181 research outputs found

    Why Are Those Women So Angry? (Alienating People of Good Will)

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    (First paragraph) Until quite recently, I dismissed criticisms of angry feminists as a sexist stereotype. I was tired of hearing people say, I believe in equal pay for equal work, but I dislike those bra-burning feminists! Perhaps I\u27m too young, but almost all of my friends are feminists, and I have yet to meet anyone who has burned her bra, so this comment always strikes me as bizarre. However, recently I have begun to think seriously about the power of stereotypes and the ability of people to disregard messages they do not want to hear. I now realize that feminists need to be careful not to unnecessarily reinforce the angry feminist stereotype if they hope to be heard

    Why Are Those Women So Angry?

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    (First paragraph) Until quite recently, I dismissed criticisms of angry femini sts as a sexist stereotype. I was tired of hearing people say, I believe in equal pay for equal work, but I dislike those bra-burning feminists! Perhaps I\u27m too young, but almost all of my friends are feminists, and I have yet to meet anyone who has burned her bra, so this comment always strikes me as bizarre. However, recently I have begun to think seriously about the power of stereotypes and the ability of people to disregard messages they do not want to hear. I now realize that feminists need to be careful not to unnecessarily reinforce the angry feminist stereotype if they hope to be heard

    Liberated Jokes: Sexual Humor in All-Female Groups

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    Females have formerly been under-represented in jokes. Many scholars have claimed that joke making is primarily a male activity, particularly in the domain of sexual jokes. In this paper, I discuss sexual jokes that women share with each other both in all-female groups and by e-mail. After reviewing some widely held assumptions about women and jokes, I explore liberated women\u27s jokes, including their structure, use of stereotypes, and subversive ideas. Finally, I discuss why humor theory is incomplete without the inclusion of a female perspective and suggest that women should tell more jokes

    Lesbian Jokes: A Reply to Christie Davies

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    Gendered Jokes: Humor as a Subversive Activity

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    Penguins Can\u27t Fly and Women Don\u27t Count: Language and Thought

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    Many people object to sexist and racist language partly because they assume that language not only reflects, but somehow affects attitudes. A one-to-one relationship between language and thought seems obvious to those who never question it, but the issue of whether language influences thought and behavior has been a matter of debate in philosophy even before Berkeley and Wittgenstein. Literary critics, particularly those who call themselves deconstructionists, are still debating to what extent language constructs reality

    Linguistic Rhythm and Grammatical Structure in Afghan Persian

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    Afghan Persian has a rhythm rule that shifts a strong stress to the left when it occurs near another strong stress. Metrical theory (see LLBA 12/1, 7800555) states this shift as a change in the configuration of hierarchical values where the relationships stronger than & weaker than apply not only to adjacent syllables, but also to groups of syllables, words, & phrases. This rule accounts for the differences in stress patterns on words in isolation & in some phrases. By assuming the rhythm rule & a rule of stress assignment, it is possible to account for both word & phrasal stress for Ns, adjs, & prepositions. These two rules are sufficient to correctly assign relative stress to words of up to four syllables & to phrases. Alternatively, it takes six fairly complex rules written within the framework of the Standard Theory to account for the same data. Most interesting, however, is the fact that the metrical rules correctly predict the stress differences between similar phrases with different underlying structures. Within Standard Theory these stress patterns must be treated as exceptional, & can only be accounted for by a number of otherwise unmotivated rules
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