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    Bibliography of Papers Published in the Journal Migration Themes / Migration and Ethnic Themes (1985 ā€“ 2014)

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    Povodom trideset godina izlaženja časopisa Migracijske i etničke teme (do 2000. izlazio je pod nazivom Migracijske teme: časopis za istraživanje migracija i narodnosti) smatramo važnim i potrebnim na jednome mjestu dati pregled radova objavljenih u časopisu od početka izlaženja 1985. do posljednjeg broja u 2014. Najvažniji cilj ove bibliografije jest upoznati znanstvenu i stručnu javnost, a pogotovo nove istraživače, s temama obuhvaćenima ovim časopisom te omogućiti jednostavniji pristup časopisu i lakÅ”e koriÅ”tenje njime. Bibliografija je selektivna. Uključeni su znanstveni radovi (izvorni znanstveni rad, prethodno priopćenje i pregledni rad), stručni radovi, izlaganja sa znanstvenog skupa, tribine, rasprave, osvrti i bibliografije, a nisu uvrÅ”teni prikazi ni recenzije knjiga i časopisa (tj. radovi iz rubrika Knjige, Prikazi i recenzije, Prikazi, Iz stranih časopisa i Film), kao ni uvodnici, sjećanja, in memoriam i osvrti na skupove (u rubrikama Osvrti i Skupovi). Svi su radovi dostupni na Hrčku ā€“ portalu znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. Budući da nisu uvrÅ”tene sve vrste radova, ali ponajprije zbog njihove veće preglednosti i uvida u objavljene radove prema određenim temama i s različitom problematikom te lakÅ”eg i bržeg pristupa, odlučili smo se za izradu predmetne bibliografije, a ne kronoloÅ”ke. (Povodom deset godina izlaženja časopisa Migracijske teme objavljena je kronoloÅ”ka bibliografija u broju 3-4/1994. koju je priredio Josip Kumpes.) Od početka izlaženja migracije i etničnost srediÅ”nje su teme zastupljene u časopisu, ali se težiÅ”te s osnovne problematike ranijih radova, koji su obuhvaćali vanjske migracije, unutarnje migracije, iseljeniÅ”tvo i manjine/narodnosti, postupno usmjerivalo na nove pojave i procese u svijetu kao Å”to su globalizacija, rastuća prostorna pokretljivost ljudi, delokali-zacija i relokalizacija kulture. U skladu s tom tematikom odlučile smo objavljene radove klasificirati u sljedeće velike tematske grupe: 1. Migracije, 2. Etničnost, 3. StanovniÅ”tvo, 4. Bibliografije i 5. Ostalo, s tim da su prve tri grupe podijeljene u podgrupe. S obzirom na to da se radovi bave različitim aspektima migracija, etničnosti i identiteta, a dio njih istovremeno pripada u dvije ili čak tri osnovne grupe, bilo ih je nemoguće svrstati samo u jednu od njih. U grupu Ostalo svrstani su radovi koji se svojom tematikom donekle razlikuju i ne mogu se uključiti ni u jednu od navedenih grupa. Bibliografija je napravljena metodom de visu, odnosno uvidom u fizičke primjerke časopisa. Unutar pojedinih grupa radovi su popisani abecednim redom po prezimenima autora. Kod viÅ”e radova istog autora unutar jedne podgrupe radovi su poredani kronoloÅ”ki, počevÅ”i od najranijih. Bibliografska jedinica sadržava sljedeće podatke: prezime, ime, naslov, godiÅ”te, godina, broj i raspon stranica. Bibliografija ima autorsko kazalo. Imena autora u kazalu povezana su s brojem bibliografske jedinice, a navedena su onako kako su navođena u časopisu, tako da se verzije imena ili prezimena istog autora nalaze jedna iza druge. Pritom su radovi koji su svrstani u dvije ili tri osnovne grupe označeni i masno i obično, pri čemu masno otisnuti brojevi označuju bibliografske jedinice u kojima se takvi radovi pojavljuju prvi put te ujedno pokazuju broj radova pojedinog autora.To mark the 30th anniversary of the publication of the journal Migracijske i etničke teme / Migration and Ethnic Themes (up to 2000 it was issued under