2,662 research outputs found

    Thermoelastic-damping noise from sapphire mirrors in a fundamental-noise-limited interferometer

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    We report the first high-precision interferometer using large sapphire mirrors, and we present the first direct, broadband measurements of the fundamental thermal noise in these mirrors. Our results agree well with the thermoelastic-damping noise predictions of Braginsky, et al. [Phys. Lett. A 264, 1(1999)] and Cerdonio, et al.[Phys. Rev. D 63, 082003 (2001)], which have been used to predict the astrophysical reach of advanced interferometric gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Particle Dynamics in Damped Nonlinear Quadrupole Ion Traps

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    We examine the motions of particles in quadrupole ion traps as a function of damping and trapping forces, including cases where nonlinear damping or nonlinearities in the electric field geometry play significant roles. In the absence of nonlinearities, particles are either damped to the trap center or ejected, while their addition brings about a rich spectrum of stable closed particle trajectories. In three-dimensional (3D) quadrupole traps, the extended orbits are typically confined to the trap axis, and for this case we present a 1D analysis of the relevant equation of motion. We follow this with an analysis of 2D quadrupole traps that frequently show diamond-shaped closed orbits. For both the 1D and 2D cases we present experimental observations of the calculated trajectories in microparticle ion traps. We also report the discovery of a new collective behavior in damped 2D microparticle ion traps, where particles spontaneously assemble into a remarkable knot of overlapping, corotating diamond orbits, self-stabilized by air currents arising from the particle motion

    Enhanced photothermal displacement spectroscopy for thin-film characterization using a Fabry-Perot resonator

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    We have developed a technique for photothermal displacement spectroscopy that is potentially orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional methods. We use a single Fabry-Perot resonator to enhance both the intensity of the pump beam and the sensitivity of the probe beam. The result is an enhancement of the response of the instrument by a factor proportional to the square of the finesse of the cavity over conventional interferometric measurements. In this paper we present a description of the technique, and we discuss how the properties of thin films can be deduced from the photothermal response. As an example of the technique, we report a measurement of the thermal properties of a multilayer dielectric mirror similar to those used in interferometric gravitational wave detectors

    Acreage Allotments.

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    A basic Michelson laser interferometer for the undergraduate teaching laboratory demonstrating picometer sensitivity

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    We describe a basic Michelson laser interferometer experiment for the undergraduate teaching laboratory that achieves picometer sensitivity in a hands-on, table-top instrument. In addition to providing an introduction to interferometer physics and optical hardware, the experiment also focuses on precision measurement techniques including servo control, signal modulation, phase-sensitive detection, and different types of signal averaging. Students examine these techniques in a series of steps that take them from micron-scale sensitivity using direct fringe counting to picometer sensitivity using a modulated signal and phase-sensitive signal averaging. After students assemble, align, and characterize the interferometer, they then use it to measure nanoscale motions of a simple harmonic oscillator system as a substantive example of how laser interferometry can be used as an effective tool in experimental science

    Arthroscopic transosseous rotator cuff repair: A prospective study on cost savings, surgical time, and outcomes

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    Objectives: Health expenditures in the United States are outpacing national income, and affordability has become a major policy issue. Over 500,000 rotator cuff repairs (RCR) are performed annually in the United States making RCR a potential source of cost savings. Arthroscopic trans-osseous equivalent (TOE) repair using a double row of anchors has shown superior biomechanical strength compared to other techniques, but at a higher cost. The arthroscopic transosseous (TO) repair is a novel technique allowing arthroscopic rotator cuff repair to be performed without suture anchors. Arthroscopic TO repair may be a means to provide similarly excellent patient outcomes while lowering the cost of care. The primary purpose is to compare the price differential and time of surgery for an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using anchorless TO repair verses an anchor trans-osseous equivalent (TOE) repair. A secondary purpose of the study was to evaluate outcomes at 6 months postoperatively. Methods: A prospective, case-controlled study evaluating arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using two techniques was performed. The study group consisting of 21 patients undergoing TO repair was compared to a control group consisting of 22 patients undergoing TOE repair. The groups were controlled for size of tear, biceps treatment, acromioplasty, distal clavicle excision, and labral pathology. The primary outcome measures were surgical time as well as total cost of implants and equipment for each surgery, determined by an independent third party, Atlanticare Hospital. Secondary outcomes were changes in the SST, VAS, and SANE scores. Results: Mean total surgical implant/equipment cost per procedure for TOE repair was 2348.03(SD490.30)andforTOrepairwas2348.03 (SD 490.30) and for TO repair was 1204.97 (SD 330.69; p\u3c0.0001). Mean cut to close time for TOE repair was 85 minutes (95% CI is 77-90) verses 74 (95% CI = 71-98) for TO repair. A log rank test revealed no difference in time (p =0.95). A linear regression model was developed to evaluate the change in SST, VAS, and SANE scores from pre-op to 6 months follow-up. Our study was underpowered but no difference in outcome was observed. Conclusion: Arthroscopic TO rotator cuff repair is a cost savings and time neutral technique compared to TOE repair. A mean of $1100 can be saved in surgical cost per case. In a country that performs over 500,000 RCRs annually, utilizing a TO repair technique can provide substantial cost savings to the healthcare system. © The Author(s) 2015

    Greater Sage-Grouse Ecology in Western Box Elder County, Utah 2007 Annual Report

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    Viewpoint-driven Formation Control of Airships for Cooperative Target Tracking

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    For tracking and motion capture (MoCap) of animals in their natural habitat, a formation of safe and silent aerial platforms, such as airships with on-board cameras, is well suited. In our prior work we derived formation properties for optimal MoCap, which include maintaining constant angular separation between observers w.r.t. the subject, threshold distance to it and keeping it centered in the camera view. Unlike multi-rotors, airships have non-holonomic constrains and are affected by ambient wind. Their orientation and flight direction are also tightly coupled. Therefore a control scheme for multicopters that assumes independence of motion direction and orientation is not applicable. In this paper, we address this problem by first exploiting a periodic relationship between the airspeed of an airship and its distance to the subject. We use it to derive analytical and numeric solutions that satisfy the formation properties for optimal MoCap. Based on this, we develop an MPC-based formation controller. We perform theoretical analysis of our solution, boundary conditions of its applicability, extensive simulation experiments and a real world demonstration of our control method with an unmanned airship. Open source code https://tinyurl.com/AsMPCCode and a video of our method is provided at https://tinyurl.com/AsMPCVid .Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, source code : https://github.com/robot-perception-group/Airship-MPC , video: https://youtu.be/ZcuedRMTK0w , This paper has been submitted and accepted for publication in IEEE RA-L on March 8 202

    Greater sage-grouse ecology in western Box Elder County, Utah

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