15 research outputs found

    Clinical tests on impairment level related to low back pain: A study of test reliability

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    The objectives of the study were, in a working population, to standardize and evaluate a set of clinical tests on impairment level related to the low back with reference to intra- and inter-rater reliability. The study was undertaken in two steps. In step 1, 15 tests were examined for inter-rater reliability by three pairs of physiotherapists and for intra-rater reliability by one physiotherapist. Intra-rater reliability was acceptable (kappa > 0.40) for 14 of the 15 tests. Inter-rater reliability was acceptable for 7 of the 15 tests. In step 2, the tests, indicating a non-acceptable inter-rater reliability (kappa less than or equal to 0.40) were further standardized and re-tested by two of the physiotherapists. This further standardization procedure resulted in an acceptable interrater reliability for all of these tests. Clinical tests of a working population should preferably be performed by the same rater. However, when tests are performed by different raters, it is suggested that test procedures should be regularly standardized, and in pain provocation tests, the magnitude of the applied pressure should be checked regularly and compared with co-raters, in order to improve inter-rater reliability

    Prevalence of self reported hip symptoms, relations to age, gender, pain, stiffness, weakness and other joint disorders

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    The objective was to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of self-reported hip disorders in an adult population-based sample from the general population in two defined primary healthcare districts in the south of Sweden. We used a population-based survey using a mailed questionnaire on a random sample of 2600 individuals aged 38-77 years. After two written reminders, the response rate was 86%. The prevalence of reported hip disorders was 32% and increased with age from 18% among males 38-47 years to 42% among females 48-67 years. Among the individuals reporting hip disorders (n=692), 86% experienced pain, 32% stiffness and 20% weakness, and 58% had consulted medical care for their hip disorders; 92% of the individuals with reported hip disorders also reported disorders in other joints. Females reported disorders from finger joints, ankle/toe, low back and neck significantly more often compared with males. Disorders related to the hip region are common in a population-based sample. Individuals reporting hip symptoms frequently have symptoms in other joints. Pain was the most common symptom and females more frequently than males reported symptoms from other joints. Future studies of the cohort will investigate the relationships between self-reported hip disorders and clinical symptoms of early-stage hip disease

    Physical function and self-efficacy-Important aspects of health-related quality of life in individuals with hip osteoarthritis

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    Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and the most common chronic joint disease in individuals over the age of 65 years. The condition is often associated with significant pain, stiffness, fatigue, and has a strong impact on physical function, mobility and quality of life. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between health-related quality of life (HRQL), physical function and self-efficacy (the sense of being able to perform specific tasks), in individuals with X-ray-verified hip OA. The aim was also to determine factors explaining good perceived HRQL. Participants: Eighty-nine individuals with X-ray-verified hip OA in the age group 40-75 years participated in this study. The study sample predominantly consisted of females, n = 61 (69%), and the mean age was 62.5 years, range 39-76. Main outcome measures: For assessment of HRQL, the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), which is divided into the Physical Component Scale (PCS) and the Mental Component Scale (MCS), was used. Physical function was measured with one self-recorded instrument, the Hip Osteoarthritis Outcomes Score (HOOS Swedish version L.K 1.1), and two instruments using observation-the Body Awareness Scale-Movement Quality (BAS-MQ) and the Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT). Self-efficacy was evaluated using the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES). Results: The data indicated that HRQL (SF-36 PCS) had a significant correlation with both observed physical function and self-reported physical function. SF-36 PCS correlated significantly to all five subscales in HOOS, two of three subscales in BAS-MQ, 6MWT and all three subscales in ASES. Three subscales in HOOS, one subscale in ASES and the 6MWT together explained 58% (R2) of the variance in SF-36 PCS. Conclusion: The results of the current study indicated that good physical ability and good self-efficacy are important for HRQL in subjects with hip OA. This knowledge ought to influence future rehabilitation strategies. The treatment strategies for individuals with OA ought to be directed not only to the symptoms of the disease, but also to the individual's possibilities of gaining perceived control over the consequences of the disease including the HRQL

