1,286 research outputs found

    Defect in Posterior Arch of Atlas in Myelomeningocele

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    The posterior arches of the cervical vertebrae of 30 children who died with a myelomeningocele in the lower thoracic, lumbar or sacral region were examined; in 70 per cent of these cases a defect was found in the posterior arch of the atlas, which was bridged by a firm fibrous band. Altération de l'are postérieur de l'atlas dans le myéloméningocèle Les arcs postérieurs des vertèbres cervicales de 30 enfants décédés avec un myéloméningocele des régions thoracique basse, lombaire ou sacrée ont été examinés. II a été trouvé dans 70 pour cent des cas, une altération de l'arc postérieur de l'atlas avec un pont fibreux solide. Defekt des hinteren Atlasbogens bei der Myelomeningocele Die Hinterbogen der Halswirbelkörper von 30 Kindern, die an einer Myelomeningocele der unteren thorakalen, lumbären oder Sakralgegend gestorben waren, wurden untersucht; in 70 Prozent dieser Fälle fand sich ein Defekt des hinteren Atlasbogens, der durch ein festes fibröses Band gedeckt war. Defecto en el arco posterior del atlas en el mielomeningocele Se examinaron los arcos posteriores de las vertebras cervicales en 30 niños que fallecieron con un mielomeningocele en la region torácica baja, lumbar o sacra. En el 70 por ciento de estos casos se encontró un defecto en el arco posterior del atlas, con la presencia de un puente formado por una banda fibrosa firme. Copyrigh

    Ages of 24 widespread tephras erupted since 30,000 years ago in New Zealand, with re-evaluation of the timing and palaeoclimatic implications of the Lateglacial cool episode recorded at Kaipo bog

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    Tephras are important for the NZ-INTIMATE project because they link all three records comprising the composite inter-regional stratotype developed for the New Zealand climate event stratigraphy (NZ-CES). Here we firstly report new calendar ages for 24 widespread marker tephras erupted since 30,000 calendar (cal.) years ago in New Zealand to help facilitate their use as chronostratigraphic dating tools for the NZ-CES and for other palaeoenvironmental and geological applications. The selected tephras comprise 12 rhyolitic tephras from Taupo, nine rhyolitic tephras from Okataina, one peralkaline rhyolitic tephra from Tuhua, and one andesitic tephra each from Tongariro and Egmont/Taranaki volcanic centres. Age models for the tephras were obtained using three methods: (i) 14C-based wiggle-match dating of wood from trees killed by volcanic eruptions (these dates published previously); (ii) flexible depositional modelling of a high-resolution 14C-dated age-depth sequence at Kaipo bog using two Bayesian-based modelling programs, Bacon and OxCal's P_Sequence function, and the IntCal09 data set (with SH offset correction -44 ± 17 yr); and (iii) calibration of 14C ages using OxCal's Tau_Boundary function and the SHCal04 and IntCal09 data sets. Our preferred dates or calibrated ages for the 24 tephras are as follows (youngest to oldest, all mid-point or mean ages of 95% probability ranges): Kaharoa AD 1314 ± 12; Taupo (Unit Y) AD 232 ± 10; Mapara (Unit X) 2059 ± 118 cal. yr BP; Whakaipo (Unit V) 2800 ± 60 cal. yr BP; Waimihia (Unit S) 3401 ± 108 cal. yr BP; Stent (Unit Q) 4322 ± 112 cal. yr BP; Unit K 5111 ± 210 cal. yr BP; Whakatane 5526 ± 145 cal. yr BP; Tuhua 6577 ± 547 cal. yr BP; Mamaku 7940 ± 257 cal. yr BP; Rotoma 9423 ± 120 cal. yr BP; Opepe (Unit E) 9991 ± 160 cal. yr BP; Poronui (Unit C) 11,170 ± 115 cal. yr BP; Karapiti (Unit B) 11,460 ± 172 cal. yr BP; Okupata 11,767 ± 192 cal. yr BP; Konini (bed b) 11,880 ± 183 cal. yr BP; Waiohau 14,009 ± 155 cal. yr BP; Rotorua 15,635 ± 412 cal. yr BP; Rerewhakaaitu 17,496 ± 462 cal. yr BP; Okareka 21,858 ± 290 cal. yr BP; Te Rere 25,171 ± 964 cal. yr BP; Kawakawa/Oruanui 25,358 ± 162 cal. yr BP; Poihipi 28,446 ± 670 cal. yr BP; and Okaia 28,621 ± 1428 cal. yr BP. Secondly, we have re-dated the start and end of the Lateglacial cool episode (climate event NZce-3 in the NZ-CES), previously referred to as the Lateglacial climate reversal, as defined at Kaipo bog in eastern North Island, New Zealand, using both Bacon and OxCal P_Sequence modelling with the IntCal09 data set. The ca 1200-yr-long cool episode, indicated by a lithostratigraphic change in the Kaipo peat sequence to grey mud with lowered carbon content, and a high-resolution pollen-derived cooling signal, began 13,739 ± 125 cal. yr BP and ended 12,550 ± 140 cal. yr BP (mid-point ages of the 95% highest posterior density regions, Bacon modelling). The OxCal modelling, generating almost identical ages, confirmed these ages. The Lateglacial cool episode (ca 13.8-12.6 cal. ka BP) thus overlaps a large part of the entire Antarctic Cold Reversal chronozone (ca 14.1-12.4 cal. ka BP or ca 14.6-12.8 cal. ka BP), and an early part of the Greenland Stadial-1 (Younger Dryas) chronozone (ca 12.9-11.7 cal. ka BP). The timing of the Lateglacial cool episode at Kaipo is broadly consistent with the latitudinal patterns in the Antarctic Cold Reversal signal suggested for the New Zealand archipelago from marine and terrestrial records, and with records from southern South America

