373 research outputs found

    Theory of the tunneling spectroscopy of ferromagnetic superconductors

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    We study tunneling conductance in normal metal / insulator / ferromagnetic superconductor junctions. The tunneling spectra show a clear difference between spin-singlet s-wave pairing, spin-triplet opposite spin pairing and spin-triplet equal spin pairing: These pairings exhibit, respectively, gap struture, double peak structure and zero bias peak in the spectra. The obtained result may serve as a tool for determining the pairing symmetry of ferromagnetic superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pairing symmetry signatures of T1 in superconducting ferromagnets

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    We study the nuclear relaxation rate 1/T1 as a function of temperature for a superconducting-ferromagnetic coexistent system using a p-wave triplet model for the superconducting pairing symmetry. This calculation is contrasted with a singlet s-wave one done previously, and we see for the s-wave case that there is a Hebel-Slichter peak, albeit reduced due to the magnetization, and no peak for the p-wave case. We then compare these results to a nuclear relaxation rate experiment on UGe2 to determine the possible pairing symmetry signatures in that material. It is seen that the experimental data is inconclusive to rule out the possibility of s-wave pairing in UGe2UGe_{2}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A quantitative study of spin noise spectroscopy in a classical gas of 41^{41}K atoms

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    We present a general derivation of the electron spin noise power spectrum in alkali gases as measured by optical Faraday rotation, which applies to both classical gases at high temperatures as well as ultracold quantum gases. We show that the spin-noise power spectrum is determined by an electron spin-spin correlation function, and we find that measurements of the spin-noise power spectra for a classical gas of 41^{41}K atoms are in good agreement with the predicted values. Experimental and theoretical spin noise spectra are directly and quantitatively compared in both longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields up to the high magnetic field regime (where Zeeman energies exceed the intrinsic hyperfine energy splitting of the 41^{41}K ground state)

    Physical properties of ferromagnetic-superconducting coexistent system

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    We studied the nuclear relaxation rate 1/T1 of a ferromagnetic-superconducting system from the mean field model proposed in Ref.14. This model predicts the existence of a set of gapless excitations in the energy spectrum which will affect the properties studied here, such as the density of states and, hence, 1/T1. The study of the temperature variation of 1/T1(for T<Tc) shows that the usual Hebel-Slichter peak exists, but will be reduced because of the dominant role of the gapless fermions and the background magnetic behavior. We have also presented the temperature dependence of ultrasonic attenuation and the frequency dependence of electromagnetic absorption within this model. We are successful in explaining certain experimental results.Comment: 10 Pages, 9 figute
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