30 research outputs found

    The autonomy of the military profession as a condition for civil and democratic control of the military and the fulfillment of the main social role of the military

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    The interference of the military in politics in a state is indisputably disastrous for its democracy. However, even the "too tight grip" of civil control of the military can be dangerous for a society, if its result is suboptimal or misused military power. The purpose of civil and democratic control of the military is to create a social environment in which the military accepts democratic values and does not pose a threat to the functioning of democracy, while maintaining a high level of professional efficiency and integrity. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously find a solution to the civil-military paradox and preserve the professional autonomy of officers from the challenges that come from the sphere of politics. Starting from Huntington's theory of civil-military relations, using a case study and the hypothetico-deductive method, this paper shows that the autonomy of the military profession is one of the conditions for proper functioning of civil and democratic control of the military, and that respecting and strengthening professionalism of officers is a necessary condition for preserving and developing the military capabilities to successfully carry out its missions and tasks. The understanding of civil and democratic control of the military as a process by which a dynamic balance between its participants is achieved is also propagated

    Nauke odbrane ili vojne nauke - pola veka bez odgovora

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    Uticaj stimulativnih mera na motivaciju pripadnika Vojske Srbije

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    Otvorenost Ŕuma i Ŕumskog zemljiŔta u Bosni i Hercegovini, entitetu Republici Srpskoj

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    The focus of this paper is on the description of the openness of primary forest traffic infrastructure in the Republic of Srpska. The data were collected using Garmin Oregon 600 GPS devices across the entire territory of state forests, managed by the Public Enterprise ā€žÅ ume Republike Srpskeā€, and the recorded traces were compared and corrected by orthophoto snapshots with a 0.50 m resolution. The tools used for the processing of collected data were software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2 and Quantum GIS 16.2. In addition, the analysis covers all forest roads that pass through state forests that can be used for forest management and enable the movement of trucks. Public roads are only taken as an overview of openness of this category of roads and forest openness is shown by forest categories. The analyses included 843,466.00 ha out of the total of 1,002,056.00 ha of state-owned forests. The final aim of this analysis was to obtain a clear insight into the quantitative status of primary forest traffic infrastructure in the Republic of Srpska. The data were collected during 2016. Based on the analysis, the total density of the network of primary forest traffic infrastructure for the research area was 9.28 m/ha without public roads, i.e. 11.21 m/ha with public roads. In addition, density of the network of primary forest traffic infrastructure was determined separately for each category of forests, and the highest density of forest road network was found in forest plantations (11.57 m/ha or 14.82 m/ha with public roads) and high forests with natural regeneration (11.13 m/ha or 12.49 m/ha with public roads).Radi potrebe unaprjeđenja mreže cesta u Republici Srpskoj, u ovome radu su prikazani određeni rezultati. Dinamiku izgradnje cesta i otvaranja Å”uma prate velike oscilacije, a posebice stagnacija početkom devedesetih godina. Izgradnja cesta u Republici Srpskoj nastavljena je vrlo slabo do 2006 godine, kada se krenulo intenzivno s projektiranjem i izgradnjom Å”umskih kamionskih cesta do danas. U ovome razdoblju na prostoru Republike Srpske izgrađeno je 519 km cesta, ili prosječno 47.20 km godiÅ”nje. S obzirom da ne postoji jasna analiza optimalne gustoće kamionskih cesta u Republici Srpskoj, u ovom slučaju su kao parameter poslužila slična reljefna područja iz okruženja. Pritom minimalna otvorenost koja je potrebna za gospodarenje Å”umama u RS uzeta je vrijednost od 15 m/ha, dok je optimalna oko 20 m/ha. Na osnovi ovih parametara učinjena je i analiza otvorenosti Å”uma. Otvorenost Å”uma Å”umskim kamionskim cestama iznosi 9.28 m/ha. Mnogi autori prikazali su otvorenost Å”uma, uključujući i javne ceste. Glede toga, i u ovome radu prikazana je otvorenost od 11.21 m/ha. Otvorenost javnim cestama možemo promatrati u smislu značenja ne samo za transport Å”umskih drvnih sortimenata, nego i za zaÅ”titu Å”uma od požara i monitoring Å”uma, kao i za prijevoz radnika i opreme do Å”uma za potrebe izvođenja radova na poÅ”umljavanju, uzgoju i koriŔćenju Å”uma. Gustoća Å”umskih kamionskih cesta za radoblje od 2006. do2016. godine je uvećana za 0.62 m/ha. Ovom dinamikom izgradnje cesta minimalna otvorenost bi se dostigla za 100 godina. Otvorenost Å”uma kreće se od 1.19 m/ha, pa sve do 14.75 m/ha. Svega jedno Å”umsko-gospodarsko područje (istočnodrvarsko) može se svrstati u minimalno otvoreno, Å”to predstavlja 1.48% od ukupne povrÅ”ine državnih Å”uma Republike Srpske. Å umskogospodarsko područje ā€œmajevičkoā€ ima najnižu otvorenost. Na ovome prostoru velika povrÅ”ina Å”uma je zaÅ”tićena kao vodozahvat pitke vode u općini Bijeljina, i na ovome prostoru nije dozvoljena intenzivnija eksploatacija Å”uma, pa samim tim i izgradnja Å”umskih kamionskih cesta. S obirom da je ovo područje malo povrÅ”inom, ono nema veliki utjecaj na ukupnu otvorenost Å”uma i Å”umskog zemljiÅ”ta. Iz rezultata ovoga istraživanja. dolazi se do zaključka, kao i u entitetu Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, da su najvažnija pretpostavka i uvjet za unaprjeđenje Å”umske prometne infrastrukture i u Republici Srpskoj financijska sredstva. Nedostatak financijskih sredstava su osnovni uzrok zbog čega je realizirana novogradnja cesta značajno ispod preporučenog minimuma. Potrebno je značajno intenzivirati izgradnju Å”umskih kamionskih cesta, posebice obratiti pozornost na Å”umsko-gospodarska područja u kojima se skoro nikako nije gradilo. S obzirom da su parametri za utvrđivanje otvorenosti Å”uma uzeti iz okruženja, potrebno je provesti detaljniju analizu konkretnih utjecajnih čimbenika za ovaj prostor kako bi se odredio minimum i optimum.. Neophodno je u planskim dokumentima razraditi otvorenost Å”uma ili određenim studijama analizirati sve čimbenike koji utječu na otvorenost Å”uma, kako bi se postigli optimumi gustoće mreže Å”umskih kamionskih cesta za različite reljefne uvjete. Razvoj katastra postojeće Å”umske ceste je preduvjet za provođenje analize i dobivanje kvalitetnih programa otvaranja Å”uma. U radu je prikazana otvorenost Å”uma i Å”umskog zemljiÅ”ta primarnom mrežom cesta u Republici Srpskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni GARMIN Oregon 600 GPS uređajima, na cijelom području, čiji je korisnik JPÅ  ā€œÅ ume Republike Srpskeā€, a snimljeni tragovi uspoređivani su i korigirani ortofoto snimkama rezolucije 0.50m. Za obradu podataka koriÅ”teni su GIS softveri, ArcGIS 10.2 i QGIS 2.16. GPS tragovi su razvrstani na javne i Å”umske ceste. Otvorenost Å”uma i Å”umskog zemljiÅ”ta je prikazana po kategorijama Å”uma

