52 research outputs found

    Transferrin-polycation-DNA complexes. The effect of polycations on the structure of the complex and DNA delivery to cells.

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    We have previously described a gene delivery system based upon the receptor-mediated endocytosis of DNA complexed with transferrin-polycation conjugates. This delivery system has been found to be very effective for both the internalization and the expression of genetic material in cells that have many transferrin receptors. Upon scrutinization of the parameters involved in this method, which we have termed transferrinfection, we note two important features of the process: the polycation in polycation-transferrin conjugates, as expected, serves to attach the transferrin moiety to the DNA and, in addition, the polycation functions to condense the DNA into a doughnut structure. Electron microscopic analysis of a range of poorly active to highly active transferrinfection samples reveals a strong correlation between DNA condensation and cellular DNA uptake. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the transfection activity of the DNA complex can be increased by addition of free polycation as long as a sufficient quantity of polycation-transferrin conjugates remains in the complex to ensure its binding to the cellular receptor

    DNA-binding transferrin conjugates as functional gene-delivery agents: synthesis by linkage of polylysine or ethidium homodimer to the transferrin carbohydrate moiety

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    We have previously demonstrated that transferrin-polycation conjugates are efficient carrier molecules for the introduction of genes into eucariotic cells. We describe here a more specific method for conjugation of transferrin with DNA-binding compounds involving attachment at the transferrin carbohydrate moiety. We used the polycation poly(L-lysine) or the DNA intercalator, ethidium homodimer as DNAbinding domains. Successful transferrin-receptor-mediatedd elivery and expression of the Photinus pyralis luciferase gene in K562 cells has been shown with these new transferrin conjugates. The activity of the transferrin-ethidium homodimer (TfEtD) conjugates is low relative to transferrin-polylysine conjugates; probably because of incomplete condensation of the DNA. However, DNA delivery with TfEtD is drastically improved when ternary complexes of the DNA with TfEtD and the DNA condensing agent polylysine are prepared. The gene delivery with the carbohydrate-linked transferrin-polylysine conjugates is equal or superior to described conjugates containing disulfide linkage. The new ligation method facilitates the synthesis of large quantities (>lo0 mg) of conjugates. INTRODUCTION Transferrin-polycation conjugates are efficient carriers for the uptake of DNA into eucariotic cells (I). This gene transfer technique, termed tramferrinfection, is based on receptor-mediated endocytosis of DNA complexed with polycation-transferrin conjugates (2,3). Our initial conjugate synthesis (1) involved the modification of one to two amino groups on the transferrin molecule with the bifunctional reagent succinimidyl34 2-pyridy1dithio)propionate (SPDP), followed by ligation to similarly modified polycations (polylysine or protamine) through the formation of disulfide bonds. Because there are more than 50 lysines on the large (about 80 kDa) transferrin protein, the actual site (or sites) of ligation to the polycation is unknown with this method. In this paper we describe the synthesis of new transferrin conjugates that are ligated with DNA-binding compounds in a specific manner through modification of the transferrin carbohydrate moiety. The conjugates thus obtained are free of any groups derived from chemical linking agents, since the connecting atoms are already present within the starting compounds. The carbohydrate group acts as anatural spacer that puts a 32-atom distance between the transferrin and the DNA binding moiety. This spacer effect may be important for appropriate presentation of the ligand to its receptor. As a DNA-binding compound, the polycation polylysine was used, similar to the use described in ref 1 or to the asialo-orosomucoid conjugates prepared by Wu and Wu (4). We have also prepared a novel type of transferrin conjugate that contains the DNA intercalator ethidium homodimer (5) as the DNAbinding group and demonstrate successful receptormediated gene delivery with these conjugates. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Human transferrin (iron-free), conalbumin (iron-free), and poly(L-lysine) were obtained from Sigma. Liquid chro- Abbreviations used: FITC, fluorescein ieothiocyenate; TfEtD, traneferrin-ethidium homodimer conjugate; TfpL, traneferrinpolytL- lysine) conjugate; HEPES, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulfonic acid

    Transferrin-polycation conjugates as carriers for DNA uptake into cells.

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    We have developed a high-efficiency nucleic acid delivery system that uses receptor-mediated endocytosis to carry DNA macromolecules into cells. We accomplished this by conjugating the iron-transport protein transferrin to polycations that bind nucleic acids. Human transferrin, as well as the chicken homologue conalbumin, has been covalently linked to the small DNA-binding protein protamine or to polylysines of various sizes through a disulfide linkage. These modified transferrin molecules maintain their ability to bind their cognate receptor and to mediate efficient iron transport into the cell. The transferrin-polycation molecules form electrophoretically stable complexes with double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, and modified RNA molecules independent of nucleic acid size (from short oligonucleotides to DNA of 21 kilobase pairs). When complexes of transferrin-polycation and a bacterial plasmid DNA containing the gene for Photinus pyralis luciferase are supplied to eukaryotic cells, high-level expression of the luciferase gene occurs, demonstrating transferrin receptor-mediated endocytosis and expression of the imported DNA. We refer to this delivery system as "transferrinfection.

    High-efficiency receptor-mediated delivery of small and large (48 kilobase gene constructs using the endosome-disruption activity of defective or chemically inactivated adenovirus particles.

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    One limit to successful receptor-mediated gene delivery is the exit of the endocytosed material from the endosome. We demonstrate here the delivery of marker genes to tissue culture cells using a modification of the receptor-mediated gene delivery technique that exploits the endosomolytic activity of defective adenovirus particles. In particular, greater than 90% of the transfected-cell population is found to express a beta-galactosidase gene, and, most importantly, this high level of expression can be obtained with psoralen-inactivated virus particles. Furthermore, because the delivered gene is not carried within the genome of the adenovirus particle, the size constraints are relieved, and we can, therefore, show the delivery of a 48-kilobase cosmid DNA molecule

    Synthetic virus-like gene delivery systems

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    Coupling of adenovirus to transferrin-polylysine/DNA complexes greatly enhances receptor-mediated gene delivery and expression of transfected genes.

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    We are developing efficient methods for gene transfer into tissue culture cells. We have previously shown that coupling of a chimeric adenovirus with polylysine allowed the construction of an adenovirus-polylysine-reporter-gene complex that transferred the transporter gene with great efficiency into HeLa cells. We have now explored simpler, biochemical means for coupling adenovirus to DNA/polylysine complexes and show that such complexes yield virtually 100% transfection in tissue culture cell lines. In these methods adenovirus is coupled to polylysine, either enzymatically through the action of transglutaminase or biochemically by biotinylating adenovirus and streptavidinylating the polylysine moiety. Combination complexes containing DNA, adenovirus-polylysine, and transferrin-polylysine have the capacity to transfer the reporter gene into adenovirus-receptor- and/or transferrin-receptor-rich cells