    Microbial mobilization of uranium from shale mine waste

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    The alum shale in the Billingen area in southern Sweden was mined in Ranstad for 5 years during the 1960s. The crushed tailings (processed and unprocessed) were left behind when the Ranstad mine was closed that has caused leaching of metals to the surroundings. The siderophore producing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens (Äspö, SE Sweden) was grown in batch cultures for 5 to 8 days with naturally weathered (unprocessed) uranium ore (0.0029% U by weight), kolm (0.52% U by weight) and acid-leached ore (0.0099% U by weight) in chemically defined media (unbuffered and buffered). Pseudomonas fluorescens grown with ore and unbuffered medium changed the pH from 4.7 to 9.3 and leached out 0.016 to 0.9% (normalized to surface area) of the total amount of U from the different ores. Incubation of the acid-leached ore with bacteria in buffered medium leached out 0.04% of the total U. Uranium was leached out selectively at all conditions, but this could be a pH effect, as pH increased at the same time as the U concentrations did. The observed release of Fe was most likely attributed to the production of microbial siderophores (Fe 3+ specific chelators) since Fe 3+ has a low solubility at pH > 4. As siderophores contain a number of chelating groups they may still function as complexators even in partly degraded form also for other metals than Fe. Thus, the production of microbial chelators could contribute to the elevated metal concentrations in the drainage water from the closed Ranstad mine, as abiotic processes cannot fully explain these high metal concentrations. In the extension: ligand promoted leaching of toxic elements could also be the key to bioremediation as there is a need for nontoxic cleanup methods for metal contaminated site

    Det nordiska jordbruket : utmaningar i en framtid präglad av mer extremväder

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    Stora delar av Norden upplevde extrem torka under sommaren 2018 vilket resulterade i minskad skörd jämfört med tidigare år. Vissa effekter syns även på animalieproduktionen. För att stå bättre rustade inför kommande extremväder behöver erfarenhetsutbytet och samarbetet mellan de nordiska länderna vidareutvecklas. Nordiska ministerrådet inrättade därför i september 2018 en arbetsgrupp för att systematisera de nordiska ländernas erfarenheter från torkan 2018 samt föreslå konkreta nordiska samarbetsområden som kan bidra till ett mer motståndskraftigt nordiskt jordbruk. Arbetsgruppen lägger fram fem förslag till samarbetsområden: Kunskapshöjning: klimatsmarta vatten- och odlingssystem, Växter anpassade för framtida nordiska förhållanden, Strategier för effektivare organisering i händelse av extremväder, Nordiskt kunskapsutbyte mellan rådgivare, Nordiskt nätverk för jordbruk och extremväder

    A full-coverage, high-resolution human chromosome 22 genomic microarray for clinical and research applications.

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    We have constructed the first comprehensive microarray representing a human chromosome for analysis of DNA copy number variation. This chromosome 22 array covers 34.7 Mb, representing 1.1% of the genome, with an average resolution of 75 kb. To demonstrate the utility of the array, we have applied it to profile acral melanoma, dermatofibrosarcoma, DiGeorge syndrome and neurofibromatosis 2. We accurately diagnosed homozygous/heterozygous deletions, amplifications/gains, IGLV/IGLC locus instability, and breakpoints of an imbalanced translocation. We further identified the 14-3-3 eta isoform as a candidate tumor suppressor in glioblastoma. Two significant methodological advances in array construction were also developed and validated. These include a strictly sequence defined, repeat-free, and non-redundant strategy for array preparation. This approach allows an increase in array resolution and analysis of any locus; disregarding common repeats, genomic clone availability and sequence redundancy. In addition, we report that the application of phi29 DNA polymerase is advantageous in microarray preparation. A broad spectrum of issues in medical research and diagnostics can be approached using the array. This well annotated and gene-rich autosome contains numerous uncharacterized disease genes. It is therefore crucial to associate these genes to specific 22q-related conditions and this array will be instrumental towards this goal. Furthermore, comprehensive epigenetic profiling of 22q-located genes and high-resolution analysis of replication timing across the entire chromosome can be studied using our array