3,192 research outputs found

    Commentary on Yanal

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    Influence of Personality on Ethical Decision-Making in Communication Sciences and Disorders

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    Purpose: A relationship between personality and ethical decision-making has been demonstrated in professions both within and outside of healthcare. However, this relationship has not been examined in the rehabilitation therapies, including speech-language pathology (SLP). Given the ethical dilemmas faced by therapists, it is important to assess this relationship and to modify ethical training when warranted. Methods: A total of 175 undergraduate communication sciences and disorders students participated in completing the Kiersey Temperament Sorter II and the Defining Issues Test-2. Scores were statistically compared to determine the relationship between the two assessments. Results: Based on a model of moral reasoning development, high scores on the DIT-2 are believed to correlate with post-conventional reasoning skills. Higher scores were statistically related to personality scores of strong introversion (I) and strong intuiting (N). Conclusion: Participants with strong introversion (I) and strong intuiting (N) traits may have natural skills for higher levels of moral reasoning. This implies that training modules for students and therapists should recognize personality differences and assist all individuals in developing best methods of problem solving in the face of specific personality traits

    A trajectory-based strict semantics for program slicing

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    We define a program semantics that is preserved by dependence-based slicing algorithms. It is a natural extension, to non-terminating programs, of the semantics introduced by Weiser (which only considered terminating ones) and, as such, is an accurate characterisation of the semantic relationship between a program and the slice produced by these algorithms. Unlike other approaches, apart from Weiser’s original one, it is based on strict standard semantics which models the ‘normal’ execution of programs on a von Neumann machine and, thus, has the advantage of being intuitive. This is essential since one of the main applications of slicing is program comprehension. Although our semantics handles non-termination, it is defined wholly in terms of finite trajectories, without having to resort to complex, counter-intuitive, non-standard models of computation. As well as being simpler, unlike other approaches to this problem, our semantics is substitutive. Substitutivity is an important property becauseit greatly enhances the ability to reason about correctness of meaning-preserving program transformations such as slicing

    Landscape-Scale Dynamics of Aspen in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

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    Past studies of quaking aspen in Rocky Mountain National Park suggested that the aspen population is declining due to intensive browsing by elk (Cervus elaphus). These studies were conducted in the elk winter range, an area of intensive elk impact. The elk summer range experiences less intense grazing pressure. We tested the hypothesis that impacts of elk would be greater in the elk winter range than the summer range with landscape-scale data from the Park. The detrimental effects of elk on aspen are highly localized and, at larger spatial scales, elk browsing does not seem to be influencing the aspen population

    Varied response to mirror gait retraining of gluteus medius control, hip kinematics, pain, and function in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Case report. BACKGROUND: The underlying mechanism of the changes in running mechanics after gait retraining is presently unknown. This case report assesses changes in muscle coordination and kinematics during treadmill running and step ascent in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain after mirror gait retraining. CASE DESCRIPTION: Two female runners with chronic patellofemoral pain underwent 8 sessions of mirror gait retraining during treadmill running. Subjective measures and hip abductor strength were recorded at baseline and after the retraining phase. Changes in hip mechanics and electromyography data of the gluteus medius during treadmill running and step ascent were also assessed. OUTCOMES: Both runners reported improvements in pain and function that were maintained for at least 3 months. During running, peak contralateral pelvic drop (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 2.6° less; runner 2, 1.7° less) and peak hip adduction (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 5.2° less; runner 2, 6.3° less) were reduced after retraining. Kinematic reductions accompanied earlier activation of the gluteus medius relative to foot strike (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 12.6 milliseconds earlier; runner 2, 37.3 milliseconds earlier) and longer duration of gluteus medius activity (runner 1, 55.8 milliseconds longer; runner 2, 44.4 milliseconds longer). Runner 1 transferred reduced contralateral pelvic drop to step ascent, whereas runner 2 did not (contralateral pelvic drop baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 3.6° less; runner 2, 1.5° more; hip adduction baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 3.0° less; runner 2, 0.5° more). Both runners demonstrated earlier onset of gluteus medius activity during step ascent (baseline-postretraining difference: runner 1, 48.0 milliseconds earlier; runner 2, 28.3 milliseconds earlier), but only runner 1 demonstrated longer activation duration (runner 1, 25.0 milliseconds longer; runner 2, 69.4 milliseconds shorter). DISCUSSION: While changes in hip mechanics and gluteus medius activity during running were consistent with those noted during step ascent for runner 1, runner 2 failed to demonstrate similar consistency between the tasks. Earlier onset and longer duration of gluteus medius activity may have been necessary to alter step mechanics for runner 2. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 4. NOTE: This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in Willy, R. W., & Davis, I. S. (2013). Varied response to mirror gait retraining of gluteus medius control, hip kinematics, pain, and function in 2 female runners with patellofemoral pain. The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 43(12), 864-874. doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.451