the title Migration Themes: a Journal for Migration and Ethic Studies), we consider it important and necessary to provide an overview in one place of the papers published in the journal from its first issue in 1985 to the last one in 2014. The most important aim of this bibliography is to introduce the scientific and professional public, especially new researchers, to the topics covered by this journal as well as to enable easier access to the journal and its more convenient use. The bibliography is selective. It includes scientific papers (the original scientific paper, preliminary communication and review paper) professional papers, conference papers, panel discussions, discussions, reviews and bibliographies, while reviews of books and periodicals (i.e. papers from the sections Books, Reviews, From Foreign Periodicals and Movie) as well as Introductions, Memories, In Memoriam and Conference Reviews (from the sections Reviews and Conferences) are not included. All the papers are available at Hrčak ā€“ Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia. Given that all kinds of papers are not included, but primarily in order to provide its better examination and insight into published papers according to specific topics and dealing with various issues, as well as to provide easier and faster access, we have decided to make a subject bibliography, and not a chronological one. (On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Migration Themes journal, the chronological bibliography prepared by Josip Kumper was published in the 3-4/1994 issue.) From the very first issue, migration and ethnicity have been the main themes represented in the journal, but the emphasis on the basic issues in previous papers, which involved external migration, internal migration, emigration and minorities/nationalities, have gradually shifted toward new phenomena and processes throughout the world such as globalization, increasing spatial mobility of people, and delocalisation and relocalisation of culture. In line with these topics, we have decided to classify the published papers into the following major thematic groups: 1. Migration, 2. Ethnicity, 3. Population, 4. Bibliographies, and 5. Other, whereby the first three groups are divided into subgroups. Taking into consideration the fact that the papers deal with various aspects of migration, ethnicity and identity, and part of them belong to two or even three basic groups at the same time, it has been impossible to assign them to only one of them. The papers whose themes are somewhat different and cannot be included in any of the mentioned groups, are classified in the group Other. The bibliography was compiled by the de visu method, that is, by checking the physical copies of the journal. Within the specific groups, the papers are listed in alphabetical order by the authorsā€™ last names. In the case of several papers pertaining to the same author within the same subgroup, they are arranged chronologically, starting with the earliest. Each bibliographical entry contains the following information: last name, first name, title, volume, year, number and range of pages. The bibliography has an authorā€™s index. The authorsā€™ names in the index are linked with the number of the bibliographical entry, and are listed as they are cited in the journal so that the versions of the names or last names of the same author are placed one after the other. The papers that are classified into two or three basic groups are marked both bold and plain, with the numbers in bold denoting bibliographical records in which such papers appear for the first time and, at the same time, show the number of papers of a particular author

