114 research outputs found

    Holocene deposits at the lower shoreface and inner shelf of the Dutch coast

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    To further detail insights into the composition and distribution of Holocene and late Pleistocene deposits at the surface and in the shallow subsurface of the lower shoreface of the Dutch coast, vibrocores were collected in three coastal sections. The study areas Noordwijk, Terschelling and Ameland Inlet represent contrasting settings: closed Holland coast vs. segmented Wadden coast (Noordwijk – Terschelling) and lower shoreface of a barrier island vs. lower shoreface of an ebb-tidal delta (Terschelling – Ameland Inlet). Six different depositional environments were distinguished: 1. the active layer, 2. seabed deposits, 3. lower-shoreface deposits, 4. ebb-delta channel deposits, 5. tidal channel deposits, and 6. alluvial (river) channel deposits. The several dm-thick active layer forms the mobile top of the seabed-, lower-shoreface- and ebb-delta channel deposits. Ebb-delta channel deposits (probably grading into terminal-lobe deposits) are restricted to the Terschelling and Ameland Inlet areas, fluvial deposits to the Noordwijk site. The front of the Ameland Inlet ebb-tidal delta is steep and consists of material supplied by the main ebb channel. These ebb-delta channel deposits are reworked by waves and currents, they grade seawards into seabed deposits. The low-gradient shoreface of the Terschelling site consists of a thin active layer on top of ebb-delta channel deposits. At the Noordwijk site fluvial deposits with incised bodies of tidal channel sand underlie a steep shoreface and a ridge-swale topography farther offshore. The ebb-delta channel deposits at the shoreface of Terschelling are similar to those at the front of the ebb-tidal delta of Ameland Inlet. Moreover, the tidal channel deposits that are common in the Noordwijk area, occur in only one core at Terschelling. This indicates that the deposits underlying the shoreface of Terschelling were formed in the ebb-tidal delta of a precursor of Ameland Inlet and not in the transgressive setting of a retreating barrier island. These deposits were possibly formed as part of the ebb delta of the Middelzee, a large medieval predecessor of the Ameland tidal basin, this needs to be confirmed by dating. Reworking of the shoreface of the prograded Subboreal beach barriers at Noordwijk at water depths of 12.5–13.5 m produced a 1.1-m-thick series of fining-upwards storm beds, including the active layer. At the shoreface of Terschelling storm beds are missing at these depths and only an active layer 0.2 m thick occurs. This suggests that the largest part of reworked sediment at Terschelling is carried off, which implies large-scale erosion of the shoreface. This needs further investigation

    Knowing the whole world from the top of a mountain: from orderly systematization to complex explanatory systems

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    Fast and fascinating changes in views on nature and systems occurred around 1800, for example in the works of Alexander von Humboldt. While Humboldt rarely used the word system, he searched for the pattern-forming forces of nature by gruesome experiments on animals, including himself, and then drew a map of a mountain that became the basis of biogeography. What did ‘system’ mean then and now, how did Humboldt change our views on this

    Half a century of morphological change in the Haringvliet and Grevelingen ebb-tidal deltas (SW Netherlands): Impacts of large-scale engineering 1964–2015

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    The damming of the estuaries Brielse Maas, Haringvliet and Grevelingen in the SW Netherlands, distributaries of the rivers Rhine and Meuse, caused large-scale morphodynamic changes in their respective ebb-tidal deltas that continue until today. The strong reduction of the cross-shore tidal flow triggered erosion of the ebb-delta front, the building of a coast-parallel, linear intertidal sand bar at the seaward edge of the delta platform, levelling of bars and infilling of the tidal channels. The stepwise extension of the port of Rotterdam north of the Haringvliet ebb-tidal delta increasingly sheltered this area from the impact of waves and caused a large supply of sand. This finally led to breaching and erosion of the shore-parallel bar. Moreover, large-scale sedimentation reduced the average depth in this area. The Grevelingen ebb-tidal delta has a more exposed position and a smaller sediment supply and has not reached the stage of bar breaching yet. The observed development of the ebb-tidal deltas caused by blocking of the tidal flow in the associated estuary or tidal inlet is summarized in a three-stage conceptual model. This model can help to assess the impact of interventions in estuaries and tidal inlets, for instance to mitigate the impacts of sea-level rise

    Down to Earth: History and philosophy of geoscience in practice for undergraduate education

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    Undergraduate geoscience students are rarely exposed to history and philosophy of science (HPS). I will describe the experiences with a short course unfavourably placed in the first year of a bachelor of earth science. Arguments how HPS could enrich their education in many ways are sketched. One useful didactic approach is to develop a broader interest by connecting HPS themes to practical cases throughout the curriculum, and develop learning activities that allow students to reflect on their skills, methods and their field in relation to other disciplines and interactions with society with abilities gained through exposure to HPS. Given support of the teaching staff, the tenets of philosophy of science in practice, of conceptual history of knowledge, and of ethics of science for society can fruitfully and directly be connected to the existing curriculum. This is ideally followed by a capstone HPS course late in the bachelor programme

