158 research outputs found
Desarrollo de un plan de marketing para la cooperativa de personas emprendedoras de Navarra
En este trabajo me centraré en la creación de un plan de marketing para la cooperativa de
personas emprendedoras de Navarra, con el objetivo de impulsar su crecimiento y alcance
en la comunidad emprendedora. Haré un análisis para evaluar la situación actual y el
entorno de la cooperativa, identificando sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y
Para abordar las necesidades y problemas del público objetivo, estableceré una propuesta
de valor clara y única. A medio plazo, los objetivos del plan de marketing incluyen
aumentar el conocimiento de la cooperativa, incrementar la base de miembros y fomentar
la participación activa de los emprendedores en sus actividades.
En cuanto a la estrategia propongo seis estrategias de marketing: marketing de contenido,
publicidad en los medios de comunicación locales, relaciones públicas, marketing en
redes sociales, alianzas estratégicas y eventos y conferencias. Desglosaré cada estrategia
en tácticas específicas para su implementación.
También crearé un presupuesto realista que asigna recursos a cada estrategia de
marketing. Además, incluiré un apartado especial para estrategias que ayudaran a la
cooperativa a reducir dichos costes.
Para medir el éxito del plan de marketing, estableceré métricas claras, como el tráfico del
sitio web, la tasa de conversión, los engagements en redes sociales, el retorno de inversión
y el análisis de la competencia. Estas métricas serán evaluadas de forma regular para
realizar ajustes y mejoras en la estrategia.Lan honetan, Nafarroako pertsona ekintzaileen kooperatibarentzako marketin-plan bat
sortzeari erreparatuko diot, komunitate ekintzailearen hazkundea eta irismena
bultzatzeko. Kooperatibaren egungo egoera eta ingurunea ebaluatzeko azterketa bat
egingo dut, bere indarguneak, ahuleziak, aukerak eta mehatxuak identifikatuz.
Xede-publikoaren beharrei eta arazoei heltzeko, balio-proposamen argi eta bakarra
egingo dut. Epe ertainean, marketin-planaren helburuen artean daude kooperatibaren
ezagutza handitzea, kideen oinarria handitzea eta ekintzaileek beren jardueretan partehartze aktiboa izan dezaten sustatzea.
Estrategiari dagokionez, sei marketin-estrategia proposatzen ditut: edukien marketina,
publizitatea tokiko komunikabideetan, harreman publikoak, marketina sare sozialetan,
aliantza estrategikoak eta ekitaldiak eta hitzaldiak. Estrategia bakoitza inplementatzeko
taktika espezifikoetan banakatuko dut.
Marketin-estrategia bakoitzari baliabideak esleitzen dizkion aurrekontu errealista bat ere
sortuko dut. Gainera, atal berezi bat sartuko dut kooperatibari kostu horiek murrizten
lagunduko dioten estrategietarako.
Marketin-planaren arrakasta neurtzeko, metrika argiak ezarriko ditut, hala nola
webgunearen trafikoa, konbertsio-tasa, engagementak sare sozialetan, inbertsio-itzulera
eta lehiaren azterketa. Metrika horiek erregulartasunez ebaluatuko dira, estrategian
doikuntzak eta hobekuntzak egiteko.In this paper I will focus on the creation of a marketing plan for the cooperative of
entrepreneurs of Navarra, with the aim of boosting its growth and outreach in the
entrepreneurial community. I will conduct an analysis to assess the current situation and
environment of the cooperative, identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
To address the needs and problems of the target audience, I will establish a clear and
unique value proposition. In the medium term, the objectives of the marketing plan
include increasing awareness of the cooperative, increasing the membership base and
encouraging the active participation of entrepreneurs in its activities.
In terms of strategy I propose six marketing strategies: content marketing, local media
advertising, public relations, social media marketing, strategic alliances, and events and
conferences. I will break down each strategy into specific tactics for implementation.
