38 research outputs found

    No-Till Corn

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    No-till corn production has become an important agronomic practice in Kentucky. The amount of land in no-till corn has increased from one-third acre in 1962 to an estimated 320,000 acres in 1981. Since the technology necessary for no-till corn production varies from conventional techniques, widescale educational programs have been conducted to teach corn growers how and under what conditions to switch to no-till. The following discussion provides a general outline for no-till corn production

    Silk Clipping Insects on Corn

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    Silk clipping insects like the corn rootworm beetle and the Japanese beetle feed on the green silks of corn plants and are most active during the plant\u27s flowering stage. Damage from these insects can cause reduced kernel set and yield if significant silk clipping occurs during the critical pollination period. This publication has been prepared to help you evaluate corn fields during this period and to help you determine whether insecticide application is necessary to protect the corn silks from these beetle populations during pollination

    Grian Sorghum Performance Tests - 1971

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    Grain sorghum varieties were evaluated at four locations (Carlisle, Daviess, Hopkins, and Todd Counties) in Kentucky in 1971

    Corn Grades and Feed Value

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    Corn is traditionally priced on the basis of U.S. No. 2 grade. However, with the release of CCC-owned corn stocks for Emergency Assistance Programs, there is an increase in corn being marketed as No. 4, No. 5 or Sample grade. It is important for producers to understand corn grading standards and the feeding values of these grades

    Seeding Cover Crops in Kentucky

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    The most common reason for seeding a cover crop is to establish cover onto a tilled area following harvest of the previous crop, or onto a disturbed area for a critical seeding , as soon as possible after tillage or disturbance. The reason for establishing the cover crop is to stabilize the exposed surface of bare soil to prevent erosion

    1974 Preliminary Report of Kentucky Small Grain Variety Trials at Bowling Green and Lexington

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    Each year the small grain variety trials are conducted at Princeton, Murray, Bowling Green and Lexington. In 1974, the plots at Princeton and Murray were severely infected with a complex of diseases including Barley Yellow Dwarf, Septoria glume blotch, wheat scab and an unidentified disease in the wheat. As a result of the intensity of these diseases, the data obtained from these plots was very erratic and the results were not considered to be experimentally valid. The data obtained at Bowling Green and Lexington were quite valid and representative of the general situation in Kentucky

    Effect of Topdressing Different Forms of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Corn

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    Nitrate nitrogen is the dominant form of plant-available nitrogen in soils, since even ammonium nitrogen is rapidly converted to nitrate nitrogen under Kentucky field conditions. Nitrogen in the nitrate form can be lost by leaching in the drainage water and by denitrification when the soil is saturated with water for a relatively short period of time. With the increased cost and short supply of nitrogen fertilizers, it is especially important that applications be made at a time and in a way that will minimize losses

    What Happened with No-Till in 1988

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    No-till (NT) received some bad publicity in 1988 in Kentucky and throughout the Midwest,especially during the early part of last summer\u27s drought. Some farmers found that corn yields were lower with NT than with conventional tillage (CT). However, others observed that the NT corn recovered faster and grew better than CT corn following the rains. Data from Kentucky and Nebraska tend to support this latter observation

    Grain Sorghum and Soybean Variety Tests on Reconstructed Prime Land - 1985

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    Prime farmland disturbed by surface mining must by law be returned to a productivity level equal to that before mining. The coal operator has several test crops that can be selected to determine whether these production standards have been met before final bond release will be made. Grain sorghum and soybeans are two of the crops that may be used. The purposes of this research are (1) to determine the crop yield potential of restored prime farmland from surface mined areas, (2) to determine varietal adaptation on restored prime farmland as compared to non-mined prime farmland, and (3) to provide crop yield data to Kentucky farmers on grain sorghum and soybeans from restored prime farmland