25 research outputs found

    Vetting undesirable behaviors in android apps with permission use analysis

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    Android platform adopts permissions to protect sensitive resources from untrusted apps. However, after permissions are granted by users at install time, apps could use these permissions (sensitive resources) with no further restrictions. Thus, recent years have witnessed the explosion of undesirable behaviors in Android apps. An important part in the defense is the accurate analysis of Android apps. However, traditional syscall-based analysis techniques are not well-suited for Android, because they could not capture critical interactions between the application and the Android system. This paper presents VetDroid, a dynamic analysis platform for reconstructing sensitive behaviors in Android apps from a novel permission use perspective. VetDroid features a systematic frame-work to effectively construct permission use behaviors, i.e., how applications use permissions to access (sensitive) system resources, and how these acquired permission-sensitive resources are further utilized by the application. With permission use behaviors, security analysts can easily examine the internal sensitive behaviors of an app. Using real-world Android malware, we show that VetDroid can clearly reconstruct fine-grained malicious behaviors to ease malware analysis. We further apply VetDroid to 1,249 top free apps in Google Play. VetDroid can assist in finding more information leaks than TaintDroid [24], a state-of-the-art technique. In addition, we show howwe can use VetDroid to analyze fine-grained causes of information leaks that TaintDroid cannot reveal. Finally, we show that VetDroid can help identify subtle vulnerabilities in some (top free) applications otherwise hard to detect

    Fourier-Transform-Based Surface Measurement and Reconstruction of Human Face Using the Projection of Monochromatic Structured Light

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    This work presents a new approach of surface measurement of human face via the combination of the projection of monochromatic structured light, the optical filtering technique, the polarization technique and the Fourier-transform-based image-processing algorithm. The theoretical analyses and experimental results carried out in this study showed that the monochromatic feature of projected fringe pattern generated using our designed laser-beam-based optical system ensures the use of optical filtering technique for removing the effect of background illumination; the linearly-polarized characteristic makes it possible to employ a polarizer for eliminating the noised signal contributed by multiply-scattered photons; and the high-contrast sinusoidal fringes of the projected structured light provide the condition for accurate reconstruction using one-shot measurement based on Fourier transform profilometry. The proposed method with the portable and stable optical setup may have potential applications of indoor medical scan of human face and outdoor facial recognition without strict requirements of a dark environment and a stable object being observed

    Effect of Directional Movement on Dynamic Light Scattering

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    Dynamic light scattering is a standard technique of nano-particle sizing in colloid systems. However, it is difficult to measure the particle size accurately in the flowing dispersion, which is inevitable in many applications, such as on-line measurement. In this paper, we present that the wave vector of the scattered light, which is averaged to a constant in traditional technique, varies with time when the particles undergoing not only the random motion but also the directional movement. This variation results in an additional term of sinc function to the traditional intensity autocorrelation function of the scattered light, thus affect the final particle size determination, especially for large velocity of the directional movement. The experimental results agree well with our derivation. We believe this will facilitate the extension of the technique of the dynamic light scattering to a wider range of application, especially of the on-line measurement in the flowing dispersion

    Indoor and Outdoor Surface Measurement of 3D Objects under Different Background Illuminations and Wind Conditions Using Laser-Beam-Based Sinusoidal Fringe Projections

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    In this study, both theoretical analysis and experimental validation are carried out for 3D surface measurement under different indoor/outdoor environmental conditions via combining the projected laser-beam-based sinusoidal optical signal, the optical filtering technique, and the single-shot approach based on Fourier transform profilometry. The designed optical signal generator used in this work is capable of ensuring that the projected fringe pattern is monochromatic, higher-contrast, time-invariant, and truly sinusoidal. The proposed and developed optical setup of 3D surface measurement is portable and is used for in-situ experiments of 3D surface measurements that have been carried out under different sunlight illuminations. The experimental results indicate that accurate reconstructions of measured objects with even or varying surface reflectivity can be obtained under windy conditions and strong environmental illuminations such as the background illuminance of 5600–35,000 Lux. The generated fringe-pattern signal is not sensitive to vibrations from environmental influences including the effects of the wind, which has overcome the outdoor-measurement restrictions of the traditional interferometric system and the profilometry approaches based on phase-shifting methods

    Quartz Crystal Microbalance Humidity Sensors Based on Structured Graphene Oxide Membranes with Magnesium Ions: Design, Mechanism and Performance