I will also create a realistic budget that allocates resources to each marketing strategy. I
will also include a special section for strategies that will help the cooperative reduce those
To measure the success of the marketing plan, I will establish clear metrics, such as
website traffic, conversion rate, social media engagements, return on investment and
competitor analysis. These metrics will be evaluated on a regular basis to make
adjustments and improvements to the strategy.Graduado o Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Pública de Navarra (Programa Internacional)Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan (Nazioarteko Programa
Cuidados paliativos en el domicilio para personas mayores y sus posibles beneficios
[Resumen] Introducción: el aumento de la esperanza de vida ha incrementado la cronicidad de las enfermedades, lo que lleva a un mayor número de enfermos en situación terminal. Por lo que la formación en Cuidados Paliativos va en aumento. No solo es importante la formación sino también el saber trabajar en equipo y una buena coordinación entre los distintos niveles de asistenciales para una correcta atención domiciliaria.
Metodología: revisión bibliográfica sobre los Cuidados Paliativos en el anciano. Búsqueda exhaustiva de bibliografía en bases de datos y uso de artículos en español y en inglés.
Resultados: la muerte es un tema que acompaña el día a día de los individuos, es un simple hecho biológico, pero a pesar de ello la sociedad no lo concibe como tal y menos aún si se trata de un ser querido. La correcta atención en el domicilio, puede ayudar mucho, al paciente y a su familia, a saber llevar mejor la enfermedad.
Conclusión: la mayoría de los pacientes en situación de terminalidad prefieren permanecer en el domicilio durante los últimos días de su vida. Consideran que el hospital es un medio más hostil donde pierden su intimidad y su rol familiar y social.[Abstract] Introduction: The raised life expectancy had increased the chronicity of the diseases leading a greater number of terminally ill patients. Nowadays there are more palliative care training and it's important a team and good coordination between levels of care for proper home care.Methodology: To make this literature review it was made a research in databases and they were used articles in spanish and english.
Results: Death it's a simple biological fact that accompanies the daily life of individuals although society doesn't conceived that way and even less if it's the death of a loved one. The right care at home can help a lot at patients and their families to carry better the disease…
Conclusion: Most of terminally patients prefer to stay at home during the last days of their life. They consider that the hospital is the most hostile environment where they lose their privacy and their family and social role.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FCS). Xerontoloxía. Curso 2014/2015
Treball d’ApS: visibilització de l'endometriosi entre el personal sanitari en col·laboració amb l'Associació d'Afectades d'Endometriosi Crònica
Treballs Finals de Grau d'Infermeria, Facultat d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Àurea Navarro SabatéL'endometriosi és una malaltia silenciosa amb una prevalença d'entre el 15 i 20% en persones de sexe femení en edat reproductiva. Actualment es troba infravalorada i infradiagnosticada. Es caracteritza per la proliferació i creixement de teixit endometrial a cavitats externes i es manifesta amb simptomatologia de dolor pelvià crònic i problemes de fertilitat entre altres comorbiditats. El present treball, fet en modalitat d'Aprenentatge Servei, s'ha dut a terme dins l'associació ADAEC per respondre a la necessitat plantejada d'incrementar la visibilitat de l'endometriosi entre el personal sanitari per tal de millorar el diagnòstic i tractament de la malaltia. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir una fotografia actual sobre la percepció de les afectades d'endometriosi en relació amb el tracte sanitari rebut, s'han analitzat les dades obtingudes de la resposta de 900 afectades al qüestionari que es va dissenyar basat en els principis de ciència ciutadana. A més, a través del procés de planificació, disseny i realització de la intervenció, s'ha assolit com a resultat final el desenvolupament de diverses càpsules informatives en diferents formats com: vídeo, infografia i tríptic per difondre entre els diferents nivells assistencials de l'estat. Les intervencions en format conferència i estand divulgatiu presentades al Campus de Bellvitge en motiu de les activitats organitzades per la comissió d'igualtat el dia de la dona, junt amb la difusió a les xarxes socials d'ADAEC en motiu del dia mundial de l'endometriosi, van significar el punt de partida per a la difusió del material elaborat
