11 research outputs found

    Exploring the antigenic relatedness of influenza virus haemagglutinins with strain-specific polyclonal antibodies

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    Alternative methods to the standard haemagglutination inhibition (HI) and neutralization tests to probe the antigenic properties of the influenza virus haemagglutinin (HA) were developed in this study. Vaccinia virus recombinants expressing reference HAs were used to immunize rabbits from which polyclonal antibodies were obtained. These antibodies were subtype specific but showed limited intra-subtype strain specificity in ELISA. The discriminatory capacity of these antibodies was, however, markedly increased after adsorption to cells infected with heterologous influenza viruses, revealing antigenic differences that were otherwise undistinguishable by standard HI and neutralization tests. Furthermore, the unadsorbed antibodies could be used to select escape mutants of the reference strain, which after sequencing unveiled amino acid changes responsible of the noted antigenic differences. These procedures therefore provide alternative methods for the antigenic characterization of influenza HA and might be useful in studies of HA antigenic evolution.This work was supported by grants (JAM) GR09/0039, (IC) GR09/0040 and (JAM) SAF2012-31217.S

    A neutralizing single-domain antibody that targets the trimer interface of the human metapneumovirus fusion protein

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    Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is an important respiratory pathogen for which no licensed antivirals or vaccines exist. Single-domain antibodies represent promising antiviral biologics that can be easily produced and formatted. We describe the isolation and detailed characterization of two hMPV-neutralizing single-domain antibodies that are directed against the fusion protein F. One of these single-domain antibodies broadly neutralizes hMPV A and B strains, can prevent proteolytic maturation of F, and binds to an epitope in the F trimer interface. This suggests that hMPV pre-F undergoes trimer opening or "breathing" on infectious virions, exposing a vulnerable site for neutralizing antibodies. Finally, we show that this single-domain antibody, fused to a human IgG1 Fc, can protect cotton rats against hMPV replication, an important finding for potential future clinical applications.This work was supported by a grant from Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. to X.S. and Welch Foundation grant number F-0003-19620604 to J.S.M.S

    Characterization of an enhanced antigenic change in the pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza virus haemagglutinin

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    Murine hybridomas producing neutralizing mAbs specific to the pandemic influenza virus A/California/07/2009 haemagglutinin (HA) were isolated. These antibodies recognized at least two different but overlapping new epitopes that were conserved in the HA of most Spanish pandemic isolates. However, one of these isolates (A/Extremadura/RR6530/2010) lacked reactivity with the mAbs and carried two unique mutations in the HA head (S88Y and K136N) that were required simultaneously to eliminate reactivity with the murine antibodies. This unusual requirement directly illustrates the phenomenon of enhanced antigenic change proposed previously for the accumulation of simultaneous amino acid substitutions at antigenic sites of the influenza A virus HA during virus evolution (Shih et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104 , 6283-6288, 2007). The changes found in the A/Extremadura/RR6530/2010 HA were not found in escape mutants selected in vitro with one of the mAbs, which contained instead nearby single amino acid changes in the HA head. Thus, either single or double point mutations may similarly alter epitopes of the new antigenic site identified in this work in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus HA. Moreover, this site is relevant for the human antibody response, as shown by competition of mAbs and human post-infection sera for virus binding. The results are discussed in the context of the HA antigenic structure and challenges posed for identification of sequence changes with possible antigenic impact during virus surveillance.This work was supported in part by grants GR09/0023 (A. N.), GR09/0039 (J. A. M.) and GR09/0040 (I. C.) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III under a special research programme on pandemic flu. Additionally, the Biología Viral Unit is supported currently by grant SAF2012-31217 from Plan Nacional I+D+i.S

    Eliminating a Region of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Attachment Protein Allows Induction of Protective Immunity without Vaccine-enhanced Lung Eosinophilia

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    In a murine model of respiratory syncytial virus disease, prior sensitization to the attachment glycoprotein (G) leads to pulmonary eosinophilia and enhanced illness. Three different approaches were taken to dissect the region of G responsible for enhanced disease and protection against challenge. First, mutant viruses, containing frameshifts that altered the COOH terminus of the G protein, were used to challenge mice sensitized by scarification with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) expressing wild-type G. Second, cDNA expressing these mutated G proteins were expressed by rVV and used to vaccinate mice before challenge with wild-type respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). These studies identified residues 193–205 to be responsible for G-induced weight loss and lung eosinophilia and showed that this region was not was not necessary for induction of protective immunity. Third, mice were sensitized using an rVV that expressed only amino acids 124–203 of the G protein. Upon RSV challenge, mice sensitized with this rVV developed enhanced weight loss and eosinophilia. This is the first time that a region within RSV (amino acids 193–203) has been shown to be responsible for induction of lung eosinophilia and disease enhancement. Moreover, we now show that it is possible to induce protective immunity with an altered G protein without inducing a pathological response

    Exogenous, TAP-independent lysosomal presentation of a respiratory syncytial virus CTL epitope.

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    Respiratory syncytial virus causes lower respiratory tract infections in infancy and old age, affecting also immunocompromised patients. The viral fusion protein is an important vaccine candidate eliciting antibody and cell-mediated immune responses. CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are known to have a role in both lung pathology and viral clearance. In BALB/c mice, the fusion protein epitope F249-258 is presented to CTLs by the murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule K(d). In cells infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses encoding the fusion protein, F249-258 is presented by MHC class I molecules through pathways that are independent of the transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP). We have now found that F249-258 can be generated from non-infectious virus from an exogenous source. Antigen processing follows a lysosomal pathway that appears to require autophagy. As a practical consequence, inactivated virus suffices for in vivo priming of virus-specific CTLs.We thank Dr. G. Hämmerling (German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany) for cell line T2/Kd. Recombinant human interleukin 2 was a gift of the NCI Preclinical Repository. Work in the laboratory is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa del Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Technical assistance of C. Mir, S. Sánchez and Y. Laó is gratefully acknowledged, as well as peptide synthesis from Instituto de Salud Carlos III central facility.S

    Antigenic and Genetic Characterization of Twenty-six Strains of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Subgroup A) Isolated During Three Consecutive Outbreaks in Havana City, Cuba

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    Twenty-six human respiratory syncytial virus strains (subgroup A) isolated from three outbreaks in Havana City during the period 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97 were analyzed to determine their antigenic and genetic relationships. Analyses were performed by monoclonal antibodies and restriction mapping (N gene) following amplification of the select region of the virus genome by polymerase chain reaction. All isolated strains were classified as subgroup A by monoclonal antibodies and they showed a restriction pattern NP4 that belonged to subgroup A. Thus the results obtained in this work, showed a close relation (100%) between antigenic and genetic characterization of the isolated strains in our laboratory. These methods permit the examination of large numbers of isolates by molecular techniques, simplifying the researchs into the molecular epidemiology of the virus