45 research outputs found

    Experiences of violence among adolescent girls and young women in Nairobi's informal settlements prior to scale-up of the DREAMS Partnership: Prevalence, severity and predictors.

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    INTRODUCTION: We sought to estimate the prevalence, severity and identify predictors of violence among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in informal settlement areas of Nairobi, Kenya, selected for DREAMS (Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe) investment. METHODS: Data were collected from 1687 AGYW aged 10-14 years (n = 606) and 15-22 years (n = 1081), randomly selected from a general population census in Korogocho and Viwandani in 2017, as part of an impact evaluation of the "DREAMS" Partnership. For 10-14 year-olds, we measured violence experienced either in the past 6 months or ever using a different set of questions from those used for 15-22 year-olds. Among 15-22 year-olds we measured prevalence of violence, experienced in the past 12 months, using World Health Organization (WHO) definitions for violence typologies. Predictors of violence were identified using multivariable logit models. RESULTS: Among 606 girls aged 10-14 years, about 54% and 7% ever experienced psychological and sexual violence, respectively. About 33%, 16% and 5% experienced psychological, physical and sexual violence in the past 6 months. The 10-14 year old girls who engaged in chores or activities for payment in the past 6 months, or whose family did not have enough food due to lack of money were at a greater risk for violence. Invitation to DREAMS and being a non-Christian were protective. Among 1081 AGYW aged 15-22 years, psychological violence was the most prevalent in the past year (33.1%), followed by physical violence (22.9%), and sexual violence (15.8%). About 7% experienced all three types of violence. Severe physical violence was more prevalent (13.8%) than moderate physical violence (9.2%). Among AGYW aged 15-22 years, being previously married/lived with partner, engaging in employment last month, food insecure were all risk factors for psychological violence. For physical violence, living in Viwandani and being a Muslim were protective; while being previously married or lived with a partner, or sleeping hungry at night during the past 4 weeks were risk factors. The odds of sexual violence were lower among AGYW aged 18-22 years and among Muslims. Engaging in sex and food insecurity increased chances for sexual violence. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of recent violence among AGYW is high in this population. This calls for increased effort geared towards addressing drivers of violence as an early entry point of HIV prevention effort in this vulnerable group

    Integration of HIV and reproductive health services in public sector facilities: analysis of client flow data over time in Kenya.

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    INTRODUCTION: Integration of HIV/AIDS with reproductive health (RH) services can increase the uptake and efficiency of services, but gaps in knowledge remain about the practice of integration, particularly how provision can be expanded and performance enhanced. We assessed the extent and nature of service integration in public sector facilities in four districts in Kenya. METHODS: Between 2009 and 2012, client flow assessments were conducted at six time points in 24 government facilities, purposively selected as intervention or comparison sites. A total of 25 539 visits were tracked: 15 270 in districts where 6 of 12 facilities received an intervention to strengthen HIV service integration with family planning (FP); and 10 266 visits in districts where half the facilities received an HIV-postnatal care intervention in 2009-2010. We tracked the proportion of all visits in which: (1) an HIV service (testing, counselling or treatment) was received together with an RH service (FP counselling or provision, antenatal care, or postnatal care); (2) the client received HIV counselling. RESULTS: Levels of integrated HIV-RH services and HIV counselling were generally low across facilities and time points. An initial boost in integration was observed in most intervention sites, driven by integration of HIV services with FP counselling and provision, and declined after the first follow-up. Integration at most sites was driven by temporary rises in HIV counselling. The most consistent combination of HIV services was with antenatal care; the least common was with postnatal care. CONCLUSIONS: These client flow data demonstrated a short-term boost in integration, after an initial intervention with FP services providing an opportunity to expand integration. Integration was not sustained over time highlighting the need for ongoing support. There are multiple opportunities for integrating service delivery, particularly within antenatal, FP and HIV counselling services, but a need for sustained systems and health worker support over time. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01694862

    Delivering an mHealth adherence support intervention for patients with HIV: Mixed methods process evaluation of the Philippines connect for life study

