5 research outputs found

    Shrinkage in the Time-Varying Parameter Model Framework Using the R Package shrinkTVP

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    Time-varying parameter (TVP) models are widely used in time series analysis to flexibly deal with processes which gradually change over time. However, the risk of overfitting in TVP models is well known. This issue can be dealt with using appropriate global-local shrinkage priors, which pull time-varying parameters towards static ones. In this paper, we introduce the R package shrinkTVP (Knaus, Bitto-Nemling, Cadonna, and Fr\"uhwirth-Schnatter 2019), which provides a fully Bayesian implementation of shrinkage priors for TVP models, taking advantage of recent developments in the literature, in particular that of Bitto and Fr\"uhwirth-Schnatter (2019). The package shrinkTVP allows for posterior simulation of the parameters through an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme. Moreover, summary and visualization methods, as well as the possibility of assessing predictive performance through log predictive density scores (LPDSs), are provided. The computationally intensive tasks have been implemented in C++ and interfaced with R. The paper includes a brief overview of the models and shrinkage priors implemented in the package. Furthermore, core functionalities are illustrated, both with simulated and real data

    Reactive Exploration to Cope with Non-Stationarity in Lifelong Reinforcement Learning

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    In lifelong learning, an agent learns throughout its entire life without resets, in a constantly changing environment, as we humans do. Consequently, lifelong learning comes with a plethora of research problems such as continual domain shifts, which result in non-stationary rewards and environment dynamics. These non-stationarities are difficult to detect and cope with due to their continuous nature. Therefore, exploration strategies and learning methods are required that are capable of tracking the steady domain shifts, and adapting to them. We propose Reactive Exploration to track and react to continual domain shifts in lifelong reinforcement learning, and to update the policy correspondingly. To this end, we conduct experiments in order to investigate different exploration strategies. We empirically show that representatives of the policy-gradient family are better suited for lifelong learning, as they adapt more quickly to distribution shifts than Q-learning. Thereby, policy-gradient methods profit the most from Reactive Exploration and show good results in lifelong learning with continual domain shifts. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ml-jku/reactive-exploration.Comment: CoLLAs 202

    A Dataset Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning

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    The application of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in real world environments can be expensive or risky due to sub-optimal policies during training. In Offline RL, this problem is avoided since interactions with an environment are prohibited. Policies are learned from a given dataset, which solely determines their performance. Despite this fact, how dataset characteristics influence Offline RL algorithms is still hardly investigated. The dataset characteristics are determined by the behavioral policy that samples this dataset. Therefore, we define characteristics of behavioral policies as exploratory for yielding high expected information in their interaction with the Markov Decision Process (MDP) and as exploitative for having high expected return. We implement two corresponding empirical measures for the datasets sampled by the behavioral policy in deterministic MDPs. The first empirical measure SACo is defined by the normalized unique state-action pairs and captures exploration. The second empirical measure TQ is defined by the normalized average trajectory return and captures exploitation. Empirical evaluations show the effectiveness of TQ and SACo. In large-scale experiments using our proposed measures, we show that the unconstrained off-policy Deep Q-Network family requires datasets with high SACo to find a good policy. Furthermore, experiments show that policy constraint algorithms perform well on datasets with high TQ and SACo. Finally, the experiments show, that purely dataset-constrained Behavioral Cloning performs competitively to the best Offline RL algorithms for datasets with high TQ.Comment: Code: https://github.com/ml-jku/OfflineR

    History Compression via Language Models in Reinforcement Learning

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    In a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), an agent typically uses a representation of the past to approximate the underlying MDP. We propose to utilize a frozen Pretrained Language Transformer (PLT) for history representation and compression to improve sample efficiency. To avoid training of the Transformer, we introduce FrozenHopfield, which automatically associates observations with pretrained token embeddings. To form these associations, a modern Hopfield network stores these token embeddings, which are retrieved by queries that are obtained by a random but fixed projection of observations. Our new method, HELM, enables actor-critic network architectures that contain a pretrained language Transformer for history representation as a memory module. Since a representation of the past need not be learned, HELM is much more sample efficient than competitors. On Minigrid and Procgen environments HELM achieves new state-of-the-art results. Our code is available at https://github.com/ml-jku/helm.Comment: ICML 202

    CLOOB: Modern Hopfield Networks with InfoLOOB Outperform CLIP

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    CLIP yielded impressive results on zero-shot transfer learning tasks and is considered as a foundation model like BERT or GPT3. CLIP vision models that have a rich representation are pre-trained using the InfoNCE objective and natural language supervision before they are fine-tuned on particular tasks. Though CLIP excels at zero-shot transfer learning, it suffers from an explaining away problem, that is, it focuses on one or few features, while neglecting other relevant features. This problem is caused by insufficiently extracting the covariance structure in the original multi-modal data. We suggest to use modern Hopfield networks to tackle the problem of explaining away. Their retrieved embeddings have an enriched covariance structure derived from co-occurrences of features in the stored embeddings. However, modern Hopfield networks increase the saturation effect of the InfoNCE objective which hampers learning. We propose to use the InfoLOOB objective to mitigate this saturation effect. We introduce the novel ``Contrastive Leave One Out Boost'' (CLOOB), which uses modern Hopfield networks for covariance enrichment together with the InfoLOOB objective. In experiments we compare CLOOB to CLIP after pre-training on the Conceptual Captions and the YFCC dataset with respect to their zero-shot transfer learning performance on other datasets. CLOOB consistently outperforms CLIP at zero-shot transfer learning across all considered architectures and datasets.Comment: 15 pages (+ appendix); Blog: https://ml-jku.github.io/cloob GitHub: https://github.com/ml-jku/cloo