498 research outputs found

    Automated continuous monitoring of inorganic and total mercury in wastewater and other waters by flow-injection analysis and cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry

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    An automated continuous monitoring system for the determination of inorganic and total mercury by flow-injection analysis followed by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry is described. The method uses a typical flow-injection manifold where digestion and reduction of the injected sample takes place. Mercury is removed by aeration from the flowing stream in a specially designed air-liquid separator and swept into a silica cell for absorption measurement at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. A calibration curve up to 10 μg Hg ml-1 using three different path length cells is obtained with a detection limit of 0.02 μg Hg ml-1. The sampling rate of an injection every 3 min produces 20 results per hour from a flowing stream

    Perinatale gezondheid in Rotterdam; nulmeting periode 2000-2007

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    Inleiding Rotterdam heeft binnen Nederland een relatief hoog perinataal sterftecijfer. Onder perinatale sterfte verstaan we sterfte vanaf 22 weken zwangerschapsduur tot en met de eerste 7 dagen na de geboorte. Dit bleek reeds in 2008 toen De Graaf et al. beschreven dat vrouwen in de vier grote steden een sterk verhoogde kans hebben op perinatale sterfte en daarmee samenhangende perinatale ziekte. De belangrijkste vier perinatale ziekten, die vaak voorlopers zijn van perinatale sterfte, zijn aangeboren afwijkingen, vroeggeboorte, laag geboortegewicht gelet op de zwangerschapsduur, en een lage Apgar score (een slechte start bij de geboorte). In vervolg op de bevindingen voor Rotterdam is in 2008 het Aanvalsplan Perinatale Sterfte Rotterdam van start gegaan. Dit is een meerjarig programma waarin de Gemeente Rotterdam in samenwerking met het Erasmus MC en de GGD Rotterdam Rijnmond tot doel heeft de perinatale sterfte en perinatale ziekte binnen Rotterdam te verminderen. Een eerste stap hierbij is het nauwkeurig in kaart brengen van perinatale ziekten en sterfte, en de factoren die mogelijk hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn. Deze factoren kunnen gebonden zijn aan zwangeren zelf, met hun omgeving te maken hebben of met de zorg te maken hebben

    Planned home compared with planned hospital births: Mode of delivery and Perinatal mortality rates, an observational study

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    Background: To compare the mode of delivery between planned home versus planned hospital births and to determine if differences in intervention rates could be interpreted a

    A Single-Center Comparison of Extended and Restricted THROMBOPROPHYLAXIS with LMWH after Metabolic Surgery

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    IntroductionMorbid obesity is an important risk factor for developing a venous thromboembolic events (VTE) after surgery. Fast-track protocols in metabolic surgery can lower the risk of VTE in the postoperative period by reducing the immobilization period. Administration of thromboprophylaxis can be a burden for patients. This study aims to compare extended to restricted thromboprophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for patients undergoing metabolic surgery.MethodsIn this single center retrospective cohort study, data was collected from patients undergoing a primary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) or sleeve gastrectomy (SG) between 2014 and 2018. Patients operated in 2014-2017 received thromboprophylaxis for two weeks. In 2018, patients only received thromboprophylaxis during hospital admission. Patients already using anticoagulants were analyzed as a separate subgroup. The primary outcome measure was the rate of clinically significant VTEs within three months. Secondary outcome measures were postoperative hemorrhage and reoperations for hemorrhage.Results3666 Patients underwent a primary RYGB or SG following the fast-track protocol. In total, two patients in the 2014-2017 cohort were diagnosed with VTE versus zero patients in the 2018 cohort. In the historic group, 34/2599 (1.3%) hemorrhages occurred and in the recent cohort 8/720 (1.1%). Postoperative hemorrhage rates did not differ between the two cohorts (multivariable analysis, p=0.475). In the subgroup of patients using anticoagulants, 21/347(6.1%) patients developed a postoperative hemorrhage. Anticoagulant use was a significant predictor of postoperative hemorrhage (

    Putative markers for the detection of breast carcinoma cells in blood.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate certain genes for their suitability as molecular markers for detection of breast carcinoma cells using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RNA was prepared from MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells and peripheral blood leucocytes of healthy female volunteers. This RNA was screened for mRNA of MUC1, cytokeratin 19 (CK19) and CD44 (exons 8-11) by RT-PCR and the results validated by Southern blots. Variable degrees of expression of MUC1 and CD44 (exons 8-11) were detected in normal peripheral blood, rendering these genes non-specific for epithelial cells and therefore unsuitable for use as markers to detect breast carcinoma cells. Although CK19 mRNA was apparently specific, it was deemed unsuitable for use as a marker of breast cancer cells in light of its limited sensitivity. Furthermore, an attempt at using nested primers to increase sensitivity resulted in CK19 mRNA being detected after two amplification rounds in blood from healthy volunteers

    An instrument for broadened risk assessment in antenatal health care including non-medical issues.