    Estuarine morphodynamics and development modified by floodplain formation

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    Rivers and estuaries are flanked by floodplains built by mud and vegetation. Floodplains affect channel dynamics and the overall system's pattern through apparent cohesion in the channel banks and through filling of accommodation space and hydraulic resistance. For rivers, effects of mud, vegetation and the combination are thought to stabilise the banks and narrow the channel. However, the thinness of estuarine floodplain, comprised of salt marsh and mudflats, compared to channel depth raises questions about the possible effects of floodplain as constraints on estuary dimensions. To test these effects, we created three estuaries in a tidal flume: one with recruitment events of two live vegetation species, one with mud and a control with neither. Both vegetation and mud reduced channel migration and bank erosion and stabilised channels and bars. Effects of vegetation include local flow velocity reduction and concentration of flow into the channels, while flow velocities remained higher over mudflats. On the other hand, the lower reach of the muddy estuary showed more reduced channel migration than the vegetated estuary. The main system-wide effect of mudflats and salt marsh is to reduce the tidal prism over time from upstream to downstream. The landward reach of the estuary narrows and fills progressively, particularly for the muddy estuary, which effectively shortens the tidally influenced reach and also reduces the tidal energy in the seaward reach and mouth area. As such, estuaries with sufficient sediment supply are limited in size by tidal prism reduction through floodplain formation

    Transverse bed slope experiments in an annular flume

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    Large scale morphology, in particular bar dimensions and bifurcation dynamics, are greatly affected by the deflection of sediment transport on transverse bed slopes due to gravity and by helical flows. However, existing transverse bed slope predictors are based on a small set of experiments with a minor range of flow conditions and sediment sizes, and do not account for the presence of bedforms. In morphological modelling the deflection angle is therefore often calibrated on measured morphology. Our objective is to experimentally quantify the transverse slope effect for a large range of near-bed flow conditions and sediment sizes (0.17 – 4 mm) to test existing predictors, in order to improve morphological modelling of rivers and estuaries. We have conducted about 400 experiments in an annular flume, which functions as an infinitely long bended flume and therefore avoids boundary effects. Flow is generated by rotating the lid of the flume, while the intensity of the helical flow can be decreased by counterrotating the bottom of the flume. The equilibrium transverse slope that develops during the experiments is a balance between the transverse bed slope effect and the bed shear stress caused by the helical flow. We obtained sediment mobilities from no motion to sheet flow, ranging across bedload and suspended load. Resulting equilibrium transverse slopes show a clear trend with varying sediment mobilities and helical flow intensities that deviate from typical power relations with Shields number. As an end member we found transversely horizontal beds by counterrotation that partially cancelled the helical flow near the bed, which allows us to quantify helical flow. The large range in sediment mobilities caused different bed states from ripples and dunes to sheet flow that affect near-bed flow, which cause novel nonlinear relations between transverse slope and Shields number. In conclusion, our results show for a wide range of conditions and sediments that transverse bed slope effects are not simple functions of sediment mobility but depend strongly on bed state. We are now focusing on isolating effects of helical flow intensity and near-bed flow patterns, working towards a new transverse bed slope predictor for use in morphodynamic models

    How debris‐flow composition affects bed erosion quantity and mechanisms: An experimental assessment

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    Understanding erosion and entrainment of material by debris flows is essential for predicting and modelling debris-flow volume growth and hazard potential. Recent advances in field, laboratory and modelling studies have distilled two driving forces behind debris-flow erosion: impact and shear forces. How erosion and these forces depend on debris-flow composition and interact remains unclear. Here, we experimentally investigate the effects of debris-flow composition and volume on erosion processes in a small-scale flume with a loosely packed bed. We quantify the effects of gravel, clay and solid fraction in the debris flow on bed erosion. Erosion increased linearly with gravel fraction and volume, and decreased with increasing solid fraction. Erosion was maximal around a volumetric clay fraction of 0.075 (fraction of the total solid volume). Under varying gravel fractions and flow volumes erosion was positively related to both impact and shear forces, while these forces themselves are also correlated. Results further show that internal dynamics driving the debris flows, quantified by Bagnold and Savage numbers, correlate with erosional processes and quantity. Impact forces became increasingly important for bed erosion with increasing grain size. The experiments with varying clay and solid fractions showed that the abundance and viscosity of the interstitial fluid affect debris-flow dynamics, erosional mechanisms and erosion magnitude. High viscosity of the interstitial fluid inhibits the mobility of the debris flow, the movement of the individual grains and the transfer of momentum to the bed by impacts, and therefore inhibits erosion. High solid content possibly decreases the pore pressures in the debris flow and the transport capacity, inhibiting erosion, despite high shear stresses and impact forces. Our results show that bed erosion quantities and mechanisms may vary between debris flows with contrasting composition, and stress that entrainment models and volume-growth predictions may be substantially improved by including compositional effects

