20 research outputs found

    Globalization – the Present Perfect Tense

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    Bauk globalizacije širi se svijetom. Ova parafraza poznate Engelsove rečenice zaista tako izgleda u očima običnih ljudi ili iz mikroperspektive. Ovim radom želim ponajprije postaviti pitanja, jer odgovore je još uvijek teško naći. Globalizacija nije od jučer niti od nedavno. Ona se ciklički pojavljuje tijekom cijelog ljudskoga vijeka bilo kroz ratove velikih osvajača i njihovih ogromnih carstava koja su mahom propadala, a običan čovjek je služio samo za ispunjene nečijih ambicija (bolesnih - sic!). Tako ako se okrenemo prema prošlosti možemo zaključiti da su veliki osvajači kao što su bili Aleksandar Makedonski, Julije Cezar, Karlo Veliki, križari, Hitler, Staljin, a mnogi manji diktatori i osvajači (ili manje poznatiji) željeli zapravo svijet za sebe. Svijet pod svojom čizmom ne mareći za tradicije drugih, manjih naroda već su ih svi željeli podvrgnuti svojoj kulturi i civilizaciji ili, možda je ispravnije reći, samo svome i jedino svome svjetonazoru.The fear of globalization is spreading around the world. From the point of view of common people or from a micro-perspective, the paraphrase of Engels’ well-known saying really seems to be true. With this paper I would primarily like to pose some questions, because the answers are yet hard to find. Globalization did not appear yesterday or in recent times. It has been occurring in cycles throughout the human existence, in times of wars led by great conquerors and in their vast empires that generally failed, while common people only served to fulfill someone’s ambitions (sick ones – sic!). So, if we have a look back toward the past, we can conclude that the great conquerors such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, crusaders, Hitler, Stalin and numerous minor (or less known) dictators and conquerors actually wanted the world for their very own. None of them cared about traditions of other, smaller nations, but they all wanted to impose their own culture and civilization or, better to say, their own ways of thinking

    Vinac by Marijan Jaić A Prayer Book or an Item of household Inventory?

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    U ovom članku želio sam pokazati kako se mnoge stvari mogu i moraju redefinirati i nanovo razjasniti u recentno vrijeme. Marijan Jaić, vjerojatno najtiražniji hrvatski pisac, dugo godina je bio u zapećku proučavanja hrvatske književnosti. Iako je zanimanje za Jaića u posljednjih desetak ili petnaest godina naraslo (napisano je puno knjiga o njemu i njegovu radu), još uvijek nije njegov rad do kraja obrađen i prostora za istraživanje o Jaićevu radu još uvijek ima. Jaić možda i nije književnik u uobičajenom smislu koju ta riječ nosi, no on je pisac-teolog čija su djela, a pogotovo Vinac, izdana i podana u ogromnim nakladama. No najvažnija i za etnologa najzanimljivija stvar je ta što je Vinac bio više od pjesmarice ili svojevrsnog molitvenika već i dio kućne baštine, jer ga je imala gotovo svaka kuća, pogotovo u njegovoj biskupiji. Osim toga, stavljanje Vinca uz pokojnika u lijes vjerojatno je pretkršćanska tradicija, ali i činjenica kojom bi se još ili tek trebalo pozabavitiIn this article I tried to show that many concepts could and should be re-defined and re-interpreted in accordance with the contemporary situation. Marijan jagić, probably the most published Croatian writer, was on the margins of the research of Croatian litrature. Jaić might not have been a writer in the srict sense of the term. He was a writer-theologian whose works, especially Vinac, were published and sold in large editions. Vinac was more than just a collection of poems or a prayer book - it was a part of the household heritage. Even though the interest in Jagić\u27s work has increased in the last decade, there is still room for additional research


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    Anketno istraživanje na temu kvalitete i povjerljivosti zaporke

