19 research outputs found

    Mobilstationen – Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt

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    For making our cities and regions more attractive, clean, competitive and liveable, solutions for an intelligent urban mobility are necessary. Urban transportation and traffic developments all over the world show the huge demand for solutions in this field. Future urban mobility is based on an intermodal traffic system, which allows people flexible and multimodal travelling within the city. Therefore the capacity of public transportation as the backbone of urban traffic systems has to be extended for individual traffic modes. The integration of the motorised individual traffic and cycling – both also provided as sharing offers – will be one important factor. Not only technological innovations extend the opportunities of travel mode choice. A key factor is the focus on the user and its lifestyle-related mobility preferences, since functionality, sensible integration in urban fabric accompanied by a user-centred design and the easy access to mobility offerings are two important aspects in terms of usability. Developing mobility stations at strategically relevant traffic nodes – including at least two forms of public transport – is beside others one of the measures recommended by the International Association of Public Transport (UITP 2012: 22). Due to its function and visibility within the urban space mobility stations could serve as the physical expression of future mobility. The central idea of a mobility station is the structural and spatial connection of functionality and design. As an important interface of public transportation and individual traffic modes the station needs to be organised as good as possible. Thus the size respectively the quality and quantity of features and offerings of each station depend on its location within the city. A basic requirement of mobility stations is the connection between different modes of transport including the availability of environmental-friendly forms of mobility. A sensible integration in the urban context along with a recognizable design of mobility station areas is the basis for developing an attractive urban space of high quality, which also serves as meeting point for people living in the neighbourhood and as a place of arriving, departure or change. Therefore mobility stations can in a second dimension serve as Bausteine to improve urban quality by reshaping the former traffic space

    Assessment of tidal recruitment and overdistension by regional analysis of respiratory system compliance at different tidal volumes

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    In this pilot clinical study, we assessed the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on tidal recruitment and overdistension in mechanically ventilated patients. Changes in EIT-derived regional respiratory system compliance (Crs) induced by variation of tidal volume (VT) were analysed in the chest cross-section and identified the simultaneous occurrence of tidal recruitment and overdistension in the examined patients

    Aktualisierung der ERC-Leitlinien 2018

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    Erratum: Aktualisierung der ERC-Leitlinien 2018

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