608 research outputs found

    Disaggregating Territories: Literature, Emancipation, and Resistance

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    This article focuses on the implementation of literature for the democratic opening of the human being-in-common in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Rancière. Deleuze and Guattari advocate a quasi-traumatized, “animally” disfigured discourse that testifies to the impossibility of bearing witness to the unpredictable whirl of becoming, not only in philosophical but also in literary writing. Kafka exemplarily blurred the boundaries between his representing and represented subjects, drawing them into an unrestrained field of immanence. It is through such persistent revivifying of polyphony that his minor literature unleashed the suppressed creativity of major literature and language. It subverted literary language from within its identity, deterritorializing its monolingual molecules and pushing its subjects beyond the politically acknowledged threshold of representation. By invading the subject’s speech, action, and behavior, minor literature revolutionizes its agency. In Rancière’s work, political regulation of the subject from above is the main target of oppositional literary deregulation from below. For both Deleuze and Rancière, literary politics consists of the disarticulation of the politically authorized selection of sensations by an unpredictable revolutionary assemblage that escapes it. Now oriented inwards, toward the subject’s perception apparatus, instead of outwards toward other political subjects as before, revolutionary politics in Deleuze’s and Rancière’s rendering deactivates the agency, and departs from an inarticulate molecular area excluded from the scope of its activity. Despite undeniable divergences between their thoughts, this paradoxical “action through non-action” connects their conceptualizations of literature. However, as the genealogy of the messianic tradition has shown, the deactivation of majoritarian agencies does not merely achieve emancipating effects; it simultaneously empowers the minoritarian assemblage introduced in the place of agencies. As a result, the initially democratic assemblage suddenly resurfaces as the major agency of revolutionary terror. I argue that placing literature at the service of the allegedly egalitarian force of negation entertains this risk in both philosophies

    Setting the cat amongst the pigeons: jurisdiction of the Labour Court under the new Labour Act

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    An inaugural lecture on the role and functions of the Labour Court under the Labour Act of Zimbabwe.It was a great honour for me, to be invited, to give the inaugural lecture for the Kempton Makamure Labour Law Lecture Series. There is no doubt that the late Kempton Makamure touched in an irreversible manner, all those who came in contact with him and there is no question that the history of the University of Zimbabwe and possibly the recent history of this country would never have been the same but for Kempton’s influence.3 My initial invitation was to give a presentation on the following topic: “Jurisdiction and Jurisprudence of the Labour Court and High Court under the new Labour Act”. In the process of preparing for this paper it became quite clear that a solid independent paper dealing solely with the issue of jurisdiction was required. Not simply because of the academic issues involved, but rather because of the clear confusion presently existing in the High Court of Zimbabwe. It is quite clear, to every practicing labour lawyer the divided opinion amongst High Court Judges on this issue and there is no question that the same will have to be resolved by the Supreme Court sooner rather than later

    Analysis of the Substantive and Procedural Elements of the Principle of Legality

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    The law, in general, and more specifically the criminal law is guided by some basic principles. One of the principles, which is most important, is the principle of legality which represents the criminal discipline regarding the abolition of the retrospective power of the unfavorable norm. This can also be considered as the bad retrospective power. This paper focuses on analyzing this principle in the doctrinal aspect. The analysis focuses on how the principle of legality is enforced and interpreted on International Law and Albanian Criminal Law. This paper also aims to analyze different decisions of the European Court of Justice and Constitutional Court of Albania to find out the effect of this principle

    Pripoved kot argumentacija

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    Unter diesem Titel werden autorisierte Beiträge des vom Philosophischem Institut im Juni 1989 veranstalteten gleichnamigen Workshops veröffentlicht. Die Beiträge von Vladimir Biti ("Narration als Argumentation"), Mirna Velčič ("Argumentation als Diskurs"), Olga Kunst-Gnamuä ("Die Argumentation zwischen dem Subjekt des Begehrens und dem logischen Subjekt"), Jelica Šumič-Riha ("Teror des Wortes"), Rado Riha, ("Die argumentative Natur der demokratischen Invention") und Andrej Škerlep ("Die Argumentation im Verstandigungsprozes") analysieren vom philosophischen, soziologischen, politologischen und sprachlichen Aspekt aus die Argumentation als Basisform der sprachlichen Interaktion. Die Mehrzahl der Beiträge geht dabei von Habermas Auffassung der Argumentation als Mittel für Erlangung eines rationell motivierten Konsensuses aus und versucht Probleme und Grenzen dieser Auffassung vermittels ihrer Konfrontation mit anderen modernen Argumentationstheorien (Lyotard, Ducrot) aufzuzeigen. Einige Beiträge beschreiben materielle Wirkungen der Argumentation auf der Ebene des politischen bzw. wissenschaftlichen Diskurses.Objavljeni prispevki Vladimirja Bitija "Pripoved kot argumentacija", Mirne Velčič "Argumentacija kot diskurz", Olge Kunst-Gnamuš "Argumentacija med subjektom želje in logičnim subjektom", Jelice Šumič-Riha "Teror besede", Rada Rihe "Argumentacijska narava demokratske invencije" in Andreja Škerlepa "Argumentacija v sporazumevanju", poskuskušajo s filozofskega, sociološkega, politološkega in lingvističnega vidika osvetliti argumentacijo kot bazično obliko jezikovne interakcije. Večina prispevkov jemlje za izhodišče svoje analize Habermasovo pojmovanje argumentacije kot orodja za dosego racionalnega konsenza in pokaže problematičnost tega pojmovanja in njegove meje v soočenju z drugimi sodobnimi teorijami argumentacije (Lyotardovo, Ducrotovo). Nekaj prispevkov pa obravnava materialne učinke argumentacije na ravni političnega oziroma znanstvenega diskurza


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    Posredstvom diskursno-teorijsko/kritičko/analitičkog motrišta uspostavlja se integrativna vizura kroz koju se tumače interesna žarišta diskursne stilistike. Raspravlja se o interdisciplinarnim poticajima i metodološkim pomacima discipline, o stilu kao o produktu međuodnosa diskursnih praksi u diskursnome polju, o problemima hegemonijskih i marginaliziranih diskursa, te o diskursnoj evoluciji.An integrative approach of discourse stylistics is explained through perspectives drawn from critical discourse analysis and discourse theory and the main points of research interests are underlined. Interdisciplinary incentives and methodological shifts are being discussed. Problems of style are being treated from the point of view of discursive practices and their relationships within the field of discourse; problems of hegemony and marginalization are pointed out, and evolutionary aspects stressed