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    In this paper are presented results of empirical survey on password quality self-assessment and several privacy issues regarding password manipulation among information systems\u27 users. Data was collected by questioning 627 e-mail users that were adults, Croatian national and were using e-mail system on regular basis. Comparisons among different kind of users were done regarding age, gender, technical background knowledge, university degree and experience in usage. Results of statistical analysis have shown that most of the users\u27 passwords are of average quality while 13,8% of all users graded their password as poor. Regarding password manipulation 53,4% of all users said they use the same passwords for most of the information systems they use. In total 20,7% of all users sometimes lend their password and 17,1% of them wrote it down for remembering. Results of this study highlighted importance of using security procedures and guidelines and need of the continuous education on security issues with constant informing and alerting of information systems\u27 users. This study is an example on how to evaluate different users\u27 security awareness in order to adjust courses on security issues and to adapt informing and alerting to different groups of information systems\u27 users. However, there is great need for validated universal questionnaire for this kind of surveys.U ovome radu su prikazani rezultati empirijskog istraživanja koje je provedeno anketiranjem korisnika informacijskih sustava na temu samoprocjene kvalitete zaporke te nekoliko elemenata po pitanju privatnosti i povjerljivosti zaporke.Podaci su prikupljeni anketiranjem 627 korisnika informacijskog sustava elektroničke pošte. Svi su bili punoljetni i Hrvatski državljani koji redovito koriste sustav elektroničke pošte. Korisnici su grupirani u kategorije s obzirom na spol, starosnu dob, tehničko predznanje, stupanj obrazovanja te iskustvo u korištenju sustava kako bi se napravila usporedna analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da većina korisnika procjenjuje svoju zaporku ocjenom \u27prosječno\u27, dok 13,8% od ukupnog broja korisnika procjenjuje svoju zaporku ocjenom \u27loše\u27. Po pitanju manipulacije zaporkom, 53,4% korisnika je odgovorilo kako preferiraju koristiti istu zaporku za pristup većini korištenih informacijskih sustava; 20,7% korisnika je barem jednom posudilo svoju zaporku; dok je 17,1% korisnika negdje zapisalo svoju zaporku. Rezultati ove studije ističu važnost korištenja sigurnosnih procedura i uputa te potrebu za stalnom edukacijom, informiranjem i alarmiranjem korisnika informacijskih sustava po pitanjima informacijske sigurnosti. Također ova studija može biti primjer kako analizirati pojedine vrste korisnika, a u svrhu prilagođavanja tečajeva na temu informacijske sigurnosti, te osmišljanja metoda informiranja i alarmiranja korisnika. Postoji realna potreba za razvojem univerzalnog upitnika koji bi bio međunarodno validiran te se ne bi zasnivao samo na pitanjima vezanim uz zaporku

