6 research outputs found
Diseño de pruebas para la evaluación de competencias transversales
En 2005, un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) constituyó el Grupo de Innovación Educativa DMAE-DIA que fue reconocido como tal por la UPM en 2006 y en 2009. A posteriori, se han incorporado al grupo profesores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Las líneas de actuación prioritarias del grupo son la evaluación de competencias genéricas y las metodologías de aprendizaje activo. Desde entonces estamos realizando evaluaciones sobre la adquisición por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería de algunas competencias genéricas. En este trabajo mostraremos las dos estrategias que estamos utilizando para evaluar la adquisición de competencias transversales: test psicométricos y pruebas (genéricas y específicas) con contenidos
Evaluación de competencias básicas en los grados de Informática de la UPM.
La evaluación de las competencias básicas tal y como se define en el RD 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre (BOE núm. 260, de 30 octubre 2007), por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales es una tarea que tendrán que abordar todas las universidades de cara a la posterior evaluación por la ANECA para mantener la acreditación de sus títulos de grado. En este trabajo se ilustra el protocolo que se ha diseñado y ejecutado para evaluar dichas competencias en los tres títulos de grado de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid relacionados con la informática: Grado en Ingeniería de Computadores, Grado en Ingeniería del Software y Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Assessment of transferable competences in computing
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is the credit system for higher education used in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which involves all the countries engaged in the Bologna Process. This paper describes a study which is part of the project of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain and was carried out with the following aims: 1) designing some procedures for the assessment of transferable competences; and 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove. We will focus on the degrees of Computing. The sample of students (20) includes first year students from the Technical University of Madrid. In this paper, we will report some results of data analyses carried out to this moment on reliability and validity of the task designed to measure problem solving
Assessment of learning outcomes in computing studies
The assessment of learning outcomes is a key concept in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) since credits are awarded when the assessment shows the competences which were aimed at have been developed at an appropriate level. This paper describes a study which was first part of the project of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain and then developed as an independent study. It was carried out with the overall goal to gain experience in the assessment of learning outcomes. More specifically it aimed at 1) designing procedures for the assessment of learning outcomes related to these compulsory generic competences; 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove; 3) testing different procedures of standard setting, and 4) using assessment results as orienting feedback to students and their tutors. The process of development of tests to carry out the assessment of learning outcomes related to these competences, as well as some basic features regarding their reliability and validity is described and first results on the comparison of results achieved at two academic levels, will also be described at a later stage
Assessment of problem solving in computing studies
The assessment of learning outcomes is a key concept in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) since credits are awarded when the assessment shows the competences which were aimed at have been developed at an appropriate level. This paper describes a study which was
first part of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain project and then developed as an independent study. It was carried out with the overall goal to gain experience in the assessment of learning outcomes. More specifically it aimed at 1) designing procedures for the assessment of learning outcomes related to these compulsory generic competences; 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove; 3) testing different procedures of standard setting, and 4) using assessment results as orienting feedback to students and their
tutors. The process of development of tests to carry out the assessment of learning outcomes is described as well as some basic features regarding their reliability and validity. First conclusions on the comparison of the results achieved at two academic levels are also presented