62 research outputs found

    The probability distribution as a computational resource for randomness testing

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    When testing a set of data for randomness according to a probability distribution that depends on a parameter, access to this parameter can be considered as a computational resource. We call a randomness test Hippocratic if it is not permitted to access this resource. In these terms, we show that for Bernoulli measures μp\mu_p, 0p10\le p\le 1 and the Martin-L\"of randomness model, Hippocratic randomness of a set of data is the same as ordinary randomness. The main idea of the proof is to first show that from Hippocrates-random data one can Turing compute the parameter pp. However, we show that there is no single Hippocratic randomness test such that passing the test implies computing pp, and in particular there is no universal Hippocratic randomness test

    Kolmogorov structure functions for automatic complexity

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    For a finite word ww we define and study the Kolmogorov structure function hwh_w for nondeterministic automatic complexity. We prove upper bounds on hwh_w that appear to be quite sharp, based on numerical evidence.Comment: Preliminary version: "Kolmogorov structure functions for automatic complexity in computational statistics", Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 8881, Springer, Cham, 2014, 652--665, 8th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2014

    Models of the Chisholm set

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    We give a counter-example showing that Carmo and Jones' condition 5(e) may conflict with other conditions on the models in their paper \emph{A new approach to contrary-to-duty obligations}.Comment: Paper for Filosofi hovedfag spesialomr{\aa}de 1 exam, University of Oslo, Fall 1996. First cited in Carmo and Jones, Deontic logic and contrary-to-duties, Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2002, footnote 2

    On the complexity of automatic complexity

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    Generalizing the notion of automatic complexity of individual strings due to Shallit and Wang, we define the automatic complexity A(E)A(E) of an equivalence relation EE on a finite set SS of strings. We prove that the problem of determining whether A(E)A(E) equals the number E|E| of equivalence classes of EE is NP\mathsf{NP}-complete. The problem of determining whether A(E)=E+kA(E) = |E| + k for a fixed k1k\ge 1 is complete for the second level of the Boolean hierarchy for NP\mathsf{NP}, i.e., BH2\mathsf{BH}_2-complete. Let LL be the language consisting of all strings of maximal nondeterministic automatic complexity. We characterize the complexity of infinite subsets of LL by showing that they can be co-context-free but not context-free, i.e., LL is CFL\mathsf{CFL}-immune, but not coCFL\mathsf{coCFL}-immune. We show that for each ϵ>0\epsilon>0, Lϵ∉coCFLL_\epsilon\not\in\mathsf{coCFL}, where LϵL_\epsilon is the set of all strings whose deterministic automatic complexity A(x)A(x) satisfies A(x)x1/2ϵA(x)\ge |x|^{1/2-\epsilon}

    Automatic complexity of shift register sequences

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    Let xx be an mm-sequence, a maximal length sequence produced by a linear feedback shift register. We show that xx has maximal subword complexity function in the sense of Allouche and Shallit. We show that this implies that the nondeterministic automatic complexity AN(x)A_N(x) is close to maximal: n/2AN(x)=O(log2n)n/2-A_N(x)=O(\log^2n), where nn is the length of xx. In contrast, Hyde has shown AN(y)n/2+1A_N(y)\le n/2+1 for all sequences yy of length nn.Comment: Preliminary version: "Shift registers fool finite automata", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10388 (2017), 170-181, Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC) 201

    Infinite subsets of random sets of integers

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    There is an infinite subset of a Martin-L\"of random set of integers that does not compute any Martin-L\"of random set of integers. To prove this, we show that each real of positive effective Hausdorff dimension computes an infinite subset of a Martin-L\"of random set of integers, and apply a result of Miller

    Local initial segments of the Turing degrees

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    Recent results on initial segments of the Turing degrees are presented, and some conjectures about initial segments that have implications for the existence of non-trivial automorphisms of the Turing degrees are indicated

    A strong law of computationally weak subsets

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    We show that in the setting of fair-coin measure on the power set of the natural numbers, each sufficiently random set has an infinite subset that computes no random set. That is, there is an almost sure event A\mathcal A such that if XAX\in\mathcal A then XX has an infinite subset YY such that no element of A\mathcal A is Turing computable from YY

    Effective Banach spaces

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    This thesis addresses Pour-El and Richards' fourth question from their book "Computability in analysis and physics", concerning the relation between higher order recursion theory and computability in analysis. Among other things it is shown that there is a computability structure that is uncountable. The example given is a structure on the Banach space of bounded linear operators on the set of almost periodic functions.Comment: Master's thesis, University of Oslo, 1997. Adviser: Dag Normann. Translated from Norwegian. Original title: "Effektive Banach-rom

    Lattice initial segments of the Turing degrees

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    We characterize the isomorphism types of principal ideals of the Turing degrees below 0' that are lattices as the lattices with a Sigma-0-3 presentation, by showing that each Sigma-0-3 presentable bounded upper semilattice is isomorphic to such a principal ideal. We get a similar result for the Turing degrees below any degree above 0".Comment: Doctoral dissertation, Logic and the Methodology of Science, University of California, Berkeley, 200