10 research outputs found

    Few-body precursor of the Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas

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    We demonstrate that an undamped few-body precursor of the Higgs mode can be investigated in a harmonically trapped Fermi gas. Using exact diagonalisation, the lowest monopole mode frequency is shown to depend non-monotonically on the interaction strength, having a minimum in a crossover region. The minimum deepens with increasing particle number, reflecting that the mode is the few-body analogue of a many-body Higgs mode in the superfluid phase, which has a vanishing frequency at the quantum phase transition point to the normal phase. We show that this mode mainly consists of coherent excitations of time-reversed pairs, and that it can be selectively excited by modulating the interaction strength, using for instance a Feshbach resonance in cold atomic gases.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Dipolar particles in a double-trap confinement: Response to tilting the dipolar orientation

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    We analyze the microscopic few-body properties of dipolar particles confined in two parallel quasi-one-dimensional harmonic traps. In particular, we show that an adiabatic rotation of the dipole orientation about the trap axes can drive an initially non-localized few-fermion state into a localized state with strong inter-trap pairing. For an instant, non-adiabatic rotation, however, localization is inhibited and a highly excited state is reached. This state may be interpreted as the few-body analog of a super-Tonks-Girardeau state, known from one-dimensional systems with contact interactions

    Density functional theory for strongly-correlated bosonic and fermionic ultracold dipolar and ionic gases

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    We introduce a density functional formalism to study the ground-state properties of strongly-correlated dipolar and ionic ultracold bosonic and fermionic gases, based on the self-consistent combination of the weak and the strong coupling limits. Contrary to conventional density functional approaches, our formalism does not require a previous calculation of the interacting homogeneous gas, and it is thus very suitable to treat systems with tunable long-range interactions. Due to its asymptotic exactness in the regime of strong correlation, the formalism works for systems in which standard mean-field theories fail.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum magnetism without lattices in strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor gases

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    We show that strongly interacting multicomponent gases in one dimension realize an effective spin chain, offering an alternative simple scenario for the study of one-dimensional (1D) quantum magnetism in cold gases in the absence of an optical lattice. The spin-chain model allows for an intuitive understanding of recent experiments and for a simple calculation of relevant observables. We analyze the adiabatic preparation of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic ground states, and show that many-body spin states may be efficiently probed in tunneling experiments. The spin-chain model is valid for more than two components, opening the possibility of realizing SU(N) quantum magnetism in strongly interacting 1D alkaline-earth-metal or ytterbium Fermi gases. © 2014 American Physical Society.DFG/EXC/QUESTGerman-Israeli foundationSwiss SNFNCCR Quantum Science and TechnologySwedish Research CouncilLund Universit

    Spin-chain model for strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    Strongly interacting one-dimensional (1D) Bose-Fermi mixtures form a tunable XXZ spin chain. Within the spin-chain model developed here, all properties of these systems can be calculated from states representing the ordering of the bosons and fermions within the atom chain and from the ground-state wave function of spinless noninteracting fermions. We validate the model by means of an exact diagonalization of the full few-body Hamiltonian in the strongly interacting regime. Using the model, we explore the phase diagram of the atom chain as a function of the boson-boson (BB) and boson-fermion (BF) interaction strengths and calculate the densities, momentum distributions, and trap-level occupancies for up to 17 particles. In particular, we find antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) order and a demixing of the bosons and fermions in certain interaction regimes. We find, however, no demixing for equally strong BB and BF interactions, in agreement with earlier calculations that combined the Bethe ansatz with a local-density approximation