    The use of geological, geomorphological and soil mapping products in palaeolandscape reconstructions for the Netherlands

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    Geological, geomorphological and soil maps provide important information on the substrate as well as on the past and present physical landscape. For the intensely studied Netherlands coastal plain and Rhine–Meuse delta, many such map datasets have been compiled over the last two centuries. These mapping materials comprise older and younger legacy datasets, often fragmented over regions. They have been compiled within various research traditions and by various parties, involving geologists, soil scientists, geomorphologists and landscape archaeologists. The maps and datasets summarise overwhelming amounts of underlying data accumulated over the last few centuries, and are therefore valuable for reconstructing past landscapes. Digital-infrastructure developments have enhanced possibilities for recombining existing and new data over the last few decades, e.g. through GIS solutions such as palaeogeographical base maps, from which multiple derived map products can be generated. Integration of thematic information from various source maps and underlying data is needed to use the accumulated data diversity to its full potential and to answer applied and fundamental scientific questions. Using diverse information to compile or update maps, however, requires awareness of legacy surveying strategies and the state of knowledge at the time the original data and maps were produced. This paper reviews the soil, geological and geomorphological mapping traditions. We evaluate their products, underlying data and the reasoning behind their compilation, focusing on their use in conventional and digital palaeogeographical mapping. This helps get the most out of large quantities of legacy and modern data, a major challenge for surface and substrate digital mapping in the big-data era

    Estuarine morphodynamics and development modified by floodplain formation

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    Rivers and estuaries are flanked by floodplains built by mud and vegetation. Floodplains affect channel dynamics and the overall system's pattern through apparent cohesion in the channel banks and through filling of accommodation space and hydraulic resistance. For rivers, effects of mud, vegetation and the combination are thought to stabilise the banks and narrow the channel. However, the thinness of estuarine floodplain, comprised of salt marsh and mudflats, compared to channel depth raises questions about the possible effects of floodplain as constraints on estuary dimensions. To test these effects, we created three estuaries in a tidal flume: one with recruitment events of two live vegetation species, one with mud and a control with neither. Both vegetation and mud reduced channel migration and bank erosion and stabilised channels and bars. Effects of vegetation include local flow velocity reduction and concentration of flow into the channels, while flow velocities remained higher over mudflats. On the other hand, the lower reach of the muddy estuary showed more reduced channel migration than the vegetated estuary. The main system-wide effect of mudflats and salt marsh is to reduce the tidal prism over time from upstream to downstream. The landward reach of the estuary narrows and fills progressively, particularly for the muddy estuary, which effectively shortens the tidally influenced reach and also reduces the tidal energy in the seaward reach and mouth area. As such, estuaries with sufficient sediment supply are limited in size by tidal prism reduction through floodplain formation

    Similar vegetation-geomorphic disturbance feedbacks shape unstable glacier forelands across mountain regions

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    Glacier forelands are among the most rapidly changing landscapes on Earth. Stable ground is rare as geomorphic processes move sediments across large areas of glacier forelands for decades to centuries following glacier retreat. Yet, most ecological studies sample exclusively on stable terrain to fulfill chronosequence criteria, thus missing potential feedbacks between geomorphic disturbances and vegetation colonization. By influencing vegetation and soil development, such vegetation-geomorphic disturbance feedbacks could be crucial to understand glacier foreland ecosystem development in a changing climate. We surveyed vegetation and environmental properties, including geomorphic disturbance intensities, in 105 plots located on both stable and unstable moraine terrain in two geomorphologically active glacier forelands in New Zealand and Switzerland. Our plot data showed that geomorphic disturbance intensities permanently changed from high/moderate to low/stable when vegetation reached cover values of around 40%. Around this cover value, species with response and effect traits adapted to geomorphic disturbances dominated. This suggests that such species can act as “biogeomorphic” ecosystem engineers that stabilize ground through positive feedback loops. Across floristic regions, biogeomorphic ecosystem engineer traits creating ground stabilization, such as mat growth and association with mycorrhiza, are remarkably similar. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed a linked sequence of decreasing geomorphic disturbance intensities and changing species composition from pioneer to late successional species. We interpret this linked geomorphic disturbance-vegetation succession sequence as “biogeomorphic succession,” a common successional pathway in unstable river and coastal ecosystems across the world. Soil and vegetation development were related to this sequence and only advanced once biogeomorphic ecosystem engineer species covered 40%–45% of a plot, indicating a crucial role of biogeomorphic ecosystem engineer stabilization. Different topoclimatic conditions could explain variance in biogeomorphic succession timescales and ecosystem engineer root traits between the glacier forelands. As glacier foreland ground is widely unstable, we propose to consider glacier forelands as “biogeomorphic ecosystems” in which ecosystem structure and function are shaped by geomorphic disturbances and their feedbacks with adapted plant species, similar to rivers and coasts