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    Background: The Philippines HIV epidemic is one of the fastest growing epidemics globally, and infections among men who have sex with men are increasing at an alarming rate. Connect for Life Philippines is a mobile health (mHealth) intervention that supports antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence in this key population through individualized voice calls and SMS text messages. Objective: The objective of this process evaluation is to assess the intervention reach, dose delivered and received, fidelity, and acceptability and to describe contextual factors affecting the implementation of an mHealth adherence support intervention for patients on ART in a clinic in Metro Manila, Philippines. Methods: A mixed methods process evaluation approach was used in an observational cohort study. Quantitative data sources for the process evaluation were call and SMS text message logs obtained from the mHealth platform and questionnaires collected at 12-, 24-, and 48-week study visits. Qualitative data were collected from process reports and through a series of focus group discussions conducted with a subset of participants during the intervention development phase, after an initial 8-week pilot phase, and at the end of the study. Results: The 462 study participants received 31,095 interactive voice calls and 8234 SMS text messages during the study. Owing to technical issues, intervention fidelity was low, with only 22.1% (102/462) of the participants receiving reminders via voice calls and others (360/462, 77.9%) receiving only SMS text messages during the intervention. After 48 weeks in the study, 63.5% (293/462) of the participants reported that they would be quite likely or very likely to recommend the program to a friend, and 53.8% (249/462) of the participants reported that they benefited quite a bit or very much from the intervention. Participants who were on ART for <6 months at the beginning of the study and those who received the daily or weekly pill reminders were more likely to report that they benefited from the intervention (P=.02 and P=.01, respectively). Conclusions: The Connect for Life intervention had high participant satisfaction and acceptability, especially among those who received high dose of the intervention. However, poor reliability of local telecommunication networks had a large impact on the intervention’s usability, fidelity, and dose receive

    Impact of DREAMS interventions on experiences of violence among adolescent girls and young women: Findings from population-based cohort studies in Kenya and South Africa

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    DREAMS aims to reduce HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) by tackling drivers of HIV risk including gender-based violence. We evaluate the impact of DREAMS on recent experiences of violence perpetuated by men against AGYW. AGYW cohorts were randomly selected from demographic platforms in South Africa (rural KwaZulu-Natal) and Kenya (Nairobi informal settlements and rural Gem sub-county). AGYW aged 13-22 years were enrolled in 2017 (Nairobi, KwaZulu-Natal) or 2018 (Gem), with annual follow-up to 2019. We described proportions of AGYW who self-reported experiences of violence perpetrated by males in the 12 months preceding the interview, overall and by form (physical, sexual, emotional). We investigated associations with DREAMS (invitation to participate during 2017-2018) through multivariable propensity score-adjusted logistic regression and estimated the causal effect of DREAMS on experiences of violence, under counter-factual scenarios in which all versus no AGYW were DREAMS beneficiaries. Among 852, 1018 and 1712 AGYW followed-up in 2019 in Nairobi, Gem and KZN, respectively, proportions reporting any violence in 2019 were higher in Nairobi (29%) than Gem (18%) and KwaZulu-Natal (19%). By sub-type, emotional and physical violence were more frequently reported than sexual violence. We found no evidence of an impact attributable to DREAMS on overall levels of violence, in any setting. Nor was there evidence of impact on sub-types of violence, with one exception: an increase in physical violence in Nairobi if all, versus no, AGYW were DREAMS beneficiaries (16% vs 11%; +5% difference [95% CI: +0.2%, +10.0%]). Experiences of gender-based violence were common among AGYW, especially in urban settings, and DREAMS had no measurable impact on reducing violence within three years of implementation. Violence prevention programming that reaches more men and the broader community, sustained for longer periods, may yield greater gains in violence reduction than AGYW-focused programming. Additionally, more investment in implementation research is needed to bridge trial-based study findings from efficacy to population-level effectiveness

    Early impact of the DREAMS partnership on young women's knowledge of their HIV status: causal analysis of population-based surveys in Kenya and South Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of one's HIV status is the gateway to treatment and prevention, but remains low among young people. We investigated the early impact (2016-2017) of Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS), a multisectoral HIV prevention package, on knowledge of HIV status among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). METHODS: In 2017, randomly selected AGYW were enrolled into surveys, N=1081 aged 15-22 years in Nairobi slum settlements, and N=2174 aged 13-22 years in rural KwaZulu-Natal. We estimated the causal effect of being a DREAMS beneficiary on knowledge of HIV status (those who self-reported as HIV-positive or tested HIV-negative in the past year), accounting for an AGYW's propensity to be a DREAMS beneficiary. RESULTS: In Nairobi, knowledge of HIV status was higher among DREAMS beneficiaries compared with non-beneficiaries (92% vs 69%, adjusted OR=8.7; 95% CI 5.8 to 12.9), with DREAMS predicted to increase the outcome by 28%, from 65% if none were a DREAMS beneficiary to 93% if all were beneficiaries. The increase attributable to DREAMS was larger among younger participants: 32% and 23% among those aged 15-17 and 18-22 years, respectively. In KwaZulu-Natal, knowledge of status was higher among DREAMS beneficiaries aged 13-17 years (37% vs 26% among non-beneficiaries), with a 9% difference due to DREAMS (95% CI 4.8% to 14.4%), and no evidence of effect among 18-22 years (-2.8%; 95% CI -11.1% to 5.7%). CONCLUSION: DREAMS substantially increased knowledge of HIV status among AGYW in Nairobi, and among younger but not older AGYW in KwaZulu-Natal. Adolescent girls can be reached early (before age 18) with community-based HIV testing programmes in diverse high-prevalence settings, with a large impact on the proportion who know their HIV status