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    Growing evidence on the risk contributing role of non-medical factors on pregnancy outcomes urged for a new approach in early antenatal risk selection. The evidence invites to more integration, in particular between the clinical working area and the public health domain. We developed a non-invasive, standardized instrument for comprehensive antenatal risk assessment. The current study presents the application-oriented development of a risk screening instrument for early antenatal detection of risk factors and tailored prevention in an integrated care setting. A review of published instruments complemented with evidence from cohort studies. Selection and standardization of risk factors associated with small for gestational age, preterm birth, congenital anomalies and perinatal mortality. Risk factors were weighted to obtain a cumulative risk score. Responses were then connected to corresponding care pathways. A cumulative risk threshold was defined, which can be adapted to the population and the availability of preventive facilities. A score above the threshold implies multidisciplinary consultation between caregivers. The resulting digital score card consisted of 70 items, subdivided into four non-medical and two medical domains. Weighing of risk factors was based on existing evidence. Pilot-evidence from a cohort of 218 pregnancies in a multi-practice urban setting showed a cut-off of 16 points would imply 20% of all pregnant women to be assessed in a multidisciplinary setting. A total of 28 care pathways were defined. The resulting score card is a universal risk screening instrument which incorporates recent evidence on non-medical risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes and enables systematic risk management in an integrated antenatal health care setting

    Peroperative administration of tranexamic acid in sleeve gastrectomy to reduce hemorrhage:a double-blind randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: In metabolic surgery, hemorrhage is the most common major complication. This study investigated whether peroperative administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) reduced the risk of hemorrhage in patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Methods: In this double-blind randomized controlled trial, patients undergoing primary SG in a high-volume bariatric hospital were randomized (1:1) to receive 1500-mg TXA or placebo peroperatively. Primary outcome measure was peroperative staple line reinforcement using hemostatic clips. Secondary outcome measures were peroperative fibrin sealant use and blood loss, postoperative hemoglobin, heart rate, pain, major and minor complications, length of hospital stay (LOS), side effects of TXA (i.e., venous thrombotic event (VTE)) and mortality. Results:In total, 101 patients were analyzed and received TXA (n = 49) or placebo (n = 52). There was no statistically significant difference in hemostatic clip devices used in both groups (69% versus 83%, p = 0.161). TXA administration showed significant positive changes in hemoglobin levels (millimoles per Liter; 0.55 versus 0.80, p = 0.013), in heart rate (beats per minute; -4.6 versus 2.5; p = 0.013), in minor complications (Clavien–Dindo ≤ 2, 2.0% versus 17.3%, p = 0.016), and in mean LOS (hours; 30.8 versus 36.7, p = 0.013). One patient in the placebo-group underwent radiological intervention for postoperative hemorrhage. No VTE or mortality was reported. Conclusion: This study did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference in use of hemostatic clip devices and major complications after peroperative administration of TXA. However, TXA seems to have positive effects on clinical parameters, minor complications, and LOS in patients undergoing SG, without increasing the risk of VTE. Larger studies are needed to investigate the effect of TXA on postoperative major complications. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]</p

    Rapportage eerste jaar pilotstudie preconceptiezorg in deelgemeente Noord

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    Inleiding: Nederland kent hoge perinatale sterftecijfers met grote verschillen tussen etnische, sociaaleconomische en tussen mensen al dan niet wonen in een grote stad of in een zogenoemde prachtwijk (De Graaf et al.; NTVG 2008;152:2734). Zwangere vrouwen die in een grote stad wonen hebben vaker een slechte zwangerschapsuitkomst. Verklaringen hiervoor zijn dat in grote steden meer allochtone ouders en ouders met een lage sociaaleconomische status wonen, meer ouders woonachtig zijn in een prachtwijk, en in de grote steden meer sprake is van cumulatie van diverse risico’s. Ongunstige perinatale uitkomsten komen binnen de vier grote steden in Rotterdam het meest voor. In Rotterdam vormt het wonen in een prachtwijk een extra risico, vooral voor autochtone ouders. De Nederlandse situatie gaf de minister aanleiding tot de installatie van de Stuurgroep Zwangerschap en Geboorte die binnen het huidige kader verbeteringsvoorstellen voorbereidt met de beroepsgroepen. Hij kondigde verder in 2008 aan dat - in dit verband - meer voorlichting aan toekomstige ouders speerpunt van beleid werd. In Rotterdam werd op grond van de cijfers in 2008 het Aanvalsplan Perinatale Sterfte (Denktas et al, TSG 2009;87:199; www.klaarvooreenkind.nl) ontwikkeld en omgedoopt tot het programma Klaar voor een Kind dat op 1 januari 2009 van start is gegaan. De gemeente Rotterdam investeert in de ontwikkeling en start-up van nieuwe preventieprogramma’s. De GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond en het Erasmus MC coördineren het programma via het KveK-programmabureau. Dit regisseert de activiteiten (ontwikkeling, onderzoek, implementatie, afstemming, beleid). Het programma Klaar voor een Kind voorziet in verschillende projecten en de Pilotstudie Preconceptiezorg in deelgemeente Noord is de eerste die in uitvoering is genomen
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