Mineralogical Characterization of Slags from the Oiola Site (Biscay, Spain) to Assess the Development in Bloomery Iron Smelting Technology from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages
The Oiola archeological site, located in the mining complex of La Arboleda (Biscay, North Spain)was an important iron smelting center from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages and even in more current times (19th–20th centuries). Tap-slags and some plano-convex slags were identified as smelting slags. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy coupled with electron-dispersive spectroscopy and Raman microspectroscopy to perform a mineralogical and textural characterization. Additionally, thermogravimetric and thermodiffraction analyses were carried out to determine furnace operating temperatures. The mineral assemblage reflects furnace temperatures and cooling rates and the addition of quartz as the main flux to decrease the melting temperature of the iron ore. The comparison of slags from the Roman Period and the Middle Age reveals changes in the pyrometallurgical process through time.H.P.-B. would like to thank the PRE-2019-2-0138 PhD research grant of the Basque Country Government and the SGIker service at the University of the Basque Countr
The role of osmolarity adjusting agents in the regulation of encapsulated cell behavior to provide a safer and more predictable delivery of therapeutics
[Abstract] Transplantation of cells within alginate microspheres has been extensively studied for sustained drug delivery. However, the lack of control over cell behavior represents a major concern regarding the efficacy and the safety of the therapy. Here, we demonstrated that when formulating the biosystem, an adequate selection of osmolarity adjusting agents significantly contributes to the regulation of cell responses. Our data showed that these agents interact in the capsule formation process, influencing the alginate crosslinking degree. Therefore, when selecting inert or electrolyte-based osmolarity adjusting agents to encapsulate D1 multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), alginate microcapsules with differing mechanical properties were obtained. Since mechanical forces acting on cells influence their behavior, contrasting cell responses were observed both, in vitro and in vivo. When employing mannitol as an inert osmolarity adjusting agent, microcapsules presented a more permissive matrix, allowing a tumoral-like behavior. This resulted in the formation of enormous cell-aggregates that presented necrotic cores and protruding peripheral cells, rendering the therapy unpredictable, dysfunctional, and unsafe. Conversely, the use of electrolyte osmolarity adjusting agents, including calcium or sodium, provided the capsule with a suitable crosslinking degree that established a tight control over cell proliferation and enabled an adequate therapeutic regimen in vivo. The crucial impact of these agents was confirmed when gene expression studies reported pivotal divergences not only in proliferative pathways, but also in genes involved in survival, migration, and differentiation. Altogether, our results prove osmolarity adjusting agents as an effective tool to regulate cell behavior and obtain safer and more predictable therapies.Gobierno Vasco; IT-907-16Universidad del País Vasco; UFI11/3
Cocaine modulates both glutaminase gene expression and glutaminase activity in the brain of cocaine-sensitized mice
Glutaminase is considered the main Glutamate (Glu) producing enzyme. Two isoforms, liver (LGA) and kidney (KGA) type
glutaminases have been identified in neurons. The role of both enzymes in psychopharmacological responses to cocaine remains unknown. We examined both mRNA and protein expression of KGA and LGA in the brain of mice sensitized to cocaine. Additionally, total glutaminase activity was also measured. Total glutaminase activity and mRNA and protein expression of KGA and LGA were measured on the dorsal striatum, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of cocaine-sensitized mice. Cocaine-sensitized animals (20 mg/kg x 5 days, followed of 5 drug-free days) exhibited a decrease of total glutaminase activity in both the dorsal striatum and the prefrontal cortex. This was associated with an increase in KGA mRNA expression in both brain areas,that was not observed when protein KGA levels were measured by western blot. LGA mRNA expression was increased as results of acute cocaine administration in sensitized animals, although protein levels were only enhanced in the prefrontal cortex of sensitized mice. These findings suggest that chronic cocaine administration modulates glutamate production through the regulation of glutaminase expression and activity. These actions are mainly observed in the prefrontal cortexdorsal striatum circuit, the neuroanatomical target for the psychostimulant sensitization properties of cocaine