    State-of-the-art of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein research field: 13th International BMP Conference, Dubrovnik 2022

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    The 13th International BMP Conference was held in October 2022 in Dubrovnik. The conference was attended by more than 240 participants from North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia who got an insight into the latest achievements in basic, translational, and clinical research of BMP mol- ecules through 75 lectures categorized into several scientific sections. This review paper provides the most important novel findings on the structure, function, and signaling of BMPs, the role of BMPs in patterning and organoids as well as the role of BMP in metabolism. Moreover, we discussed the role of BMPs in various diseases including cancer pathogenesis, pulmonary arterial hyperten- sion, and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Finally, we provided an overview of the new BMP-based therapies in regenerative medicine that are currently in different stages of preclinical and clinical trials

    KoÅ”tani morfogenetski proteini (BMP): Od otkrića do razvoja nove autologne koÅ”tane naprave koja se sastoji od rekombinantnog humanog BMP6 u autolognom krvnom ugruÅ”ku kao nosaču

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    Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are growth and differentiation factors within the TGFĪ² superfam- ily of proteins. They induce ectopic and orthotopic endochondral bone formation and are involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and mesenchymal-epithelial interactions in critical morphogenetic processes of tissues beyond bone. BMP2 and BMP7 osteogenic devices have been approved for enhancing healing in patients with long bone defects and anterior spinal fusion proce- dures. However, due to a high price and various serious adverse events including heterotopic ossifica- tion, retrograde ejaculation and pain their clinical use have been limited. In this review we discuss the BMP discovery, biology and their use in clinical studies with particular reference to the newly developed BMP6 based autologous bone graft substitute (ABGS). A novel ABGS consisting of an autologous bone coagulum (ABC) carrier with dispersed BMP6 to initiate the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into endochondral bone. The ABC met the conditions for an optimal delivery system for BMP6 due to han- dling simplicity, without an immunogenic and inflammatory response at the implantation site. Addition of allograft or synthetic ceramics to ABGS demonstrated in animal models significantly increased volume and better microarchitecture of the newly formed bone. The first clinical study was conducted in patients with distal radial fractures (Phase I study) and the second in patients undergoing high tibial osteotomy (Phase I/II study) and no serious adverse events have been observed. Finally, in the ongoing OSTEO- proSPINE study ABGS enforced with allograft bone is evaluated in patients with chronic back pain due to degenerative disc diseases. The novel ABGS bone mimetic is a major breakthrough and contribution to bone biology and regenerative medicine of skeletal repair.KoÅ”tani morfogenetski proteini (BMP) čine grupu čimbenika rasta i diferencijacije unutar TGFĪ² nado- bitelji. Oni induciraju stvaranje ektopične i ortotopične endohondralne kosti te su uključeni u regulaciju stanične proliferacije, diferencijacije, apoptoze i mezenhimalno-epitelne interakcije u važnim tkivnim morfogenetskim procesima izvan koÅ”tanog sustava. KoÅ”tane naprave koje sadrže BMP2 i BMP7 pro- tein odobrene su za poboljÅ”anje koÅ”tanog cijeljenja kod pacijenata s defektima dugih cjevastih kostiju i kod prednje spinalne fuzije kralježnice. Međutim, zbog visoke cijene i mnogobrojnih nuspojava koje su uključivale pojavu heterotopičnih osifikacija, retrogradnu ejakulaciju i bol, njihova je klinička prim- jena ograničena. U ovom smo preglednom radu raspravili otkriće BMP molekula, njihovu biologiju i primjenu u kliničkim studijama s posebnim osvrtom na nedavno otkrivenu novu autolognu koÅ”tanu napravu (ABGS) koja sadrži BMP6. Novi ABGS sastoji se od nosača autolognog koaguluma (ABC) s otopljenim BMP6 koji je ključan za pokretanje diferencijacije mezenhimalnih stanica u smjeru stvaranja endohondralne kosti. ABC je ispunio sve potrebne uvjete za formulaciju optimalnog nosača za BMP6 isključivo zbog jednostavnosti priprave i primjene te odsustva imunogenog i upalnog odgovora na mjestu implantacije. Uz dodatak alografta ili sintetičke keramike Å”to je potvrđeno na životinjskim modelima doÅ”lo je do značajnog povećanja volumena te poboljÅ”anja mikroarhitekture novonastale kosti. Prvo kliničko ispitivanje provedeno je na pacijentima s distalnim prijelomima radijusa (faza I studije), a drugo na pacijentima koji su podvrgnuti visokoj osteotomiji tibije (faza I/II studije) bez uočenih ozbiljnih nuspojava. Trenutno je u tijeku studija OSTEOproSPINE u kojoj se testira učinkovitost ABGS u kom- binaciji s koÅ”tanim alograftom u bolesnika s kroničnim bolovima u leđima uzrokovanim degenerativnim promjenama intervertebralnog diska. Nova ABGS koÅ”tana naprava značajna je prekretnica i napredak u području koÅ”tane biologije te regenerativne medicine koÅ”tanog sustava