    Getting a kick out of the stellar disk(s) in the galactic center

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    Recent observations of the Galactic center revealed a nuclear disk of young OB stars, in addition to many similar outlying stars with higher eccentricities and/or high inclinations relative to the disk (some of them possibly belonging to a second disk). Binaries in such nuclear disks, if they exist in non-negligible fractions, could have a major role in the evolution of the disks through binary heating of this stellar system. We suggest that interactions with/in binaries may explain some (or all) of the observed outlying young stars in the Galactic center. Such stars could have been formed in a disk, and later on kicked out from it through binary related interactions, similar to ejection of high velocity runaway OB stars in young clusters throughout the galaxy.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figs. To be published in the proceedings of the IAU 246 symposium on "Dynamical evolution of dense stellar systems

    The origin of runaway stars

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    Milli-arcsecond astrometry provided by Hipparcos and by radio observations makes it possible to retrace the orbits of some of the nearest runaway stars and pulsars to determine their site of origin. The orbits of the runaways AE Aurigae and mu Columbae and of the eccentric binary iota Orionis intersect each other about 2.5 Myr ago in the nascent Trapezium cluster, confirming that these runaways were formed in a binary-binary encounter. The path of the runaway star zeta Ophiuchi intersects that of the nearby pulsar PSR J1932+1059, about 1 Myr ago, in the young stellar group Upper Scorpius. We propose that this neutron star is the remnant of a supernova that occurred in a binary system which also contained zeta Oph, and deduce that the pulsar received a kick velocity of about 350 km/s in the explosion. These two cases provide the first specific kinematic evidence that both mechanisms proposed for the production of runaway stars, the dynamical ejection scenario and the binary-supernova scenario, operate in nature.Comment: 5 pages, including 2 eps-figures and 1 table, submitted to the ApJ Letters. The manuscript was typeset using aaste

    Triggered Star Formation by Massive Stars

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    We present our diagnosis of the role that massive stars play in the formation of low- and intermediate-mass stars in OB associations (the Lambda Ori region, Ori OB1, and Lac OB1 associations). We find that the classical T Tauri stars and Herbig Ae/Be stars tend to line up between luminous O stars and bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds; the closer to a cloud the progressively younger they are. Our positional and chronological study lends support to the validity of the radiation-driven implosion mechanism, where the Lyman continuum photons from a luminous O star create expanding ionization fronts to evaporate and compress nearby clouds into bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds. Implosive pressure then causes dense clumps to collapse, prompting the formation of low-mass stars on the cloud surface (i.e., the bright rim) and intermediate-mass stars somewhat deeper in the cloud. These stars are a signpost of current star formation; no young stars are seen leading the ionization fronts further into the cloud. Young stars in bright-rimmed or comet-shaped clouds are likely to have been formed by triggering, which would result in an age spread of several megayears between the member stars or star groups formed in the sequence.Comment: 2007, ApJ, 657, 88

