27 research outputs found

    The Raman Spectra of 1, 3-Dibromopropane and 1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane in the Solid State

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    On the Fluorescence in Diamond Excited by X-rays

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    On the Origin of Flurescence in Diamond

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    The Raman Spectra of Acetylchloride, Acetylbromide and Ethylbromide at Low Temperatures

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    Polarisation of Raman Lines of Ethylene Dibromide in Solution and Intensities at Different Temperatures

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    The Raman Spectra of 1, 2- and 1, 1-Dichloroethanes in the Solid State

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    On the Raman Spectra of Solutions of Ethylene Dibromide in Different Solvents

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    Dehydroxylation Reaction Kinetics of some Indian Kaolinitic Clays

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    On the Raman Spectra at Low Temperatures Benzene Derivatives

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    On the Raman Spectra of Ethylene Dibromide and Dichlorethylene in the Solid State

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