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    The application of graphene oxide (GO)-based membranes combined with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) as a humidity sensor has attracted great interest over the past few years. Understanding the influence of the structure of the GO membrane (GOM) on the adsorption/desorption of water molecules and the transport mechanism of water molecules in the membrane is crucial for development of applications using GOM-based humidity sensors. In this paper, by investigating the effects of oxygen-containing groups, flake size and interlayer spacing on the performance of humidity sensing, it was found that humidity-sensing performance could be improved by rational membrane-structure design and the introduction of magnesium ions, which can expand the interlayer spacing. Therefore, a novel HGO&GO&Mg2+ structure prepared by uniformly doping magnesium ions into GO&HGO thin composite membranes was designed for humidity sensing from 11.3% RH to 97.3% RH. The corresponding sensor exhibits a greatly improved humidity sensitivity (~34.3 Hz/%RH) compared with the original pure GO-based QCM sensor (~4.0 Hz/%RH). In addition, the sensor exhibits rapid response/recovery times (7 s/6 s), low hysteresis (~3.2%), excellent repeatability and good stability. This research is conducive to understanding the mechanism of GOM-based humidity sensors. Owing to its good humidity-sensing properties, the HGO&GO&Mg2+ membrane-based QCM humidity sensor is a good candidate for humidity sensing

    Post-Event Surface Deformation of the 2018 Baige Landslide Revealed by Ground-Based and Spaceborne Radar Observations

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    On 11 October and 3 November 2018, two large landslides occurred in Baige Village, Tibet, China, forcing the Jinsha River to be cut off and form a dammed lake, resulting in massive economic damages and deaths. This paper uses ground-based radar (GBR) and spaceborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technologies to perform dynamic monitoring of the Baige landslide. Firstly, the GBR results suggest that the cumulative deformation from 4 to 10 December 2018 was 1.4 m, and the landslide still exhibits a risk of instability. Secondly, with the Sentinel-1A ascending and descending orbit images from December 2018 to February 2022, the InSAR-stacking technology assisted by the generic atmospheric correction online service (GACOS) and the multidimensional small baseline subset (MSBAS) method are utilized to obtain the annual deformation velocity and cumulative deformation in the satellite radar line of sight (LOS) direction of the landslide. Finally, according to the spatial–temporal deformation characteristics of feature points, combined with optical images, field investigation, and geological conditions, the development trend and inducing factors of the Baige landslide are comprehensively analyzed. It is shown that the Baige landslide is in constant motion at present, and the deformation is spreading from the slope to its right side. This research establishes a framework of combining emergency monitoring (i.e., GBR) with long-term monitoring (i.e., spaceborne InSAR). The framework is more conducive to obtaining the deformation and evolution of landslides, providing a greater possibility for studying the development trend and risk assessment of landslides, and assisting in reducing or even avoiding the losses caused by landslides

    A quantitative study on the thermomechanical coupling effect of elasticity and plasticity of polymethyl methacrylate

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    Quantitative study on the elastic and plastic thermomechanical coupling effect of solid materials has important theoretical significance for monitoring the deformation state and stability evaluation of engineering components. In this study, the sample is made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and uniaxial compression experiments are carried out. The sample experiences the elastic state and then the plastic state until the failure of the sample. The thermoelastic effect and thermoplastic effect in the deformation process of PMMA materials are monitored by infrared thermography and digital speckle system (DIC). That is, the relationship between the reversible elastic temperature change ΔTe and average stress change Δσm, and the relationship between the irreversible plastic temperature rise ΔTp and the dissipated energy ΔUp during the failure deformation process. The results show that when the sample is in the elastic regime, there is only elastic temperature change ΔTe inside the sample. When the sample enters the plastic deformation regime, the total temperature change ΔT includes elastic temperature change ΔTe and plastic temperature change ΔTp, and the temperature change has an obvious memory effect on the previous maximum load. When the previous maximum load exceeded, ΔTp increases rapidly. When the load P is removed, ΔTe disappears, and ΔTp remains. Combined with the theory of thermodynamics and solid mechanics, starting from the 3D stress state, the approximate linear incremental relationship between Te and σm, and the accurate exponential total quantity relationship are derived. The incremental relationship and the full relationship combined with thermodynamic theory and the energy conservation principle, the relationship between the overall plastic temperature rise ΔTp and local plastic temperature rise ΔTpmax of the sample and the energy dissipation value ΔUp experienced by the sample and the local dissipation specific energy Δup is obtained. The theoretical calculation results of ΔTe and ΔTp are in good agreement with the experimental results. The research results can provide a new method for monitoring and identifying the stress and deformation state of engineering components through the temperature field