    A Hipparcos census of the nearby OB associations

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    A comprehensive census of the stellar content of the nearby OB associations is presented, based on Hipparcos positions, proper motions, and parallaxes. Moving groups are identified by combining de Bruijne's refurbished convergent point method with the `Spaghetti method' of Hoogerwerf & Aguilar. Monte Carlo simulations are used to estimate the expected number of interloper field stars. Astrometric members are listed for 12 young stellar groups, out to a distance of ~650 pc. These are the 3 subgroups Upper Scorpius, Upper Centaurus Lupus and Lower Centaurus Crux of Sco OB2, as well as Vel OB2, Tr 10, Col 121, Per OB2, alpha Persei (Per OB3), Cas-Tau, Lac OB1, Cep OB2, and a new group designated as Cep OB6. The selection procedure corrects the list of previously known astrometric and photometric B- and A-type members, and identifies many new members, including a significant number of F stars, as well as evolved stars, e.g., the Wolf-Rayet stars gamma^2 Vel (Vel OB2) and EZ CMa (Col 121), and the classical Cepheid delta Cep in Cep OB6. In the nearest associations the later-type members include T Tauri objects and other pre-main sequence stars. Astrometric evidence for moving groups in the fields of R CrA, CMa OB1, Mon OB1, Ori OB1, Cam OB1, Cep OB3, Cep OB4, Cyg OB4, Cyg OB7, and Sct OB2, is inconclusive, due to their large distance or unfavorable kinematics. The mean distances of the well-established groups are systematically smaller than previous estimates. The mean motions display a systematic pattern, which is discussed in relation to the Gould Belt. Six of the 12 detected moving groups do not appear in the classical list of nearby OB associations. The number of unbound young stellar groups in the Solar neighbourhood may be significantly larger than thought previously.Comment: 51 pages, 30 PostScript figures, 6 tables in PostScript format, default LaTeX using psfig.sty; accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 1999 issue. Abbreviated abstrac

    OB Associations

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    Since the previous (1990) edition of this meeting enormous progress in the field of OB associations has been made. Data from X-ray satellites have greatly advanced the study of the low-mass stellar content of associations, while astrometric data from the Hipparcos satellite allow for a characterization of the higher-mass content of associations with unprecedented accuracy. We review recent work on the OB associations located within 1.5 kpc from the Sun, discuss the Hipparcos results at length, and point out directions for future research.Comment: To appear in The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution II, eds C.J. Lada & N. Kylafis (Kluwer Academic), 30 pages, 9 EPS-figures, LaTeX using crckapb.sty, epsfig.sty, amssymb.st

    Geochronological database and classification system for age uncertainties in Neotropical pollen records.

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    The newly updated inventory of palaeoecological research in Latin America offers an important overview of sites available for multi-proxy and multi-site purposes. From the collected literature supporting this inventory, we collected all available age model metadata to create a chronological database of 5116 control points (e.g. 14C, tephra, fission track, OSL, 210Pb) from 1097 pollen records. Based on this literature review, we present a summary of chronological dating and reporting in the Neotropics. Difficulties and recommendations for chronology reporting are discussed. Furthermore, for 234 pollen records in northwest South America, a classification system for age uncertainties is implemented based on chronologies generated with updated calibration curves. With these outcomes age models are produced for those sites without an existing chronology, alternative age models are provided for researchers interested in comparing the effects of different calibration curves and age-depth modelling software, and the importance of uncertainty assessments of chronologies is highlighted. Sample resolution and temporal uncertainty of ages are discussed for different time windows, focusing on events relevant for research on centennial- to millennial-scale climate variability. All age models and developed R scripts are publicly available through figshare, including a manual to use the scripts