449 research outputs found

    Spleen Weight in Rats During Tumour Growth and in Homograft Rejection

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    The spleens of rats bearing methylcholanthrene induced sarcomas are enlarged. This applies both to primary and to isotransplanted tumours. The spleen enlarges with increasing tumour size

    A comparison of the clinical metastatic patterns of invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas of the breast.

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    Seventy seven patients with metastases from an invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast have been compared with 72 consecutive metastatic ductal carcinomas. There was no difference in the metastatic free interval between the two groups. A distinct pattern of clinical presentation of metastases was seen; hepatic (P = 0.01) and peritoneal metastases (P = 0.0003) occurred more commonly in lobular tumours. Bilateral cancers were more common in the lobular group (P = 0.01). No difference was seen in terms of meningeal and pulmonary metastases. Survival after metastases was significantly longer in patients with metastatic lobular carcinoma (P = 0.02)

    P-glycoprotein expression in locally advanced breast cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

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    Using immunohistochemistry and the monoclonal antibody C219 we have investigated P-glycoprotein expression in 26 locally advanced breast cancers. Twenty four patients had received four cycles of chemotherapy (mitozantrone, mitomycin-C and methotrexate) prior to mastectomy; two received tamoxifen. Twelve tumours exhibited an objective response to the chemotherapy. A background pattern of isolated weakly positive (1+) stromal staining (myofibroblast) was observed in seven tumours, two of which had been treated by tamoxifen alone. Two of the tumours treated by induction chemotherapy showed positive staining (1+) within a very small number of isolated tumour cells (maximum of three) and macrophages. The significance of this staining is not clear although C219 may simply be cross reacting with myosin. We have failed to demonstrate a clear clinical utility for C219 in breast cancer, particularly regarding the identification of patients in whom MDR chemotherapy be avoided once metastases develop

    The Primary Implantation of Human Tumours to the Hamster Cheek Pouch

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    The hamster cheek pouch is an immunologically privileged site. The present study is of simple implantation of human tumours direct from operative specimen to cheek pouch, in particular to determine whether tumour type influences the rate of successful implant. All implants were studied 10 or 20 days later. The use of cortisone significantly improved the number of implants growing

    An objective biochemical assessment of therapeutic response in metastatic breast cancer: a study with external review of clinical data.

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    A series of tumour related markers have been examined in 179 patients receiving primary endocrine therapy for metastatic breast cancer. Significant correlations between therapeutic response (UICC criteria after 6 months of treatment) and appropriate alterations in serum concentrations of carcinoembryonic antigen, ferritin, c-reactive protein, orosomucoid and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, have been observed when changes in these markers were examined only at high serum concentrations. By combining these five markers a 'therapeutic index' of response has been devised which can be employed at an early stage of treatment in more than 90% of patients, giving an overall sensitivity/specificity of 90%/78% for therapeutic response or disease stabilisation over a 6-month period. The design of an objective measurement of response, which is easy to perform, has the potential to replace the existing, largely subjective. UICC criteria for retrospective judgement of response, and may also be used to direct systemic endocrine therapy

    Oestrogen-receptor status and sites of metastasis in breast cancer.

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    The oestrogen receptor (RE) status of the primary tumour has been assessed in 466 of a consecutive series of 550 patients with primary operable breast cancer. All patients were followed up (without treatment) until the development of recurrence or metastases. Distant metastases have so far occurred in 124 patients and 82 have had symptomatic local or regional recurrence. A significant correlation exists between the RE status of the primary tumour and subsequent patterns of metastasis. Symptomatic metastases to regional lymph nodes are more common with RE- cancers. There is no significant difference in either time of onset or total incidence of distant metastases between patients with RE+ and RE- tumours. Distribution of distant metastases is influenced by RE status: RE+ tumours tend to recur in bone, RE- tumours show affinity for viscera

    Potential for cost economies in guiding therapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer.

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    Therapeutic response in patients with advanced breast cancer is conventionally assessed with reference to criteria devised by the International Union Against Cancer. Evidence to date suggests, however, that assessments of equivalent quality may be obtained at lower cost from the use of serum markers. The paper presents estimates of potential cost savings resulting from the use of serum markers in place of conventional assessment and argues that the size of these savings merits the establishment of a randomised controlled trial
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