2,036 research outputs found

    Quantum Corrections in Quintessence Models

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    We investigate the impact of quantum fluctuations on a light rolling quintessence field from three different sources, namely, from a coupling to the standard model and dark matter, from its self-couplings and from its coupling to gravity. We derive bounds for time-varying masses from the change of vacuum energy, finding \Delta m_e/m_e << 10^{-11} for the electron and \Delta m_p/m_p << 10^{-15} for the proton since redshift z~2, whereas the neutrino masses could change of order one. Mass-varying dark matter is also constrained. Next, the self-interactions are investigated. For inverse power law potentials, the effective potential does not become infinitely large at small field values, but saturates at a finite maximal value. We discuss implications for cosmology. Finally, we show that one-loop corrections induce non-minimal gravitational couplings involving arbitrarily high powers of the curvature scalar R, indicating that quintessence entails modified gravity effects.Comment: 10 pages + appendix, added reference

    Perturbative quantization of two-dimensional space-time noncommutative QED

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    Using the method of perturbative quantization in the first order approximation, we quantize a non-local QED-like theory including fermions and bosons whose interactions are described by terms containing higher order space-time derivatives. As an example, the two-dimensional space-time noncommutative QED (NC-QED) is quantized perturbatively up to O(e^2,\theta^3), where e is the NC-QED coupling constant and \theta is the noncommutativity parameter. The resulting modified Lagrangian density is shown to include terms consisting of first order time-derivative and higher order space-derivatives of the modified field variables that satisfy the ordinary equal-time commutation relations up to O(e^2,\theta^3. Using these commutation relations, the canonical current algebra of the modified theory is also derived.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    Comments on branon dressing and the Standard Model

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    This technical note shows how Electrodynamics and a Yukawa model are dressed after integrating out perturbative brane fluctuations, and it is found that first order corrections in the inverse of the brane tension occur for the fermion and scalar wave functions, the couplings and the masses. Nevertheless, field redefinitions actually lead to effective actions where only masses are dressed to this first order. We compare our results with the literature and find discrepancies at the next order, which, however, might not be measurable in the valid regime of low-energy brane fluctuations.Comment: 12 page

    A Note on Tachyon Moduli and Closed Strings

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    The collective behavior of the SL(2,R) covariant brane states of non-critical c=1 string theory found in a previous work, is studied in the Fermi liquid approximation. It is found that such states mimick the coset WZW model, whereas only by further restrictions one recovers the double-scaling limit which was purported to be equivalent to closed string models. Another limit is proposed, inspired by the tachyon condensation ideas, where the spectrum is the same of two-dimensional string theory. We close by noting some strange connections between vacuum states of the theory in their different interpretations.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 17 pages, 2 figures; Section 2 rewritten, several fixes throughout the text to improve clarit

    Quantum fields near phantom-energy `sudden' singularities

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    This paper is committed to calculations near a type of future singularity driven by phantom energy. At the singularities considered, the scale factor remains finite but its derivative diverges. The general behavior of barotropic phantom energy producing this singularity is calculated under the assumption that near the singularity such fluid is the dominant contributor. We use the semiclassical formula for renormalized stress tensors of conformally invariant fields in conformally flat spacetimes and analyze the softening/enhancing of the singularity due to quantum vacuum contributions. This dynamical analysis is then compared to results from thermodynamical considerations. In both cases, the vacuum states of quantized scalar and spinor fields strengthen the accelerating expansion near the singularity whereas the vacuum states of vector fields weaken it.Comment: 6 pages RevTe

    Vacuum fluctuations in a supersymmetric model in FRW spacetime

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    We study a noninteracting supersymmetric model in an expanding FRW spacetime. A soft supersymmetry breaking induces a nonzero contribution to the vacuum energy density. A short distance cutoff of the order of Planck length provides a scale for the vacuum energy density comparable with the observed cosmological constant. Assuming the presence of a dark energy substance in addition to the vacuum fluctuations of the field an effective equation of state is derived in a selfconsistent approach. The effective equation of state is sensitive to the choice of the cut-off but no fine tuning is needed.Comment: 19 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    First-order quantum correction to the Larmor radiation from a moving charge in a spatially homogeneous time-dependent electric field

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    First-order quantum correction to the Larmor radiation is investigated on the basis of the scalar QED on a homogeneous background of time-dependent electric field, which is a generalization of a recent work by Higuchi and Walker so as to be extended for an accelerated charged particle in a relativistic motion. We obtain a simple approximate formula for the quantum correction in the limit of the relativistic motion when the direction of the particle motion is parallel to that of the electric field.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Dark Matter from R^2-gravity

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    The modification of Einstein gravity at high energies is mandatory from a quantum approach. In this work, we point out that this modification will necessarily introduce new degrees of freedom. We analyze the possibility that these new gravitational states can provide the main contribution to the non-baryonic dark matter of the Universe. Unfortunately, the right ultraviolet completion of gravity is still unresolved. For this reason, we will illustrate this idea with the simplest high energy modification of the Einstein-Hilbert action: R^2-gravity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Dynamics for de Sitter Radiation

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    We revisit the Hamiltonian formalism for a massive scalar field and study the particle production in a de Sitter space. In the invariant-operator picture the time-dependent annihilation and creation operators are constructed in terms of a complex solution to the classical equation of motion for the field and the Gaussian wave function for each Fourier mode is found which is an exact solution to the Schr\"odinger equation. The in-out formalism is reformulated by the annihilation and creation operators and the Gaussian wave functions. The de Sitter radiation from the in-out formalism differs from the Gibbons-Hawking radiation in the planar coordinates, and we discuss the discrepancy of the particle production by the two methodComment: LaTex 12 pages, no figure; CosPA2011, Peking Univ., Oct. 28-31, 2011; references added; to be published in International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Serie

    The Transition Amplitude for 2T Physics

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    We present the transition amplitude for a particle moving in a space with two times and D space dimensions having a Sp(2,R) local symmetry and an SO(D,2) rigid symmetry. It was obtained from the BRST-BFV quantization with a unique gauge choice. We show that by constraining the initial and final points of this amplitude to lie on some hypersurface of the D+2 space the resulting amplitude reproduces well known systems in lower dimensions. This provides an alternative physical interpretation for two times physics which is derived in a single framework.Comment: 4 pages, typos corrected, references adde
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