203 research outputs found

    On complexity and convergence of high-order coordinate descent algorithms

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    Coordinate descent methods with high-order regularized models for box-constrained minimization are introduced. High-order stationarity asymptotic convergence and first-order stationarity worst-case evaluation complexity bounds are established. The computer work that is necessary for obtaining first-order ε\varepsilon-stationarity with respect to the variables of each coordinate-descent block is O(ε−(p+1)/p)O(\varepsilon^{-(p+1)/p}) whereas the computer work for getting first-order ε\varepsilon-stationarity with respect to all the variables simultaneously is O(ε−(p+1))O(\varepsilon^{-(p+1)}). Numerical examples involving multidimensional scaling problems are presented. The numerical performance of the methods is enhanced by means of coordinate-descent strategies for choosing initial points

    Riemannian Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices

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    International audienceInspired by the great success of sparse coding for vector valued data, our goal is to represent symmetric positive definite (SPD) data matrices as sparse linear combinations of atoms from a dictionary, where each atom itself is an SPD matrix. Since SPD matrices follow a non-Euclidean (in fact a Riemannian) geometry, existing sparse coding techniques for Euclidean data cannot be directly extended. Prior works have approached this problem by defining a sparse coding loss function using either extrinsic similarity measures (such as the log-Euclidean distance) or kernelized variants of statistical measures (such as the Stein divergence, Jeffrey's divergence, etc.). In contrast, we propose to use the intrinsic Riemannian distance on the manifold of SPD matrices. Our main contribution is a novel mathematical model for sparse coding of SPD matrices; we also present a computationally simple algorithm for optimizing our model. Experiments on several computer vision datasets showcase superior classification and retrieval performance compared with state-of-the-art approaches

    Guaranteed clustering and biclustering via semidefinite programming

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    Identifying clusters of similar objects in data plays a significant role in a wide range of applications. As a model problem for clustering, we consider the densest k-disjoint-clique problem, whose goal is to identify the collection of k disjoint cliques of a given weighted complete graph maximizing the sum of the densities of the complete subgraphs induced by these cliques. In this paper, we establish conditions ensuring exact recovery of the densest k cliques of a given graph from the optimal solution of a particular semidefinite program. In particular, the semidefinite relaxation is exact for input graphs corresponding to data consisting of k large, distinct clusters and a smaller number of outliers. This approach also yields a semidefinite relaxation for the biclustering problem with similar recovery guarantees. Given a set of objects and a set of features exhibited by these objects, biclustering seeks to simultaneously group the objects and features according to their expression levels. This problem may be posed as partitioning the nodes of a weighted bipartite complete graph such that the sum of the densities of the resulting bipartite complete subgraphs is maximized. As in our analysis of the densest k-disjoint-clique problem, we show that the correct partition of the objects and features can be recovered from the optimal solution of a semidefinite program in the case that the given data consists of several disjoint sets of objects exhibiting similar features. Empirical evidence from numerical experiments supporting these theoretical guarantees is also provided

    Implementation of an Optimal First-Order Method for Strongly Convex Total Variation Regularization

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    We present a practical implementation of an optimal first-order method, due to Nesterov, for large-scale total variation regularization in tomographic reconstruction, image deblurring, etc. The algorithm applies to μ\mu-strongly convex objective functions with LL-Lipschitz continuous gradient. In the framework of Nesterov both μ\mu and LL are assumed known -- an assumption that is seldom satisfied in practice. We propose to incorporate mechanisms to estimate locally sufficient μ\mu and LL during the iterations. The mechanisms also allow for the application to non-strongly convex functions. We discuss the iteration complexity of several first-order methods, including the proposed algorithm, and we use a 3D tomography problem to compare the performance of these methods. The results show that for ill-conditioned problems solved to high accuracy, the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art first-order methods, as also suggested by theoretical results.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    On Augmented Lagrangian Methods with General Lower-Level Constraints

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    Filter-based DIRECT method for constrained global optimization

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    This paper presents a DIRECT-type method that uses a filter methodology to assure convergence to a feasible and optimal solution of nonsmooth and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The filter methodology aims to give priority to the selection of hyperrectangles with feasible center points, followed by those with infeasible and non-dominated center points and finally by those that have infeasible and dominated center points. The convergence properties of the algorithm are analyzed. Preliminary numerical experiments show that the proposed filter-based DIRECT algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other DIRECT-type methods.The authors would like to thank two anonymous referees and the Associate Editor for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the paper. This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundac¸ao para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and ˆ UID/MAT/00013/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Accelerating gradient projection methods for â„“1\ell_1-constrained signal recovery by steplength selection rules

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    We propose a new gradient projection algorithm that compares favorably with the fastest algorithms available to date for â„“1\ell_1-constrained sparse recovery from noisy data, both in the compressed sensing and inverse problem frameworks. The method exploits a line-search along the feasible direction and an adaptive steplength selection based on recent strategies for the alternation of the well-known Barzilai-Borwein rules. The convergence of the proposed approach is discussed and a computational study on both well-conditioned and ill-conditioned problems is carried out for performance evaluations in comparison with five other algorithms proposed in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Combining filter method and dynamically dimensioned search for constrained global optimization

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    In this work we present an algorithm that combines the filter technique and the dynamically dimensioned search (DDS) for solving nonlinear and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The DDS is a stochastic global algorithm for solving bound constrained problems that in each iteration generates a randomly trial point perturbing some coordinates of the current best point. The filter technique controls the progress related to optimality and feasibility defining a forbidden region of points refused by the algorithm. This region can be given by the flat or slanting filter rule. The proposed algorithm does not compute or approximate any derivatives of the objective and constraint functions. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other methods.The first author thanks a scholarship supported by the International Cooperation Program CAPES/ COFECUB at the University of Minho. The second and third authors thanks the support given by FCT (Funda¸c˜ao para Ciˆencia e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of the projects: UID/MAT/00013/2013 and UID/CEC/00319/2013. The fourth author was partially supported by CNPq-Brazil grants 308957/2014-8 and 401288/2014-5.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An artificial fish swarm filter-based Method for constrained global optimization

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    Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, M. Fernanda P. Costa and Edite M.G.P. Fernandes, An Artificial Fish Swarm Filter-Based Method for Constrained Global Optimization, B. Murgante, O. Gervasi, S. Mirsa, N. Nedjah, A.M. Rocha, D. Taniar, B. Apduhan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part III, LNCS 7335, pp. 57–71, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.An artificial fish swarm algorithm based on a filter methodology for trial solutions acceptance is analyzed for general constrained global optimization problems. The new method uses the filter set concept to accept, at each iteration, a population of trial solutions whenever they improve constraint violation or objective function, relative to the current solutions. The preliminary numerical experiments with a wellknown benchmark set of engineering design problems show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Investigation of eighth-grade students' understanding of the slope of the linear function

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    This study aimed to investigate eighth-grade students' difficulties and misconceptions and their performance of translation between the different representation modes related to the slope of linear functions. The participants were 115 Turkish eighth-grade students in a city in the eastern part of the Black Sea region of Turkey. Data was collected with an instrument consisting of seven written questions and a semi-structured interview protocol conducted with six students. Students' responses to questions were categorized and scored. Quantitative data was analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 statistical packet program with cross tables and one-way ANOVA. Qualitative data obtained from interviews was analyzed using descriptive analytical techniques. It was found that students' performance in articulating the slope of the linear function using its algebraic representation form was higher than their performance in using transformation between graphical and algebraic representation forms. It was also determined that some of them had difficulties and misunderstood linear function equations, graphs, and slopes and could not comprehend the connection between slope and the x- and y-intercepts
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