2 research outputs found

    Correlations between IL6 and the main clinical and biological parameters in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: Cytokines are a family of complex peptide with hormone-like activity. They are soluble proteins without enzymatic activity and serves as the main intracellular mediators. Many cytokines achieves its effects by binding to special receptors membrane, and their adjustment is via soluble receptors. Cytokines are characterized by pleiotropism, overlapping and mutual adjustment. Proinflammatory cytokine involved in major rheumatoid arthritis are TNF, IL1α, IL1β, IL8.The biological effects of IL6 overlap in large part over those of TNF. If TNF is involved in induction of apoptosis or programmed cell death, IL6 is specifically associated with angiogenic factors activation and the occurrence of neovascularity to the synovium; favors articular cartilage degradation by increasing the release of MMP, decreasing PG, recruit osteoclasts, apoptosis of osteoblasts, release of degradative enzymes and the inflammatory mediators - iNOS, COX2 - TNF, IL6, IL8.Material and methods: Based on these data we proposed and realized – for the first time in Romania – the measurement of IL6 levels and the correlation with values of DAS28 score, HAQ, ESR, CRP, Hb and the immunological parameters too. The study was conducted on a group of 80 sick diagnosed with RA in various stages of evolution, under treatment with disease-modifying medication , type Methotrexate, Arava.Conclusions: Levels of IL-6 correlate a direct manner with those of acute phase reactants ,ESR, CRP and indirect values of Hb, IgG; the clinical parameters (number of tender and swollen joints, DAS28, HAQ) are not influenced by values IL6

    Cardiac masses and the role of imaging in their diagnostic

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    Myxomas are the most common primary tumors of the adult heart and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intracavitary cardiac masses, along with thrombi and vegetations