1 research outputs found

    RGB-D sensor based body measurement acquisition for barong tailoring shops

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    Researches on the automation of acquiring body measurements boomed when cheap RGB-D sensors hit the market with Microsoft Kinect being one of the most famous ones. Different methods were used such as 3D body mapping (Tong et al., 2012) and point cloud registration [Alexiadis et al., 2013]. However, the product of these researches did not resonate to the public market because they do not measure in real time and need multiple Kinects, which is a rare thing for a person to readily have in their homes. This research aims to engineer a cheaper method of acquiring body measurements using an RGB-D camera that are acquired in real time. The method devised in this research approximates body measurements by enclosing circular body measurements on a rectangle. The researchers then developed three different methods of inserting conic sections inside the rectangle that serve as the approximated body measurements. The same body measurement approximation technique was used by Ciudin (2014) in acquiring a person waistline [Ciudin et al., 2014]. The body measuring system was partnered with a website wherein people can know what their barong sizes are by inputing the measurements that they have acquired