51 research outputs found

    Double bracket structures on Poisson manifolds

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    On a Poisson manifold endowed with a Riemannian metric we will construct a vector field that generalizes the double bracket vector field defined on semi-simple Lie algebras. On a regular symplectic leaf we will construct a generalization of the normal metric such that the above vector field restricted to the symplectic leaf is a gradient vector field with respect to this metric

    Newton Algorithm on Constraint Manifolds and the 5-electron Thomson problem

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    We give a description of numerical Newton algorithm on a constraint manifold using only the ambient coordinates (usually Euclidean coordinates) and the geometry of the constraint manifold. We apply the numerical Newton algorithm on a sphere in order to find the critical configurations of the 5-electron Thomson problem. As a result, we find a new critical configuration of a regular pentagonal type. We also make an analytical study of the critical configurations found previously and determine their nature using Morse-Bott theory. Last section contains an analytical study of critical configurations for Riesz s-energy of 5-electron on a sphere and their bifurcation behavior is pointed out

    A note on stability of nongeneric equilibria for an underwater vehicle

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    We study the Lyapunov stability of a family of nongeneric equilibria with spin for underwater vehicles with noncoincident centers. The nongeneric equilibria belong to singular symplectic leaves that are not characterized as a preimage o a regular value of the Casimir functions. We find an invariant submanifold such that the nongeneric equilibria belong to a preimage of a regular value that involves sub-Casimir functions. We obtain results for nonlinear stability on this invariant submanifold

    The stability problem and special solutions for the 5-components Maxwell-Bloch equations

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    For the 5-components Maxwell-Bloch system the stability problem for the isolated equilibria is completely solved. Using the geometry of the symplectic leaves, a detailed construction of the homoclinic orbits is given. Studying the problem of invariant sets for the system we discover a rich family of periodic solutions in explicit form

    Hessian Operators on Constraint Manifolds

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    On a constraint manifold we give an explicit formula for the Hessian matrix of a cost function that involves the Hessian matrix of a prolonged function and the Hessian matrices of the constraint functions. We give an explicit formula for the case of the orthogonal group O(n){\bf O}(n) by using only Euclidean coordinates on Rn2\mathbb{R}^{n^2}. An optimization problem on SO(3){\bf SO}(3) is completely carried out. Its applications to nonlinear stability problems are also analyzed

    Equivalence of energy methods in stability theory

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    We will prove the equivalence of three methods, the so called energy methods, for establishing the stability of an equilibrium point for a dynamical system. We will illustrate by examples that this result simplifies enormously the amount of computations especially when the stability can not be decided with one of the three methods.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, minnor correction

    Steepest descent algorithm on orthogonal Stiefel manifolds

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    Considering orthogonal Stiefel manifolds as constraint manifolds, we give an explicit description of a set of local coordinates that also generate a basis for the tangent space in any point of the orthogonal Stiefel manifolds. We show how this construction depends on the choice of a submatrix of full rank. Embedding a gradient vector field on an orthogonal Stiefel manifold in the ambient space, we give explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for a critical point of a cost function defined on such manifolds. We explicitly describe the steepest descent algorithm on the orthogonal Stiefel manifold using the ambient coordinates and not the local coordinates of the manifold. We point out the dependence of the recurrence sequence that defines the algorithm on the choice of a full rank submatrix. We illustrate the algorithm in the case of Brockett cost functions

    A New Training Method for Feedforward Neural Networks Based on Geometric Contraction Property of Activation Functions

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    We propose a new training method for a feedforward neural network having the activation functions with the geometric contraction property. The method consists of constructing a new functional that is less nonlinear in comparison with the classical functional by removing the nonlinearity of the activation function from the output layer. We validate this new method by a series of experiments that show an improved learning speed and better classification error

    Asymptotic Stability of Dissipated Hamilton-Poisson Systems

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    We will further develop the study of the dissipation for a Hamilton-Poisson system introduced in \cite{2}. We will give a tensorial form of this dissipation and show that it preserves the Hamiltonian function but not the Poisson geometry of the initial Hamilton-Poisson system. We will give precise results about asymptotic stabilizability of the stable equilibria of the initial Hamilton-Poisson system

    Openness and convexity for momentum maps

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    The purpose of this paper is finding the essential attributes underlying the convexity theorems for momentum maps. It is shown that they are of topological nature; more specifically, we show that convexity follows if the map is open onto its image and has the so called local convexity data property. These conditions are satisfied in all the classical convexity theorems and hence they can, in principle, be obtained as corollaries of a more general theorem that has only these two hypotheses. We also prove a generalization of the "Lokal-global-Prinzip" that only requires the map to be closed and to have a normal topological space as domain, instead of using a properness condition. This allows us to generalize the Flaschka-Ratiu convexity theorem to non-compact manifolds.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. Updated version with added details and minor correction