2 research outputs found

    Abundancia poblacional de los acridoideos del municipio de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México

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    In Tepotzotlán at Mexico State in Mexico, a collection of grasshoppers was made, in maize crop fields of 40 hec mixed with wild plants a collect of grasshoppers, utilizing the manual capture, these were Sphenarium purpurascens Ch., Akamasacris variabilis (S.) and Trimetropis occidentalis (B.), by the number obtained, the first species was the most important achieving a total of 4.538 samples captured, this species also obtained the highest fresh weight and dry weight. From the second species, A. variabilis (S.), 204 samples were obtained and only 28 samples correspondding to T. occidentalis (B.). Their gathering was done in different dates and in diverse schedules. The socioeconomic importance of this edible renewal natural resource is significant, because they give meal and money to peasants through their commercialization, which is very important for these people, with a natural economy. In addition to this, their capture brings a double benefit because this activity constitutes a natural control method, avoiding the use of insecticides and consequently a plague formation. The best schedule for the obtaining was determined between 7:00 to 8:00 AM.En Tepotzotlán, Estado de México, en un área de 40 has cultivada de maíz mezclada con plantas silvestres, recolectamos chapulines utilizando la técnica manual, la especie rastreada y colectada más importante fue Sphenarium purpurascens Ch, con un total de 4,538 individuos capturados, esta especie también obtuvo los más elevados pesos fresco y seco. En segundo lugar estuvo Akamasacris variabilis (Scudder) con 204 ejemplares y en tercer lugar Trimerotropis occidentalis (Bruner) con sólo 28 ejemplares. Su recolección fue hecha en diferentes fechas y horarios, comprendidos sólo durante las mañanas. La importancia socioeconómica que tiene este recurso natural renovable comestible, es significativa, ya que no sólo dan alimento a los campesinos, sino que también a través de su comercialización les provee de dinero, muy importante para gente con una economía natural como ellos tienen. Además, su captura brinda un doble beneficio, porque esta actividad constituye un método natural de control que impide la formación de plagas y consecuentemente el uso de insecticidas. El mejor horario determinado para su captura fue de las 7:00 a las 8:00 AM

    Could Grasshoppers Be a Nutritive Meal

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    ABSTRACT The nutritive value of 25 edible Orthoptera in Mexico is shown. Protein content ranges from 43.93% to 77.13% (mix of Edible Acrididade of Puebla). Fat percentage goes from 4.22% to 34.21%. Richest species in ashes were Arphia fallax S., Sphenarium histrio G. and Sphenarium purpurascens Ch. with 16.5%. Energy contribution varies from 14.05 kJ to 21.88 kJ. Their amino acids profile was compared with the WHO/FAO/UNU Pattern (1985). The total quantity of essential amino acids that all insects species provides was superior to those signaled in the pattern. The highest quantity (53.60 g) was for Sphenarium histrio G. Chemical score goes from 50% to 88%. In vitamins, the highest value in Thiamine and Riboflavine was for Sphenarium magnum M., in Niacine for Sphenarium borrei B., in vitamin C and for vitamin D Acheta domestica L., and in Vitamin A for Periplaneta americana L. In minerals, all species were very rich in magnesium. All the edible orthopterans results were compared with those of the most conventional mexican foods used to obtain proteins. The quantity and quality of the nutrients that these edible orthopterans allows, provides a significant contribution to the nutrition of the peasants who eat them