4,076 research outputs found

    One loop partition function in AdS_3/CFT_2

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    The 1-loop partition function of the handle-body solutions in the AdS3_3 gravity have been derived some years ago using the heat-kernel and the method of images. In the semiclassical limit, such partition function should correspond to the order O(c0)O (c^0) part in the partition function of dual conformal field theory on the boundary Riemann surface. The higher genus partition function could be computed by the multi-point functions in the Riemann sphere via sewing prescription. In the large central charge limit, to the leading order of cc, the multi-point function is further simplified to be a summation over the product of two-point functions, which may form links. Each link is in one-to-one correspondence with the conjugacy class of the Schottky group of the Riemann surface. Moreover, the value of a link is determined by the eigenvalue of the element in the conjugate class. This allows us to reproduce exactly the gravitational 1-loop partition function. The proof can be generalized to the higher spin gravity and its dual CFT.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; typos corrected, more clarifications, references and acknowledgements adde

    R\'enyi Entropy of Free Compact Boson on Torus

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    In this paper, we reconsider the single interval R\'enyi entropy of a free compact scalar on a torus. In this case, the contribution to the entropy could be decomposed into classical part and quantum part. The classical part includes the contribution from all the saddle points, while the quantum part is universal. After considering a different monodromy condition from the one in the literature, we re-evaluate the classical part of the R\'enyi entropy. Moreover, we expand the entropy in the low temperature limit and find the leading thermal correction term which is consistent with the universal behavior suggested in arXiv:1403.0578 [hep-th]. Furthermore we investigate the large interval behavior of the entanglement entropy and show that the universal relation between the entanglement entropy and thermal entropy holds in this case.Comment: 16 pages. Improved arguments, added referenc

    Holographic Calculation for Large Interval R\'enyi Entropy at High Temperature

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    In this paper, we study the holographic R\'enyi entropy of a large interval on a circle at high temperature for the two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) dual to pure AdS3_3 gravity. In the field theory, the R\'enyi entropy is encoded in the CFT partition function on nn-sheeted torus connected with each other by a large branch cut. As proposed by Chen and Wu [Large interval limit of R\'enyi entropy at high temperature, arXiv:1412.0763], the effective way to read the entropy in the large interval limit is to insert a complete set of state bases of the twist sector at the branch cut. Then the calculation transforms into an expansion of four-point functions in the twist sector with respect to e2πTRne^{-\frac{2\pi TR}{n}}. By using the operator product expansion of the twist operators at the branch points, we read the first few terms of the R\'enyi entropy, including the leading and next-to-leading contributions in the large central charge limit. Moreover, we show that the leading contribution is actually captured by the twist vacuum module. In this case by the Ward identity the four-point functions can be derived from the correlation function of four twist operators, which is related to double interval entanglement entropy. Holographically, we apply the recipe in [T. Faulkner, The entanglement R\'enyi entropies of disjoint intervals in AdS/CFT, arXiv:1303.7221] and [T. Barrella et al., Holographic entanglement beyond classical gravity, J. High Energy Phys. 09 (2013) 109] to compute the classical R\'enyi entropy and its one-loop quantum correction, after imposing a new set of monodromy conditions. The holographic classical result matches exactly with the leading contribution in the field theory up to e4πTRe^{-4\pi TR} and l6l^6, while the holographical one-loop contribution is in exact agreement with next-to-leading results in field theory up to e6πTRne^{-\frac{6\pi TR}{n}} and l4l^4 as well.Comment: minor corrections, match with the published versio


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    Denote by P the set of all primes and by P (n) the largest prime factor of integer n 1 with the convention P (1) = 1. Let η 0 ≈ 2.1426 be the unique positive zero of the equation η − 1 − 4η log(η − 1) = 0 in (1, ∞). Very recently Wu proved that for η ∈ (32 17 , η 0) there is a constant c(η) > 1 such that for each fixed non-zero integer a ∈ Z * the set (0.1) P a,c,η := {p ∈ P : p = P (q − a) for some prime q with p η < q c(η)p η } has relative density 1 in P. In this short note, we shall further extend the domain of η at the cost of obtaining a lower bound in place of an asymptotic formula, by showing that for each η ∈ [η 0 , 1 + 4 √ e) the set P a,c,η has relative positive density in P

    Entanglement Entropy for Descendent Local Operators in 2D CFTs

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    We mainly study the R\'enyi entropy and entanglement entropy of the states locally excited by the descendent operators in two dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs). In rational CFTs, we prove that the increase of entanglement entropy and R\'enyi entropy for a class of descendent operators, which are generated by L()Lˉ()\cal{L}^{(-)}\bar{\cal{L}}^{(-)} onto the primary operator, always coincide with the logarithmic of quantum dimension of the corresponding primary operator. That means the R\'enyi entropy and entanglement entropy for these descendent operators are the same as the ones of their corresponding primary operator. For 2D rational CFTs with a boundary, we confirm that the R\'enyi entropy always coincides with the logarithmic of quantum dimension of the primary operator during some periods of the evolution. Furthermore, we consider more general descendent operators generated by d{ni}{nj}(iLnijLˉnj)\sum_{} d_{\{n_i\}\{n_j\}}(\prod_{i} L_{-n_i}\prod_{j}{\bar L}_{-n_j}) on the primary operator. For these operators, the entanglement entropy and R\'enyi entropy get additional corrections, as the mixing of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic Virasoro generators enhance the entanglement. Finally, we employ perturbative CFT techniques to evaluate the R\'enyi entropy of the excited operators in deformed CFT. The R\'enyi and entanglement entropies are increased, and get contributions not only from local excited operators but also from global deformation of the theory.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; minor revion, references adde