Tunable magneto-photonic response of nickel nanostructures
In this letter, we present both experimental and numerical studies of the magneto-optical (MO) properties of nickel infiltrated opals. Ni can show interesting MO properties that can be controlled by nanostructuration through colloidal crystals templating. Nanostructuration allows the coupling of light to surface plasmon modes of Ni, and a clear dependence of the MO response as a function of the structural parameters of the template has been observed. This dependence can be used in future tunable devices such as switchers or MO modulators. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.This work has been partially supported by EU FP7 (NoE Nanophotonics 4 Energy Grant No. 248855 and NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma); the CSIC PIF08-016, the Spanish MICINN (CSD2007-0046-Nanolight.es, CSD2008-00023-Funcoat, MAT2009-07841-GLUSFA, MAT2008-06765-C02-01/NAN-MAGPLAS) and Comunidad de Madrid (S2009/MAT-1756-PHAMA and S2009/TIC–1476- MICROSERES).Peer Reviewe
Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization is associated with changes in the expression of endocannabinoid and glutamatergic signaling systems in the mouse prefrontal cortex
Abstract Background: Endocannabinoids modulate the glutamatergic excitatory transmission by acting as retrograde messengers. A growing body of studies has reported that both signaling systems in the mesocorticolimbic neural circuitry are involved in the neurobiological mechanisms underlying drug addiction. Methods: We investigated whether the expression of both endocannabinoid and glutamatergic systems in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were altered by an acute and/or repeated cocaine administration schedule that resulted in behavioral sensitization. We measured the protein and mRNA expression of the main endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes and the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1). We also analyzed the mRNA expression of relevant components of the glutamatesignaling system, including glutamate-synthesizing enzymes, metabotropic receptors, and ionotropic receptors. Results: Although acute cocaine (10 mg/kg) produced no significant changes in the endocannabinoid-related proteins, repeated cocaine administration (20 mg/kg daily) induced a pronounced increase in the CB1 receptor expression. In addition, acute cocaine administration (10 mg/kg) in cocaine-sensitized mice (referred to as cocaine priming) induced a selective increase in the endocannabinoid-degrading enzymes fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). These protein changes were accompanied by an overall decrease in the ratios of endocannabinoid synthesis/degradation, especially the N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D/FAAH and diacylglycerol lipase alpha/MAGL ratios.Regarding mRNA expression, while acute cocaine administration produced a decrease in CB1 receptors and N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D, repeated cocaine treatment enhanced CB1 receptor expression. Cocaine sensitized mice that were administered priming injections of cocaine mainly displayed an increased FAAH expression. These endocannabinoid changes were associated with modifications in glutamatergic transmission-related genes. An overall decrease was observed in the mRNA expression of the glutamate-synthesizing gene kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), the metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR3 and GluR), and subunits of NMDA ionotropic receptors (NR1, NR2A, NR2B and NR2C) after acute cocaine administration, while mice repeatedly exposed to cocaine only displayed an increase in NR2C. However, in cocaine-sensitized mice primed with cocaine, this inhibition was reversed and a strong increase was detected in the mGluR5, NR2 subunits, and both GluR1 and GluR3. Conclusions: These findings indicate that cocaine sensitization is associated with an endocannabinoid downregulation and a hyperglutamatergic state in the PFC that, overall, contribute to an enhanced glutamatergic input into PFC-projecting areasThis work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PI13/02261 and SAF 2010–20521), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RD12/0028/0001), Plan Nacional Sobre
Drogas, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (PNSD2013/049), Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucía, UE/ERDF (CTS-433 and P-11-CVI-07637), Consejería de Salud, and Junta de Andalucía (PI0232/2008, PI0029/2008 and SAS111224). Dr Suárez is the recipient of a Miguel Servet
research contract from ISCIII (CP12/03109). We thank Mariam Vázquez for English language assistance
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