5 research outputs found

    Sound propagation and quantum limited damping in a two-dimensional Fermi gas

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    Strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi systems are one of the great remaining challenges in many-body physics due to the interplay of strong local correlations and enhanced long-range fluctuations. Here, we probe the thermodynamic and transport properties of a 2D Fermi gas across the BEC-BCS crossover by studying the propagation and damping of sound modes. We excite particle currents by imprinting a phase step onto homogeneous Fermi gases trapped in a box potential and extract the speed of sound from the frequency of the resulting density oscillations. We measure the speed of sound across the BEC-BCS crossover and compare the resulting dynamic measurement of the equation of state both to a static measurement based on recording density profiles and to Quantum Monte Carlo calculations and find reasonable agreement between all three. We also measure the damping of the sound mode, which is determined by the shear and bulk viscosities as well as the thermal conductivity of the gas. We find that the damping is minimal in the strongly interacting regime and the diffusivity approaches the universal quantum bound /m\hbar/m of a perfect fluid

    Excitation Spectrum and Superfluid Gap of an Ultracold Fermi Gas

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    Funding Information: We thank R. Haussmann, L. Mathey, C. Vale, and W. Zwerger for helpful discussions and R. Haussmann, W. Zwerger, and P. Pieri for providing us with the results of their calculations. This work is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) in the framework of SFB-925, Project No. 170620586, and the excellence cluster Advanced Imaging of Matter, EXC 2056, Project ID No. 390715994. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 American Physical Society.Ultracold atomic gases are a powerful tool to experimentally study strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. In particular, ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions have allowed to realize the famous BEC-BCS crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of molecules to a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superfluid of weakly bound Cooper pairs. However, large parts of the excitation spectrum of fermionic superfluids in the BEC-BCS crossover are still unexplored. In this work, we use Bragg spectroscopy to measure the full momentum-resolved low-energy excitation spectrum of strongly interacting ultracold Fermi gases. This enables us to directly observe the smooth transformation from a bosonic to a fermionic superfluid that takes place in the BEC-BCS crossover. We also use our spectra to determine the evolution of the superfluid gap and find excellent agreement with previous experiments and self-consistent T-matrix calculations both in the BEC and crossover regime. However, toward the BCS regime a calculation that includes the effects of particle-hole correlations shows better agreement with our data.Peer reviewe

    Status of the sFLASH Experiment

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    The sFLASH experiment at the free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH1 is a setup for the investigation of external FEL seeding. Since 2015, the seeding scheme high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) is being studied. At the end of the seeded FEL, an RF deflector enables time-resolved analysis of the seeded electron bunches while the photon pulses can be characterized using the technique of THz streaking. In this contribution, we present the current configuration of the experiment and give an overview of recent experimental results