    Using Vignettes in Qualitative Research to Explore Barriers and Facilitating Factors to the Uptake of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Services in Rural Tanzania: A Critical Analysis.

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    Vignettes are short stories about a hypothetical person, traditionally used within research (quantitative or qualitative) on sensitive topics in the developed world. Studies using vignettes in the developing world are emerging, but with no critical examination of their usefulness in such settings. We describe the development and application of vignettes to a qualitative investigation of barriers to uptake of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) HIV services in rural Tanzania in 2012, and critique the successes and challenges of using the technique in this setting. Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) group activities (3 male; 3 female groups from Kisesa, north-west Tanzania) were used to develop a vignette representing realistic experiences of an HIV-infected pregnant woman in the community. The vignette was discussed during in-depth interviews with 16 HIV-positive women, 3 partners/relatives, and 5 HIV-negative women who had given birth recently. A critical analysis was applied to assess the development, implementation and usefulness of the vignette. The majority of in-depth interviewees understood the concept of the vignette and felt the story was realistic, although the story or questions needed repeating in some cases. In-depth interviewers generally applied the vignette as intended, though occasionally were unsure whether to steer the conversation back to the vignette character when participants segued into personal experiences. Interviewees were occasionally confused by questions and responded with what the character should do rather than would do; also confusing fieldworkers and presenting difficulties for researchers in interpretation. Use of the vignette achieved the main objectives, putting most participants at ease and generating data on barriers to PMTCT service uptake. Participants' responses to the vignette often reflected their own experience (revealed later in the interviews). Participatory group research is an effective method for developing vignettes. A vignette was incorporated into qualitative interview discussion guides and used successfully in rural Africa to draw out barriers to PMTCT service use; vignettes may also be valuable in HIV, health service use and drug adherence research in this setting. Application of this technique can prove challenging for fieldworkers, so thorough training should be provided prior to its use

    Child sexual abuse and links to HIV and orphanhood in urban Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence of a link between sexual violence and HIV is growing; however, studies among children are scarce. The authors sought to characterise child sexual abuse in Harare, Zimbabwe, and explore its links with HIV and orphanhood. METHODS: Records for new clients attending a child sexual abuse clinic from July 2004 to June 2005 were computerised and reviewed. Information on characteristics, medical examinations, laboratory tests and perpetrators were summarised. Orphan prevalence was compared with Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2005/2006 data for Harare, and a household-based survey in a neighbouring community. RESULTS: Over 1 year, 1194 new clients (90% female) aged 7 weeks to 16 years were assessed, with 93% of boys and 59% of girls classified clinically as prepubertal. 94% of clients reported penetrative sexual abuse, occurring most often in the child's home. Most perpetrators were identified as relatives or neighbours by children under 12 years, and 'boyfriends' by adolescent girls. At presentation, 31/520 (6%) clients tested were HIV-positive. Where recorded, 39 (6%) clients presented within 3 days of abuse, and 36 were given postexposure prophylaxis for HIV (PEP). Among female clients, orphan prevalence was higher than in the DHS (OR=1.7; 1.4 to 2.2) and neighbouring community (OR=1.7; 0.7 to 4.3). CONCLUSIONS: High numbers of children in Harare experience penetrative sexual abuse, and most present too late for PEP. More immediate presentation of sexual abuse can help to prevent HIV and recurrent abuse, and assist in examination and prosecution. Orphanhood emerged as a possible risk factor for sexual abuse and an important area for further research

