10 research outputs found

    Utilizarea procesului de ierarhizare analitică în selectarea celor mai importante produse forestiere nelemnoase din judeţul Iaşi

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    In Romania, the non-wood forest products are mainly represented by the fauna of hunting interest, forest fruits, truffles and edible mushrooms and medicinal plants. The aim of this research was to study the most important non-wood forest products from Iaşi County. The analyze model used in similar studies done in the case of other counties across Romania was taken into account. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to assess the performance of selected alternatives by means of pairwise comparisons. The analyses were carried out using the Expert Choice Desktop software package. Honey and pheasant were the most promising non-wood forest products, while the less promising was the European elderberry. According to the results of this study, we conclude that Iaşi County has a great potential for harvesting and marketing of NWFPs

    Elymus L. Genus – species diversity, conservation and implications for agricultural ecosystems

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    In recent years, botanical collections are being used extensively as primary resources for numerous research studies. “Alexandru Beldie” Herbarium is part of the patrimony of the National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry “Marin Drăcea” and is registered in Index Herbariorum under the acronym BUCF. Created nine decades ago, the collection currently comprises approximately 40000 mounted specimens, with emphasis on the Romanian flora. The purpose of this work study was to create an updated electronic database of Elymus L. genus stored in the BUCF Herbarium and to provide a short description of the most relevant weeds with notes on their distribution, ecology and implications for agricultural ecosystems. The Elymus genus comprises 120 vouchers and is represented by eleven species and one subspecies. Among them were found three rare taxa for the vascular flora of Romania: Elymus farctus subsp. essarabicus (Savul. & Rayss) Melderis, E. panormitanus (Parl.) Tzvelev and E. pycnanthus (Godr.) Melderis. The Herbarium also stores a historical record, an E. hispidus (Opiz) Melderis specimen dated over two hundred years. Almost all plants are very well preserved being kept in their entirety and correctly attached to the voucher. Elymus representatives are widespread across the country and are found primarily in open woodlands, meadows and agricultural fields where are problematic weeds of cultivated crops. Specimens of Elymus genus stored in the herbarium were mainly collected from forest areas, but they can also be used as reference material in agricultural studies

    Hippophae salicifolia D. Don: A Miraculous Species Less Known in Europe

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    Hippophae salicifolia is an Euro-Asian species used in many industries, from medicine to cosmetics, nutrition, or soil sciences (enriching degraded fields, diminishing soil erosion, preventing and treating diseases). The purpose of this study was to analyse the culture of this species in Europe together with the chemical content of its fruits. In order to achieve this, Hippophae salicifolia seeds were sown in greenhouses, seedlings were planted in fields, while the fruits were harvested and analysed both fresh, as well as after preservation for 1 year and 5 months. The properties of H. salicifolia fruits were also compared with the fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides, both fresh and preserved for 7 months. The analysis have shown that fresh fruits contain an average quantity of 31; 811 and 231 mg/100 total carotenoid, polyphenol, and ascorbic acid, respectively. The vitamin C content was much higher than that observed for H. rhamonides. If kept in adequate conditions, H. salicifolia fruits lose only a small amount of vitamin C and exhibit a vitamin C content (224 mg/100g) superior to the fresh fruit of H. rhamonides (100-150 mg/100 g). By comparing the chemical characteristics of H. salicifolia and H. rhamnoides fruits preserved over a long period of time, a higher concentration of vitamin C was observed in H. salicifolia, while the differences between the other chemical characteristics were insignificant. The obtained results strongly suggest that H. salicifolia can be successfully cultured in Europe, while its exceptional fruit qualities can be capitalised on by a variety of industries


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    In the past, Transylvania was an area of high afforestation, in 1919 having a surface of about four million hectares. Due to the need to expand agricultural areas, accessible ones have been deforested, with some of them degrading as a result of intense and irrational grazing. In order to ensure that the degraded areas are not totally unproductive, in the 1970s, they have been afforested, many of them being made with resinous, even in situations where the ecological group provided for other solutions. A number of six sample surfaces were taken into study, in which measurements were taken to track the growth of stands on degraded lands. These stands suffer from isolated windfall and crown breaks, due to the fact that the silvicultural operations are performed at a lower frequency than the production stands. Comparing the data obtained, it was found that the most healthy stands are in the Săvădisla, Sic and Sărmaşu areas, while in the Filitelnic area the trees are affected by isolated windfall and tops and crowns breaks. For tree damage to occur at the lowest possible frequency, strict silvicultural operations required for each stage of development is necessary

    Speciile din genul Rubus prezente în herbarul Alexandru Beldie

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    Rubus Genus, which encompasses 750 species spread out on almost all continents, has a significant importance, both from a botanical perspective, as well as an economical and medicinal one. The purpose of the present paper is todescribe some of the most important species belonging to the Rubus Genus present in the Al. Beldie Herbarium from INCDS „Marin Drăcea”, Bucharest. As such, the paper analyzes the species harvesting year and place, the botanists that have collected them as well as the plates conservation state.As a total, 114 plates that belong to the Rubus Genus were analyzed, namely 65 species. The species with most samples present in the herbarium is Rubus caesius L., followed by R. idaeus L. and R. tomentosus Borkh. The Rubus species were collected from France, Poland, Germany, Austria and Romania (Bucegi Mountains, Braşov, Arad, Timişoara, Caransebeş, Vâlcea, Buzău, Ilfov, Maramureş). The Rubus samples present in the herbarium were collected between 1853 and 1999, the majority of them being gathered between 1887 and 1942 by renowned local or foreign botanists. The conservation state of the plates is generally good


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    In order to study a plant disease, one needs to know the symptomatic manifests, morphology and biology of the pathogen that causes mutual relations between the host plant and the pathogen, and the influence exerted by environmental conditions. In the fight against plant diseases, preventive measures are mainly used. These sought to determine the degree of impairment in nature pests of the acorn crop emergence percentage and seedling development in the first year of vegetation under the influence of prophylactic or curative treatments applied at sowing. using some new fungicides. To control these pathogens fungicides series of new generations were tested. Tests were made in several forest nurseries using acorn of several origins and several species of the genus Quercus. Acorns were treated before sowing and the effect of these treatments in health and seedling emergence percentage obtained was observed

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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