119 research outputs found

    Scatter factor : molecular characteristics and effect on the invasiveness of epithelial cells

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    The generation of invasiveness in transformed cells represents an essential step of tumor progression. We have previously shown that MDCK epithelial cells, which are deprived of intracellular adhesion by the addition of anti-Arc-1/uvomorulin antibodies, become invasive for collagen gels and embryonal heart tissue (Behrens, J., M. M. Mareel, F. M. Van Roy, and W. Birchmeier. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108: 2435-2447.). Here we examined whether invasiveness is also induced by scatter factor, which is known to dissociate epithelial cells (Stoker, M., E. Gherardi, M. Perryman, and J. Gray. 1987. Nature (Lond.). 327:239-242.). Scatter factor was purified to homogeneity from conditioned medium of human fibroblasts by heparin-Sepharose chromatography, followed by cation exchange chromatography, gel filtration, or preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. We found that scatter factor represents a 92,000 mol wt glycoprotein which, apparently, is converted by limited proteolysis into disulfide-linked 62,000 and 34/32,000 mol wt subunits. Reversed phase HPLC and sequence analysis of tryptic peptides confirmed the suggested molecular structure, and revealed further that scatter factor exhibits sequence similarities to hepatocyte growth factor and to plasminogen. Purified scatter factor in fact induces the invasiveness into collagen matrices of MDCK epithelial cells, and induces or promotes the invasiveness of a number of human carcinoma cell lines. Apparently, the effect on the human cells depends on their respective degree of differentiation, i.e., cell lines with a less pronounced epithelial phenotype were more susceptible to the factor. Scatter factor does not seem to influence synthesis, steady-state level, and phosphorylation of the cell adhesion molecule Arc-1/uvomorulin. Thus, scatter factor represents a clearly defined molecular species which induces, in vitro, the progression of epithelial cells to a more motile, i.e., invasive phenotype

    The neurite outgrowth multiadaptor RhoGAP, NOMA-GAP, regulates neurite extension through SHP2 and Cdc42

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    Neuronal differentiation involves the formation and extension of neuronal processes. We have identified a novel regulator of neurite formation and extension, the neurite outgrowth multiadaptor, NOMA-GAP, which belongs to a new family of multiadaptor proteins with RhoGAP activity. We show that NOMA-GAP is essential for NGF-stimulated neuronal differentiation and for the regulation of the ERK5 MAP kinase and the Cdc42 signaling pathways downstream of NGF. NOMA-GAP binds directly to the NGF receptor, TrkA, and becomes tyrosine phosphorylated upon receptor activation, thus enabling recruitment and activation of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. Recruitment of SHP2 is required for the stimulation of neuronal process extension and for sustained activation of ERK5 downstream of NOMA-GAP. In addition, we show that NOMA-GAP promotes neurite outgrowth by tempering activation of the Cdc42/PAK signaling pathway in response to NGF. NOMA-GAP, through its dual function as a multiadaptor and RhoGAP protein, thus plays an essential role downstream of NGF in promoting neurite outgrowth and extension

    c-Met is essential for wound healing in the skin

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    Wound healing of the skin is a crucial regenerative process in adult mammals. We examined wound healing in conditional mutant mice, in which the c-Met gene that encodes the receptor of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor was mutated in the epidermis by cre recombinase. c-Met–deficient keratinocytes were unable to contribute to the reepithelialization of skin wounds. In conditional c-Met mutant mice, wound closure was slightly attenuated, but occurred exclusively by a few (5%) keratinocytes that had escaped recombination. This demonstrates that the wound process selected and amplified residual cells that express a functional c-Met receptor. We also cultured primary keratinocytes from the skin of conditional c-Met mutant mice and examined them in scratch wound assays. Again, closure of scratch wounds occurred by the few remaining c-Met–positive cells. Our data show that c-Met signaling not only controls cell growth and migration during embryogenesis but is also essential for the generation of the hyperproliferative epithelium in skin wounds, and thus for a fundamental regenerative process in the adult

    β-Catenin signals regulate cell growth and the balance between progenitor cell expansion and differentiation in the nervous system

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    Abstractβ-Catenin is an essential component of the canonical Wnt signaling system that controls decisive steps in development. We employed here two conditional β-catenin mutant alleles to alter β-catenin signaling in the central nervous system of mice: one allele to ablate β-catenin and the second allele to express a constitutively active β-catenin. The tissue mass of the spinal cord and brain is reduced after ablation of β-catenin, and the neuronal precursor population is not maintained. In contrast, the spinal cord and brain of mice that express activated β-catenin is much enlarged in mass, and the neuronal precursor population is increased in size. β-Catenin signals are thus essential for the maintenance of proliferation of neuronal progenitors, controlling the size of the progenitor pool, and impinging on the decision of neuronal progenitors to proliferate or to differentiate