    From affected to infected? Orphanhood and HIV risk among female adolescents in urban Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the 15 million children orphaned by AIDS, and fears of sexual vulnerability, little is known about the link between orphanhood and HIV risk. METHODS: A random sample of 1283 15 to 19-year-old girls in a high-density suburb of Harare was identified in a cross-sectional survey in 2004. A total of 863 agreed to be interviewed and 839 provided a specimen for HIV and herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) testing. Sexual health outcomes, sexual behaviours and marriage were assessed by type and timing of orphanhood. RESULTS: Half of the participants were single or double orphans. Prevalence of HIV and/or HSV-2 was higher among orphans than non-orphans [17 versus 12%; age-adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0-2.3]. Associations with orphan status were only significant among the 743 never-married participants. In comparison with non-orphaned peers, increased sexual risk (defined as HSV2-positive, HIV-positive or ever pregnant) was seen among maternal orphans (aOR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.7-7.8), double orphans (aOR = 2.4; 95% CI, 1.2-4.9), and girls who lost their father before age 12 (aOR = 2.1; 95% CI, 0.9-4.8) but not later (aOR = 0.8; 95% CI, 0.3-2.2). Maternal and double orphans were most likely to initiate sex early and to have had multiple partners. Maternal orphans were least likely to have used a condom at first sex, and to have a regular sexual partner. Experience of forced sex was high in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: In urban Zimbabwe, female adolescent orphans are at increased risk of HIV and HSV-2 infection. Infection rates vary by type and age of orphanhood, and marital status, and are associated with high-risk sexual behaviours

    Reaching young women who sell sex: Methods and results of social mapping to describe and identify young women for DREAMS impact evaluation in Zimbabwe

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    Young women (aged 15–24) who exchange sex for money or other support are among the highest risk groups for HIV acquisition, particularly in high prevalence settings. To prepare for introduction and evaluation of the DREAMS programme in Zimbabwe, which provides biomedical and social interventions to reduce adolescent girls’ and young women’s HIV vulnerability, we conducted a rapid needs assessment in 6 towns using a “social mapping” approach. In each site, we talked to adult sex workers and other key informants to identify locations where young women sell sex, followed by direct observation, group discussions and interviews. We collected data on socio-demographic characteristics of young women who sell sex, the structure and organisation of their sexual exchanges, interactions with each other and adult sex workers, and engagement with health services. Over a two-week period, we developed a “social map” for each study site, identifying similarities and differences across contexts and their implications for programming and research. Similarities include the concentration of younger women in street-based venues in town centres, their conflict with older sex workers due to competition for clients and acceptance of lower payments, and reluctance to attend existing services. Key differences were found in the 4 university towns included in our sample, where female students participate in diverse forms of sexual exchange but do not identify themselves as selling sex. In smaller towns where illegal gold panning or trucking routes were found, young women migrated in from surrounding rural areas specifically to sell sex. Young women who sell sex are different from each other, and do not work with or attend the same services as adult sex workers. Our findings are being used to inform appropriate intervention activities targeting these vulnerable young women, and to identify effective strategies for recruiting them into the DREAMS process and impact evaluations

    Integration of HIV and maternal healthcare in a high HIV-prevalence setting: analysis of client flow data over time in Swaziland.

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    OBJECTIVE: Maternal and child health (MCH) care may provide an entry point for HIV services in high HIV-prevalence settings. Our objective was to assess integration of HIV with MCH services in public sector facilities in Swaziland. DESIGN: In 2009, 2010 and 2012, client flow assessments (CFAs) were conducted over 5 days in the MCH units of eight government facilities, purposively selected as intervention or comparison sites. PARTICIPANTS: 8263 MCH visits with female clients were tracked: 3261 in 2009, 2086 in 2010 and 2916 in 2012. INTERVENTION: Activities and resources to strengthen integration of HIV services into postnatal care (PNC), 2009-2010. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The proportion of all visits in which an HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, counselling or treatment was received together with an MCH service; the proportion of all visits in which a client receives HIV counselling. RESULTS: Across facilities, the proportion of visits in which HIV/STI and MCH services were received varied considerably, for example, from 9% to 49% in 2009. HIV/STI services were integrated most frequently with child health (CH), antenatal care (ANC) and family planning (FP)-the most common reasons for women's attendance-and least often with PNC and cervical screening (CS). There was no meaningful difference in integration over time by design group and considerable heterogeneity across facilities. Receipt of integrated services increased in one intervention and two comparison facilities, where HIV counselling also rose, and fell in one intervention and two comparison facilities. CONCLUSIONS: Provision of HIV/STI services with MCH care occurred at all facilities, yet relatively few women receive integrated services. Increases in integration were driven by increases in HIV counselling, while sharp declines in some facilities indicate that integration is difficult to sustain. Opportunities for intensifying HIV integration lie with ANC, CH and FP, while HIV-PNC integration will remain limited until more women attend PNC. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Current Controlled Trials NCT01694862