7 research outputs found

    Duch sakramentalnej pokuty

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    The 30th anniversary of the Exhortation Recontiliatio et Paenitentia, announced by the Holy Father John Paul II, is a good occasion to induce reflection on the meaning and sense of penance and repentance, as well as on sacramental penance. The Exhortation inspires us to embark on a journey of discovery of the evangelical spirit of penance, which in turn implies understanding of the spirit of sacramental penance. The whole Gospel is permeated with Divine Love towards a human being, revealed by God's Son - Jesus Christ. Penance and repentance should also be imbued with Love and desire for experiencing the merciful love of God by man. Hence, it is the multidimensional joy that constitutes the fruit of penance. We are able to emphasize the triple affirmation of penance, stemming from the understanding of its evangelical spectrum. Penance means: Yes said to Christ, Yes said to man and Yes said to Love. This very notion of penance negates all the old negativity concerning outer forms of penance. Moreover, it also has an effect on the "new quality" of sacramental penance, in which there is room not only for atonement but also for expression of gratitude for the gift of God's Mercy. The realization of sacramental penance, as the answer of love filled with repentance for the committed sin, and the answer to the granted, forgiving Love of God, comes from the resultant, constantly growing joy, at the same time. It is the Paschal Joy at Christ's victory over evil. Hallelujah!30. rocznica adhortacji Recontiliatio et paenitentia, ogłoszonej przez Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II, jest dobrą okazją, aby skłonić do refleksji na temat znaczenia i sensu pokuty i nawrócenia. Adhortacja inspiruje nas do rozpoczęcia podróży odkrycia  pokuty w duchu ewangelicznym, co z kolei pociąga za sobą zrozumienie ducha sakramentalnej pokuty. Cała Ewangelia jest przeniknięta Boską Miłością ku człowiekowi, objawioną przez Boga Syna - Jezusa Chrystusa. Pokuta i nawrócenie powinny być przepojone miłością i pragnieniem doświadczania miłości miłosiernej Boga przez człowieka. Stąd jest to wielowymiarowa radość, która stanowi owoc pokuty. Jesteśmy w stanie podkreślić potrójne potwierdzenie pokuty, wynikająca ze zrozumienia ewangelicznej wizji

    Nouvelles recherches sur la biographie de Nicolas Copernic

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    SUMMARY. — Current state of research in Poland and in the two Republics of Germany into the life of Copernicus, his public activity and the role of certain social milieus in Royal Prussia and Warmia in Copernicus' scientific development and in his cultural environment; an examination of various bibliographic sources on these subjects. New elements concerning certain aspects of the life of Copernicus, principally during the Warmian epoch, which shed new light on the personal life of this scientist.RÉSUMÉ. — Etat actuel des recherches faites en Pologne et dans les deux Républiques d'Allemagne sur la biographie de Copernic, sur son activité publique et sur le rôle de certains milieux de la société de la Prusse royale et de la Warmie dans la formation scientifique de Copernic et dans son environnement culturel ; examen de diverses sources bibliographiques sur ces sujets. Eléments nouveaux concernant certains aspects de la vie de Copernic, principalement à l'époque warmienne (après 1510), qui apportent quelque lumière sur ce savant en tant qu'homme.Biskup Marian. Nouvelles recherches sur la biographie de Nicolas Copernic. In: Revue d'histoire des sciences, tome 27, n°4, 1974. pp. 289-306

    Creation of A Free Trade Area. Czechoslovakia - Hungary - Poland: Consequences for the Polish Economy

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    The aim of the paper is to assess the impact of the free trade area on the Polish national economy. The methodology of the research has been based on estimations of: Polish exporters' gains, Polish state revenue reductions, potential savings in the entire national economy due to a reduction in production costs. The latter is analysed using an input-output model. The findings indicate that participation in the free trade area will be beneficial for Poland.Free Trade Area; Liberalization; Systemic Transformation