608 research outputs found
Die Mitgliederzeitschrift "Rudelnachrichten" informiert über Aktivitäten, Veranstaltungen und Interna der "Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Wölfe e.V." (GzSdW). Desweiteren werden wissenschaftliche Berichte und aktuelle Artikel zur Thematik Wolf publiziert. "Rudelnachrichten" erscheint bis zu dreimal im Jahr. Die ebenfalls verfügbaren Flyer der GzSdW informieren über den Umgang mit den Wolf in Deutschland sowie über Herdenschutzhunde. Aus der Selbstdarstellung der "Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Wölfe e.V.": Wir schützen die deutschen Wölfe durch Aufklärung vor Ort, intensive Kooperation mit den beteiligten öffentlichen und nichtöffentlichen Stellen sowie durch praktische Hilfsmaßnahmen für die örtliche Bevölkerung. * Wir versuchen, deutschlandweit das schlechte und zudem falsche Image des Wolfes durch Aufklärung der Bevölkerung, z. B. durch die Herausgabe von Informationsbroschüren über die ökologische Rolle des Wolfes in der Natur zu verändern. * Wir fördern den Einsatz von Herdenschutzhunden als natürliche "wolfsfreundliche" Abwehrmaßnahme zur Vermeidung von Schäden an Haustieren. * Wir versuchen, die Haltung von Wölfen in Gehegen, die für die Aufklärung der Bevölkerung wichtig ist, zu verbessern und möglichst effektiv zu gestalten. * Wir haben ein Schulprogramm mit Unterrichtsmaterialien über Wölfe für Lehrer und ein Aktionsheft für Schüler erarbeitet. * Wir veröffentlichen Informationen über Presse, Rundfunk und Fernsehen. * Wir besuchen mit unserem mobilen Informationsstand Wolfsgehege, Heimtiermessen, Hundeausstellungen, Hundesportveranstaltungen u. ä. * Wir veranstalten Seminare, Diavorträge und Workshops mit renommierten Referenten
Reflections of consumerism in Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings
In what way do Damien Hirst’s artworks reflect (consumer) society? His Pharmaceutical Spot Paintings recall, Damien Hirst is often called a “brand”. Spot Paintings are one of his “product lines” and a logo at the same time. Hirst reflects this with a form of over identification (Slavoj Žižek). Since their transfer from wall to canvas in 1991 each Spot Painting hints at its status as a consumer object in positive, negative and ironic ways. They reflect belief in medicine, advertising and belief systems in general and show various influences of mass production, industrial art and craft, the art market, art history and sociocultural developments since 1980.
„I try to say something and deny it at the same time.“ Damien Hirst
The “Brand” Damien Hirst reflects and inspires with his “product line” series Pharmaceutical Spot Paintings our (consumer) society in various ways - color charts, logos, Smarties™, pool billiard, Go!-Airline or Kidscompany adverts, and evoke reminiscences of pharmaceutical design and packaging. Hirst’s Spots look like ecstasy or sleeping pills, medical and illegal drugs. Both kinds of pills and their package promise a two sided “solution” to problems. As I will argue, with his Spot Paintings Hirst quotes, embraces, reinforces and criticizes (with a form of over identification) consumer society at the same time, without taking position. His walking on the razor’s edge between artist and businessman makes it impossible to talk about Hirst’s art independent from his persona
Entre l'oralitat i l'escriptura en Plató. Un apropament al contingut i la transmissió de la tradició indirecta de Plató en l'antiguitat
El platonisme, comprenent-lo com els seguidors que reflexionen sobre allò que Plató va escriure i dir, arrenca poc temps després de la seva mort. Els seus deixebles van escriure comentaris sobre el pensament del seu mestre partint dels Diàlegs. Tanmateix, però, també van incloure referències a unes certes doctrines de Plató les quals Aristòtil anomenà genèricament «ἄγραφα δόγματα». Amb el temps, aquests testimonis han acabat esdevenint «la tradició indirecta de Plató». El present treball constitueix una introducció al contingut d'aquesta tradició indirecta. Per a tal cosa, partim dels deixebles que Plató va tenir a l'Acadèmia, presentem detalladament la tipologia de textos que comprèn el contingut de la tradició indirecta i n'analitzem alguns dels seus fragments, tant dels deixebles de Plató com dels comentaristes de tals deixebles ‒sobretot dels d'Aristòtil. L'objectiu, doncs, és que el lector pugui comprendre bé el contingut de la tradició indirecta, una qüestió que encara resulta ben vigent dins la comunitat platònica per bé que la tensió entre «oralitat» i «escriptura» ha estat, i encara ho és, l'arrel de moltes de les polèmiques entre els investigadors de la filosofia de Plató
The board of directors as governance mechanism in South Africa : an agency theory perspective.
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2018.The changed legislative landscape of the 2008 Companies Act required a rebalancing of the agency relationship between the board of directors and shareholders given the more onerous statutory oversight and accountability requirements. This study investigates the relationship between the board and firm value of 84 companies on the SRI index between 2012 and 2014, separating the governance role of the board into their corporate control and managerial labour roles using uniquely constructed indexes. Fixed effects with generalised least squares estimations were used to assess the relationship between the corporate control and managerial labour of the board and various proxies for firm value. As board level controls need time to filter through to firm value the study also considered a negatively lagged relationship to firm value. The study expands on the practice of constructing indexes in governance studies by constructing two control indexes to measure quality assurance and company control indicators as well as the control index (CI) representing the corporate control role of the board and the managerial labour index (MLI) representing the managerial labour role of the board. The results show that both the CI and MLI indexes are positively associated to return on assets a performance measure controlled by the board but negatively related to next year’s return on assets, suggesting a short-term focus of the board’s governance role of a time-horizon problem. However, the CI and MLI indexes are positively associated to enterprise value and next year’s enterprise value indicating that the more dispersed shareholders in the market value the governance role the board as an alternative to shareholder monitoring. The association between MLI and Tobin’s Q and next year’s Tobin’s Q is small but negative. The latter can be attributed to the increased statutory responsibility of shareholders regarding board remuneration, and an upward pressure on director’s remuneration to compensate board members for their increased liability risk. A more in-depth study on the root cause of the changed association between return on assets and next year’s return on assets is an area of future research
Bristol born Banksy is usually categorized as a Street Artist, although his art, in content and form, transcends a narrow understanding of this term. This publication primarily deals with Banksy as a contemporary Urban Artist and his relationship with consumer culture. It examines Banksy not only in light of his illicit work on the street, but also in regard to his gallery exhibitions. The study highlights representative works of his art, pieces which demonstrate his versatility, but also stand for different periods of his oeuvre. This book presents the first academic study of Banksy’s art in English; with a history and discussion of the terms Graffiti, Street Art and Urban Art and a rich array of biographical information. It will be of interest to academics and the general public as well
Plantes invasores: noves visions
Les invasions per plantes al∙lòctones són considerades, no sense detractors, com un dels factors d’amenaça importants per a la flora. Diversos articles recents aporten noves dades, també controvertides, que permeten matisar algunes “veritats” que semblaven ben establertes
2010, Any Internacional de la Biodiversitat
El Conveni per a la Diversitat Biològica (CBD) de les Nacions Unides ha declarat l'any 2010 com a Any Internacional de la Biodiversitat. Durant tot l'any se succeiran activitats de tota mena per difondre la problemàtica de la necessitat de preservar la diversitat biològica i estimular l'adopció de mesures per a aconseguir¿ne la conservació efectiva
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