    Adjuvatno liječenje melanoma

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    For decades, interferon-alpha (IFN-α) has been the only option in the adjuvant treatment of high-risk melanoma. Despite numerous clinical trials and meta-analyzes, IFN-α is not yet a gold standard. It indeed showed benefit in progressionfree survival (PFS) and to a lesser extent in overall survival (OS) but at the cost of high toxicity. The emergence of new, revolutionary therapies in the treatment of metastatic melanoma, like immunotherapy (checkpoint inhibitors - CTLA4 and PD1 inhibitors) and targeted therapies (BRAF and MEK inhibitors), led to considering their potential effect in adjuvant/preventive use. A number of phase II and phase III trials analyzed the adjuvant application of targeted therapies and immunotherapies in completely resected stage III melanoma (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC) and stage IV melanoma (PD1 inhibitor nivolumab). They showed a clear benefit in relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS). This led to a change in guidelines for adjuvant treatment of melanoma and approval of immunotherapy and targeted therapy by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European medicines agency) in the indications mentioned above. Further trials are underway in other high-risk stages (like IIC) and in neoadjuvant treatment of stage III melanoma.Desetljećima je interferon alfa bio jedina opcija u adjuvatnoj terapiji visokorizičnog melanoma. Unatoč brojnim studijama i meta analizama, interferon nije zaživio kao zlatni standard liječenja visokorizičnog melanoma. Pokazao je svakako benefit u vremenu do progresije bolesti (PFS, progression free survival) te u manjem dijelu u ukupnom preživljenju (OS, overall survival) pod cijenu visoke toksičnosti. Pojavom revolucionarnih terapija u liječenju metastatskog melanoma; imunoterapije, anti CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4) i anti PD-1 inhibitora (programmed cell death protein 1) te ciljane terapije (BRAF i MEK inhibitori) razmišljalo se o njihovom potencijalnom učinku u adjuvatnom/preventivnom smislu. Brojne studije faze II i III ispitivale su adjuvantnu primjenu ciljane terapije i imunoterapije u kompletno reseciranom stadiju III (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC) i stadiju IV (anti PD-1 inhibitor nivolumab). Pokazale su jasan benefit u vremenu do povratka bolesti (PFS) i ukupnom preživljenju (OS). Navedeni rezultati su promijenili smjernice za adjuvantnu terapiju kod melanoma u vidu registracije imunoterapije te ciljane terapije od strane FDA (Food and drug administration) i EMA (European medicines agency) za adjuvantnu primjenu. U tijeku su daljnja ispitivanja i u drugim visokorizičnim stadijima (npr. IIC) te neoadjuvantno liječenje stadija III

    Critical measures of success for a software project

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    Prikazani rad pokušava utvrditi skup mjerila performanci i faktora utjecaja za razvojne softverske projekte, tako da se mogu učiniti valjane usporedbe performanci između dovršenih projekata. Mjerila performanci identificirana u ovom radu su ključna mjerila koja su identificirana kao dio skupine kritičnih mjerila uspješnosti, s obzirom da ona adresiraju važne atribute razvojnog softverskog projekta. Za četrdeset malih i srednje velikih softverskih projekata izmjerena su mjerila performanci i faktori utjecaja.The work presented here attempts to identify a set of software project performance measures and influence factors used by software development projects so that a valid comparison of performance can be made between completed projects. The performance measures identified in this document are core measures that are identified as a part of the set of critical measures of success since they address important attributes of a software development project. For forty small and medium sized software projects the performance measures and the influence factors were measured

    Critical measures of success for a software project

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    Prikazani rad pokušava utvrditi skup mjerila performanci i faktora utjecaja za razvojne softverske projekte, tako da se mogu učiniti valjane usporedbe performanci između dovršenih projekata. Mjerila performanci identificirana u ovom radu su ključna mjerila koja su identificirana kao dio skupine kritičnih mjerila uspješnosti, s obzirom da ona adresiraju važne atribute razvojnog softverskog projekta. Za četrdeset malih i srednje velikih softverskih projekata izmjerena su mjerila performanci i faktori utjecaja.The work presented here attempts to identify a set of software project performance measures and influence factors used by software development projects so that a valid comparison of performance can be made between completed projects. The performance measures identified in this document are core measures that are identified as a part of the set of critical measures of success since they address important attributes of a software development project. For forty small and medium sized software projects the performance measures and the influence factors were measured

    An approach to the assessment of potentially risky behaviour of ICT systems’ users