    The neuronal scaffold protein Shank3 mediates signaling and biological function of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret in epithelial cells

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    Shank proteins, initially also described as ProSAP proteins, are scaffolding adaptors that have been previously shown to integrate neurotransmitter receptors into the cortical cytoskeleton at postsynaptic densities. We show here that Shank proteins are also crucial in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. The PDZ domain–containing Shank3 protein was found to represent a novel interaction partner of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret, which binds specifically to a PDZ-binding motif present in the Ret9 but not in the Ret51 isoform. Furthermore, we show that Ret9 but not Ret51 induces epithelial cells to form branched tubular structures in three-dimensional cultures in a Shank3-dependent manner. Ret9 but not Ret51 has been previously shown to be required for kidney development. Shank3 protein mediates sustained Erk–MAPK and PI3K signaling, which is crucial for tubule formation, through recruitment of the adaptor protein Grb2. These results demonstrate that the Shank3 adaptor protein can mediate cellular signaling, and provide a molecular mechanism for the biological divergence between the Ret9 and Ret51 isoform

    Helicobacter pylori CagA protein targets the c-Met receptor and enhances the motogenic response

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    Infection with the human microbial pathogen Helicobacter pylori is assumed to lead to invasive gastric cancer. We find that H. pylori activates the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor receptor c-Met, which is involved in invasive growth of tumor cells. The H. pylori effector protein CagA intracellularly targets the c-Met receptor and promotes cellular processes leading to a forceful motogenic response. CagA could represent a bacterial adaptor protein that associates with phospholipase Cγ but not Grb2-associated binder 1 or growth factor receptor–bound protein 2. The H. pylori–induced motogenic response is suppressed and blocked by the inhibition of PLCγ and of MAPK, respectively. Thus, upon translocation, CagA modulates cellular functions by deregulating c-Met receptor signaling. The activation of the motogenic response in H. pylori–infected epithelial cells suggests that CagA could be involved in tumor progression

    Coupling of Gab1 to C-Met, Grb2, and Shp2 Mediates Biological Responses

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    Gab1 is a substrate of the receptor tyrosine kinase c-Met and involved in c-Met–specific branching morphogenesis. It associates directly with c-Met via the c-Met–binding domain, which is not related to known phosphotyrosine-binding domains. In addition, Gab1 is engaged in a constitutive complex with the adaptor protein Grb2. We have now mapped the c-Met and Grb2 interaction sites using reverse yeast two-hybrid technology. The c-Met–binding site is localized to a 13–amino acid region unique to Gab1. Insertion of this site into the Gab1-related protein p97/Gab2 was sufficient to confer c-Met–binding activity. Association with Grb2 was mapped to two sites: a classical SH3-binding site (PXXP) and a novel Grb2 SH3 consensus-binding motif (PX(V/I)(D/N)RXXKP). To detect phosphorylation-dependent interactions of Gab1 with downstream substrates, we developed a modified yeast two-hybrid assay and identified PI(3)K, Shc, Shp2, and CRKL as interaction partners of Gab1. In a trk-met-Gab1–specific branching morphogenesis assay, association of Gab1 with Shp2, but not PI(3)K, CRKL, or Shc was essential to induce a biological response in MDCK cells. Overexpression of a Gab1 mutant deficient in Shp2 interaction could also block HGF/SF-induced activation of the MAPK pathway, suggesting that Shp2 is critical for c-Met/Gab1-specific signaling

    Novel p62dok family members, dok-4 and dok-5, are substrates of the c-Ret receptor tyrosine kinase and mediate neuronal differentiation

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    Docking proteins are substrates of tyrosine kinases and function in the recruitment and assembly of specific signal transduction molecules. Here we found that p62dok family members act as substrates for the c-Ret receptor tyrosine kinase. In addition to dok-1, dok-2, and dok-3, we identified two new family members, dok-4 and dok-5, that can directly associate with Y1062 of c-Ret. Dok-4 and dok-5 constitute a subgroup of dok family members that is coexpressed with c-Ret in various neuronal tissues. Activated c-Ret promotes neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells; for this activity, Y1062 in c-Ret is essential. c-Ret/dok fusion proteins, in which Y1062 of c-Ret is deleted and replaced by the sequences of dok-4 or dok-5, induce ligand-dependent axonal outgrowth of PC12 cells, whereas a c-Ret fusion containing dok-2 sequences does not elicit this response. Dok-4 and dok-5 do not associate with rasGAP or Nck, in contrast to p62dok and dok-2. Moreover, dok-4 and dok-5 enhance c-Ret–dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. Thus, we have identified a subclass of p62dok proteins that are putative links with downstream effectors of c-Ret in neuronal differentiation
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