1,606 research outputs found
A size criterion for macroscopic superposition states
An operational measure to quantify the sizes of some ``macroscopic quantum
superpositions'', realized in recent experiments, is proposed. The measure is
based on the fact that a superposition presents greater sensitivity in
interferometric applications than its superposed constituent states. This
enhanced sensitivity, or ``interference utility'', may then be used as a size
criterion among superpositions.Comment: LaTeX2e-REVTeX4, 9 pages, 3 figures. V2: introduction and discussion
slightly altere
The Laplace-Jaynes approach to induction
An approach to induction is presented, based on the idea of analysing the
context of a given problem into `circumstances'. This approach, fully Bayesian
in form and meaning, provides a complement or in some cases an alternative to
that based on de Finetti's representation theorem and on the notion of infinite
exchangeability. In particular, it gives an alternative interpretation of those
formulae that apparently involve `unknown probabilities' or `propensities'.
Various advantages and applications of the presented approach are discussed,
especially in comparison to that based on exchangeability. Generalisations are
also discussed.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure. V2: altered discussion on some points, corrected
typos, added reference
Numerical Bayesian quantum-state assignment for a three-level quantum system. II. Average-value data with a constant, a Gaussian-like, and a Slater prior
This paper offers examples of concrete numerical applications of Bayesian
quantum-state assignment methods to a three-level quantum system. The
statistical operator assigned on the evidence of various measurement data and
kinds of prior knowledge is computed partly analytically, partly through
numerical integration (in eight dimensions) on a computer. The measurement data
consist in the average of outcome values of N identical von Neumann projective
measurements performed on N identically prepared three-level systems. In
particular the large-N limit will be considered. Three kinds of prior knowledge
are used: one represented by a plausibility distribution constant in respect of
the convex structure of the set of statistical operators; another one
represented by a prior studied by Slater, which has been proposed as the
natural measure on the set of statistical operators; the last prior is
represented by a Gaussian-like distribution centred on a pure statistical
operator, and thus reflecting a situation in which one has useful prior
knowledge about the likely preparation of the system. The assigned statistical
operators obtained with the first two kinds of priors are compared with the one
obtained by Jaynes' maximum entropy method for the same measurement situation.
In the companion paper the case of measurement data consisting in absolute
frequencies is considered.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. V2: added "Post scriptum" under Conclusions,
slightly changed Acknowledgements, and corrected some spelling error
Numerical Bayesian state assignment for a three-level quantum system. I. Absolute-frequency data; constant and Gaussian-like priors
This paper offers examples of concrete numerical applications of Bayesian
quantum-state-assignment methods to a three-level quantum system. The
statistical operator assigned on the evidence of various measurement data and
kinds of prior knowledge is computed partly analytically, partly through
numerical integration (in eight dimensions) on a computer. The measurement data
consist in absolute frequencies of the outcomes of N identical von Neumann
projective measurements performed on N identically prepared three-level
systems. Various small values of N as well as the large-N limit are considered.
Two kinds of prior knowledge are used: one represented by a plausibility
distribution constant in respect of the convex structure of the set of
statistical operators; the other represented by a Gaussian-like distribution
centred on a pure statistical operator, and thus reflecting a situation in
which one has useful prior knowledge about the likely preparation of the
In a companion paper the case of measurement data consisting in average
values, and an additional prior studied by Slater, are considered.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. V2: Added an important note concerning
cylindrical algebraic decomposition and thanks to P B Slater, corrected some
typos, added reference
Unpolarized light in quantum optics
We present a new derivation of the unpolarized quantum states of light, whose
general form was first derived by Prakash and Chandra [Phys. Rev. A 4, 796
(1971)]. Our derivation makes use of some basic group theory, is
straightforward, and offers some new insights.Comment: 3 pages, REVTeX, presented at ICQO'200
Quantum limits on phase-shift detection using multimode interferometers
Fundamental phase-shift detection properties of optical multimode
interferometers are analyzed. Limits on perfectly distinguishable phase shifts
are derived for general quantum states of a given average energy. In contrast
to earlier work, the limits are found to be independent of the number of
interfering modes. However, the reported bounds are consistent with the
Heisenberg limit. A short discussion on the concept of well-defined relative
phase is also included.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX, uses epsf.st
Role Expectations of the District Superintendent: Implications for Deregulating Preparation and Licensing
At this juncture when policymakers are being asked to choose between deregulation and reform, problems affecting the superintendency need to be framed appropriately and policy decisions need to be based on evidence and not raw politics or emotion. Deregulating a profession clearly is a serious matter that is prudent either when the need for the state to protect the public from practitioners is no longer valid or when the underlying knowledge has been found to be fraudulent or irrelevant (Kowalski, 2004). This paper identifies role expectations and position requirements that have evolved for school district superintendents over the past 100 years. These expectations and requirements are then analyzed to determine if they remain valid to contemporary practice
Entanglement quantification through local observable correlations
We present a significantly improved scheme of entanglement detection inspired
by local uncertainty relations for a system consisting of two qubits.
Developing the underlying idea of local uncertainty relations, namely
correlations, we demonstrate that it's possible to define a measure which is
invariant under local unitary transformations and which is based only on local
measurements. It is quite simple to implement experimentally and it allows
entanglement quantification in a certain range for mixed states and exactly for
pure states, without first obtaining full knowledge (e.g. through tomography)
of the state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised version with new proof and replaced
Interest Rates and Information Geometry
The space of probability distributions on a given sample space possesses
natural geometric properties. For example, in the case of a smooth parametric
family of probability distributions on the real line, the parameter space has a
Riemannian structure induced by the embedding of the family into the Hilbert
space of square-integrable functions, and is characterised by the Fisher-Rao
metric. In the nonparametric case the relevant geometry is determined by the
spherical distance function of Bhattacharyya. In the context of term structure
modelling, we show that minus the derivative of the discount function with
respect to the maturity date gives rise to a probability density. This follows
as a consequence of the positivity of interest rates. Therefore, by mapping the
density functions associated with a given family of term structures to Hilbert
space, the resulting metrical geometry can be used to analyse the relationship
of yield curves to one another. We show that the general arbitrage-free yield
curve dynamics can be represented as a process taking values in the convex
space of smooth density functions on the positive real line. It follows that
the theory of interest rate dynamics can be represented by a class of processes
in Hilbert space. We also derive the dynamics for the central moments
associated with the distribution determined by the yield curve.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
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