    Unique function for describing stress and strain behaviour of fire-affected concrete

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    U radu je predložena jedinstvena analitička funkcija za aproksimaciju EC2 krivulja koje opisuju ovisnost naprezanja i deformacije betona na temperaturama u požaru. Na osnovu predložene funkcije dobivena je familija krivulja koje se razlikuju samo po vrijednosti jednog parametra - maksimalne temperature pri požaru. Prikazani su numerički eksperimenti kojima je dokazano da se jednom funkcijom može opisati ponaŔanje betona u požaru i predloženi su smjerovi daljnjih istraživanja.A unique analytic function for the approximation of EC2 curves describing dependence of stress and strain of concrete at fire-generated temperatures is presented n the paper. The proposed function enables generation of a family of curves differing only in the value of a single parameter - maximum temperature during fire. Numerical experiments demonstrating that fire behaviour of concrete can be described with a single function are presented, and directions for further study are proposed

    Activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis

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    Background/Aim. Chronic echinococcocal disease is the parasite human disease caused by the penetration of larval (asexual) stages of the canine tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) in the liver of humans. After the penetration of the parasite, the host organism react by activating complement- depending immune response. The aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of larval form of Echinococcus granulosus in the liver on the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention. Methods. We investigated the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes: copper/zinc containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the controls, clinically healthy persons. Results. Our results showed that the activity of the GSH-Px was significantly decreased in the plasma of the patients with echinocococal disease before the surgery in respect to the controls. The activity of GST was significantly higher in the blood of the patients after the surgery in comparison to the controls. Conclusion. Chronic liver echinoccocal disease caused significant changes of some antioxidative defense enzymes, first of all Se-dependent enzyme GSH-Px, which could be a suitabile biomarker in the biochemical evaluation of the disease. This work represents a first comprehensive study of the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in cronic liver echinococcocosis in the patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the clinically healthy persons

    Leaching of chromium from chromium contaminated soil: Speciation study and geochemical modeling

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    Distribution of chromium between soil and leachate was monitored. A natural process of percolating rainwater through the soil was simulated in the laboratory conditions and studied with column leaching extraction. Migration of chromium in the soil is conditioned by the level of chromium soil contamination, the soil organic matter content, and rainwater acidity. Chromium (III) and chromium(VI) were determined by spectrophotometric method with diphenilcarbazide in acidic media. Comparing the results of chromium speciation in leachate obtained by experimental model systems and geochemical modelling calculations using Visual MINTEQ model, a correlation was observed regarding the influence of the tested parameters. Leachate solutions showed that the concentration of Cr depended on the organic matter content. The influence of pH and soil organic matter content is in compliance after its definition through experimental and theoretical way. The computer model - Stockholm Humic Model used to evaluate the leaching results corresponded rather well with the measured values

    Activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis

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    Background/Aim. Chronic echinococcocal disease is the parasite human disease caused by the penetration of larval (asexual) stages of the canine tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) in the liver of humans. After the penetration of the parasite, the host organism react by activating complement- depending immune response. The aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of larval form of Echinococcus granulosus in the liver on the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention. Methods. We investigated the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes: copper/zinc containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the controls, clinically healthy persons. Results. Our results showed that the activity of the GSH-Px was significantly decreased in the plasma of the patients with echinocococal disease before the surgery in respect to the controls. The activity of GST was significantly higher in the blood of the patients after the surgery in comparison to the controls. Conclusion. Chronic liver echinoccocal disease caused significant changes of some antioxidative defense enzymes, first of all Se-dependent enzyme GSH-Px, which could be a suitabile biomarker in the biochemical evaluation of the disease. This work represents a first comprehensive study of the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in cronic liver echinococcocosis in the patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the clinically healthy persons.Uvod/Cilj. Ehinokokusna bolest je parazitno oboljenje koje nastaje prodorom larvene forme pseće pantljičare (Echinococcus granulosus) u jetru čoveka, pri čemu dolazi do reakcije domaćina koji se brani od infektivnog agensa aktivacijom sistema komplementa i komplement-zavisnim imunim odgovorom. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi da li razvoj larvenog oblika pseće pantljičare (Echinococcus granulosus) u jetri ima uticaja na aktivnost enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja u krvi obolelih pre i posle operativnog zahvata. Metode. Ispitivane su promene aktivnosti enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja: bakar/cink sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze (CuZn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation-reduktaze (GR) i glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u krvi obolelih od ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre i posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne, klinički zdrave osobe. Rezultati. Ustanovljen je statistički značajan pad aktivnosti enzima GSH-Px u plazmi bolesnika obolelih od ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre operacije u odnosu na kontrolu. Aktivnost enzima GST bila je statistički značajno povećana u krvi obolelih od hronične ehinokokusne bolesti jetre posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne vrednosti. Zaključak. Hronična ehinokokusna bolest jetre izaziva promene aktivnosti nekih enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja, pre svega Se-zavisnog enzima GSH-Px, Å”to može predstavljati dobar biomarker u daljoj biohemijskoj evaluaciji ove bolesti. Prema dostupnim podacima ovaj rad predstavlja prvu studiju aktivnosti enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja kod obolelih od hronične ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre i posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne, klinički zdrave osobe.nul

    Activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients with liver echinococcosis

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    Background/Aim. Chronic echinococcocal disease is the parasite human disease caused by the penetration of larval (asexual) stages of the canine tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) in the liver of humans. After the penetration of the parasite, the host organism react by activating complement- depending immune response. The aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of larval form of Echinococcus granulosus in the liver on the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention. Methods. We investigated the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes: copper/zinc containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the controls, clinically healthy persons. Results. Our results showed that the activity of the GSH-Px was significantly decreased in the plasma of the patients with echinocococal disease before the surgery in respect to the controls. The activity of GST was significantly higher in the blood of the patients after the surgery in comparison to the controls. Conclusion. Chronic liver echinoccocal disease caused significant changes of some antioxidative defense enzymes, first of all Se-dependent enzyme GSH-Px, which could be a suitabile biomarker in the biochemical evaluation of the disease. This work represents a first comprehensive study of the activity of antioxidative defense enzymes in cronic liver echinococcocosis in the patients before and after the surgical intervention in respect to the clinically healthy persons.Uvod/Cilj. Ehinokokusna bolest je parazitno oboljenje koje nastaje prodorom larvene forme pseće pantljičare (Echinococcus granulosus) u jetru čoveka, pri čemu dolazi do reakcije domaćina koji se brani od infektivnog agensa aktivacijom sistema komplementa i komplement-zavisnim imunim odgovorom. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi da li razvoj larvenog oblika pseće pantljičare (Echinococcus granulosus) u jetri ima uticaja na aktivnost enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja u krvi obolelih pre i posle operativnog zahvata. Metode. Ispitivane su promene aktivnosti enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja: bakar/cink sadržavajuće superoksid-dismutaze (CuZn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation-reduktaze (GR) i glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u krvi obolelih od ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre i posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne, klinički zdrave osobe. Rezultati. Ustanovljen je statistički značajan pad aktivnosti enzima GSH-Px u plazmi bolesnika obolelih od ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre operacije u odnosu na kontrolu. Aktivnost enzima GST bila je statistički značajno povećana u krvi obolelih od hronične ehinokokusne bolesti jetre posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne vrednosti. Zaključak. Hronična ehinokokusna bolest jetre izaziva promene aktivnosti nekih enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja, pre svega Se-zavisnog enzima GSH-Px, Å”to može predstavljati dobar biomarker u daljoj biohemijskoj evaluaciji ove bolesti. Prema dostupnim podacima ovaj rad predstavlja prvu studiju aktivnosti enzima sistema zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja kod obolelih od hronične ehinokokusne bolesti jetre pre i posle operacije u odnosu na kontrolne, klinički zdrave osobe.nul

    Odnos srpskog druŔtvenog karaktera i vojne neutralnosti

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