    Improving the oral health of residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities: An oral health strategy and pilot study

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    AbstractThis article presents an oral health (OH) strategy and pilot study focusing on individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) living in group homes. The strategy consists of four components: (1) planned action in the form of the behavioral contract and caregiver OH action planning; (2) capacity building through didactic and observation learning training; (3) environmental adaptations consisting of additional oral heath devices and strategies to create a calm atmosphere; and (4) reinforcement by post-training coaching. A pilot study was conducted consisting of pre- and post-assessment data collected 1 week before and 1 week after implementing a 1-month OH strategy. The study sample comprised 11 group homes with 21 caregivers and 25 residents with IDD from one service organization in a Midwestern city. A process evaluation found high-quality implementation of the OH strategy as measured by dosage, fidelity, and caregiver reactions to implementing the strategy. Using repeated cross-sectional and repeated measures analyses, we found statistically significant positive changes in OH status and oral hygiene practices of residents. Caregiver self-efficacy as a mechanism of change was not adequately evaluated; however, positive change was found in some but not all types of caregiver OH support that were assessed. Lessons learned from implementing the pilot study intervention and evaluation are discussed, as are the next steps in conducting an efficacy study of the OH strategy

    The experimental gas-phase structures of 1,3,5-trisilylbenzene and hexasilylbenzene and the theoretical structures of all benzenes with three or more silyl substituents

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    The structures of 1,3,5-trisilylbenzene and hexasilylbenzene in the gas phase have been determined by electron diffraction, and that of 1,3,5-trisilylbenzene by X-ray crystallography. The structures of three trisilylbenzene isomers, three tetrasilylbenzenes, pentasilylbenzene and hexasilylbenzene have been computed, ab initio and using Density Functional Theory, at levels up to MP2/6-31G*. The primary effect of silyl substituents is to narrow the ring angle at the substituted carbon atoms. Steric interactions between silyl groups on neighbouring carbon atoms lead first to displacement of these groups away from one another, and then to displacement out of the ring plane, with alternate groups moving to opposite sides of the ring. In the extreme example, hexasilylbenzene, the SiCCSi dihedral angle is 17.8(8)°

    Osseointegration of a 3D Printed Stemmed Titanium Dental Implant: A Pilot Study

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    In this pilot study, a 3D printed Grade V titanium dental implant with a novel dual-stemmed design was investigated for its biocompatibility in vivo. Both dual-stemmed (n = 12) and conventional stainless steel conical (n = 4) implants were inserted into the tibial metaphysis of New Zealand white rabbits for 3 and 12 weeks and then retrieved with the surrounding bone, fixed, dehydrated, and embedded into epoxy resin. The implants were analyzed using correlative histology, microcomputed tomography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The histological presence of multinucleated osteoclasts and cuboidal osteoblasts revealed active bone remodeling in the stemmed implant starting at 3 weeks and by 12 weeks in the conventional implant. Bone-implant contact values indicated that the stemmed implants supported bone growth along the implant from the coronal crest at both 3- and 12-week time periods and showed bone growth into microporosities of the 3D printed surface after 12 weeks. In some cases, new bone formation was noted in between the stems of the device. Conventional implants showed mechanical interlocking but did have indications of stress cracking and bone debris. This study demonstrates the comparable biocompatibility of these 3D printed stemmed implants in rabbits up to 12 weeks