotide en el tratamiento de la Acromegalia y Gigantismo en Colombia

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    60 páginas : gráficasIn Colombia a disease orphan is recognized by law 1392 of 2010 and is defined as that chronically debilitating, serious, that threatens the life and with a lower prevalence of 1 per 5,000. One of the diseases that are facing this problem is the acromegaly and gigantism due to their complexity in the diagnosis, with an annual incidence of three to four new cases per million inhabitants and prevalence between 40 and 90 cases per million and given its lines of treatment is considered of high cost. The development of new health technologies today allows to generate good resource management and strengthen the system. To carry out a budget impact analysis of some technology of interest it is necessary To manage the economic evaluations which will allow to support in the decision making in health worldwide. In Colombia, 1483 people are reported to be diagnosed with the pathologies of acromegaly and gigantism. Somatostatin analogues have been studied in the treatment of acromegaly and gigantism, it has been shown that they are highly effective in inhibiting growth hormone production. According to the guides consulted their effect and the duration of their action is much greater compared to the dopamine agonists as evidenced in the ranges and periods of dosage described above, as it requires a much greater amount of Bromocriptine in shorter periods of time. For the costs of Pasireotide is evidence that there is a maximum price or minimum standardized as the average of the data obtained through the institutional channel in the database of the SISMED, shows that the price of all suppliers this averaging and there is no overrun by any manufacturer. The use of these technologies allows an approach of cases where acromegaly is highly active and cannot be controlled and which in turn can be used in the treatment where the alteration of the growth hormone secretion is minimal. For the FOSYGA the result obtained makes it clear that if scenario 1 is applied to the deterministic level there will be a saving of about 10millionCOP,inscenarionumber2,theinvestmentmustbeofabout10 million COP, in scenario number 2, the investment must be of about 600,000 COP, but it is necessary by the state Keep in mind that the effectiveness of the treatment in implementing the use of the three new technologies will be much greater. It is suggested that the technologies called (Octeotride, lanreotide and pasireotide) are included in the comprehensive plan of health, given that the cost makes it accessible to the populationEn Colombia una enfermedad huérfana es reconocida por la ley 1392 de 2010 y se define como aquella crónicamente debilitante, grave, que amenaza la vida y con una prevalencia menor de 1 por cada 5.000. Una de las enfermedades que se enfrentan a esta problemática es la Acromegalia y el Gigantismo debido a su complejidad en el diagnóstico, con una incidencia anual de tres a cuatro casos nuevos por millón de habitantes y prevalencia entre 40 y 90 casos por millón y dadas sus líneas de tratamiento se considera de alto costo. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de salud en la actualidad permite generar una buena administración de recursos y fortalecer el sistema. Para realizar un análisis de impacto en presupuesto de alguna tecnología de interés es preciso gestionar las evaluaciones económicas las cuales permitirán apoyar en la toma de decisiones en salud a nivel mundial. En Colombia se encuentran reportadas 1483 personas que son diagnosticados con las patologías de acromegalia y gigantismo. Los análogos de somatostatina han sido estudiados en el tratamiento de la acromegalia y gigantismo, se ha evidenciado que son altamente eficaces en la inhibición de producción de la hormona de crecimiento. De acuerdo con las guías consultadas su efecto y la duración de su acción es mucho mayor en comparación a los agonistas dopaminérgicos como se evidencia en los rangos y periodos de dosificación anteriormente descritos, ya que se requiere una cantidad mucho mayor de Bromocriptina en periodos más cortos de tiempo. Para los costos del Pasireotide se evidencia que no hay un precio máximo o mínimo estandarizado ya que el promedio de los datos obtenidos a través del canal institucional en la base de datos del SISMED, muestra que el precio de todos los proveedores esta promediado y no hay un sobrecosto por parte de algún fabricante. El uso de estas tecnologías permite un abordaje de casos donde la acromegalia es altamente activa y no se puede controlar y que a su vez puedan ser utilizados en el tratamiento donde la alteración de la secreción de hormona de crecimiento es mínima. Para el FOSYGA el resultado obtenido permite evidenciar que si se aplica el escenario 1 a nivel determinístico habrá un ahorro de cerca de 10.000.000COP,enunescenarionuˊmero2,lainversioˊndebeserdealrededorde10.000.000 COP, en un escenario número 2, la inversión debe ser de alrededor de 600.000 COP, pero es necesario por parte del estado tener en cuenta que la efectividad del tratamiento al implementar el uso de las tres nuevas tecnologías será mucho mayor. Se sugiere que las tecnologías denominadas (Octreotide, Lanreotide y Pasireotide) sean incluidas en el plan integral de salud, dado que el costo hace que sea accesible a la población.Incluye bibliografíaPregradoQuímico(a) Farmacéutic