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    Korisnika informacijsko komunikacijskog sustava treba promatrati njegovim sastavnim dijelom, jer korisnik svojim rizičnim ponašanjem može značajno utjecati na ukupnu razinu sigurnosti sustava. Cilj rada je razviti postupak modeliranja sustava za procjenu rizičnog ponašanja korisnika. Ontologija i OWL simbolički jezik su odabrani za izradu strukture semantičkog modela odnosno formalizaciju prikupljenog znanja iz domene "ponašanja korisnika sustava sa stajališta sigurnosti". Za procjenu ponašanja odabran je algoritam za evidencijsko zaključivanje koji se koristi za pocjenu stanja te omogućuje usporedbu zatečenog stanja više sustava. Dobiveni normirani rezultati obrade su dali ocjenu ponašanja korisnika u rasponu od 0,066 za naivno do 1,000 za "paranoidno" ponašanje. U radu je prikazan način upotrebe algoritma za evidencijsko zaključivanje prilikom procjene ljudskog dijela tehničkog sustava, način procjene cijele grupe umjesto pojedinačnog procjenjivanja te su definirani uvjeti mapiranja algoritma i ontološke strukture.Information and Communication Technology system’s user should be considered as system’s component, because user’s behaviour can significantly affect the system’s security level. The aim of this paper is to develop an assessment method for user’s potentially risky behaviour. Ontology and OWL symbolic language have been chosen in order to define the semantic model and to formalize the knowledge of the domain on "user’s potentially risky behaviour". The Evidential Reasoning algorithm has been chosen for assessment of user’s behaviour. The normalized results for assessment on user’s behaviour give an interval ranging from 0,066 for the "naïve" user to 1,000 for the "paranoid" system’s user which can be used for reference in future work. This paper shows how to use the Evidential Reasoning algorithm to evaluate the human part of a technical system, how to evaluate a group of users instead of an individual evaluation. Furthermore, conditions required to map the algorithm to the ontological structure are defined

    Prophylactic gonadectomy in children with mixed gonadal dysgenesis – a nine-year-old girl

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    Gonadna disgeneza embrionalna je anomalija gonada. Može biti čista (Turnerov sindrom) ili miješana (mozaicizam). Miješani oblik s lozom stanica u kojoj se nalazi Y spolni kromosom, sklon je pojavi gonadoblastoma u displastičnim gonadama. U takve djece indicirano je učiniti profi laktičku bilateralnu gonadektomiju, prije maligne alteracije. Stoga je važna rana dijagnoza miješane gonadne disgeneze. No djeca s gonadnom disgenezom različitih su fenotipskih osobina, katkad potpuno neupadljiva u predpubertetskoj dobi. U radu prikazujemo fenotipski neupadljivu, tek nešto nižeg rasta devetogodišnju djevojčicu s miješanom gonadnom disgenezom, kojoj smo načinili profi laktičku laparoskopsku gonadektomiju. Zaključno, miješana gonadna disgeneza može se očitovati jedino niskim rastom u djece predpubertetske dobi.Gonadal dysgenesis is an embryonal disorder of the gonads. It can be pure (Turner’s syndrome) or mixed (mosaicism). The mixed form, which also has Y chromosome, is prone to the occurrence of gonadoblastomas in dysplastic gonads. In such children, it is indicated to make prophylactic bilateral gonadectomy before malignant transformation. Therefore, early diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis is important. However, children with gonadal dysgenesis have variable phenotype. In rare cases, these children cannot be distinguished phenotypically at the pre-pubertal age from children with normal karyotype. We report on phenotypically unremarkable nine-year-old girl with short stature and mixed gonadal dysgenesis, submitted to prophylactic laparoscopic gonadectomy. In conclusion, short stature may be the only phenotypic sign of mixed gonadal dysgenesis in pre-pubertal children

    Records of Baranja\u27s folk music in Institute of ethnology archive

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    Ovaj članak je kratki prikaz glazbenog folklora hrvatske pokrajine Baranje. Glavnina podataka prikupljena je iz Upitnica Arhiva EA sv. IV, teme 153. i 154., dok je ostali dio iz ne baš obimne literature.This study contains facts on the music-folklore of Baranja. The article is divided into the chapters on instruments, singing and dancing. The author uses facts from the Questionnaire of the Ethnological Atlas and some other files. It also tells us about the names of individual instruments and dances, which vary from village to village, depending on the people who live there. Baranja has been occupied, so it is impossible to do some new researches