558 research outputs found

    A Literature Review-Bird Eye View of Decision Making Concepts

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    Decision-making is a critical feature of every organization and in daily undertakings, decisions are taken at every step. It is also considered as one of the significant function of management. Understanding this vital concept is critical for every business success since it will help strategists and authoritarians to make more cautious, thoughtful and rational decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. In light of this, the current paper will review the relevant theories and models to offer insights on the decision making process, theories and models. Keywords: Decision making, Group decision making, decision making techniques, theories of decision makin

    The Competences of managing educational crises for principals of basic education schools in Sultanate of Oman

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    The study aimed to identify the competences of managing educational crises among principals of basic education schools in Sultanate of Oman from the point of view of male and female teachers. The descriptive analytical approach was used, and the questionnaire was applied as a tool to a simple random sample of teachers of basic education schools in Sultanate of Oman, and the following results were reached: The degree of availability of crisis management competences for school principals came to high degrees in the axes of the questionnaire as a whole, most of the responses that were reached were between the large and the very large, except for one phrase that came to a medium degree, which is: The school administrations have independent budgets to deal with crises and pandemics, and related to the competence of planning. in terms of the arrangement of competences, they came in a row: The competence of follow-up with an arithmetic average (4.21), the competence of communication with an arithmetic mean (4.15) competence of organization with arithmetic average (4.11) competence of leadership with arithmetic average (3.98) competence of planning with arithmetic average (3.81) The study confirmed that there are no statistically significant differences in all the axes of the questionnaire, according to the variable of gender and the variable of educational qualification, the study recommends the need to follow up the situation up-to-date and motivating school leaders by involving them in training courses and external programs

    Subordinate's trust in the supervisor and its impact on organizational effectiveness

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    This study tested a model of trust-in-supervisor that included propensity to trust and supervisor attributes (i.e., ability, benevolence, and integrity) as antecedents, and affective organiza­tional commitment and helping intention as criterion outcomes. A field survey using a structured questionnaire was used to gather data from 255 white-collar employees from diverse occupations and organizations. Path analysis results showed that supervisor ability, benevolence, and integrity as well as employees' propensity to trust were positively associated with trust-in-supervisor. Trust­ in-supervisor, in turn, predicted employees' affective organizational commitment but did not have any influence on their willingness to help co-workers. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed

    The Relationship Between the Levels of Cultural Intelligence and the Ability to Adapt Leadership Style Amongst the Leaders in Abu Dhabi Education Sector

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    Globalization is inevitable and the inherent result is a work environment that is becoming increasingly diverse. Leaders must meet the challenges of globalization by being adaptable in dealing with the continual pace of change and the cultural diversity of their followers. Internationalization of education and the mobility of students and staff increase pressure on educational leaders to deal with diversity, thereby outlining a good context for understanding these converging factors. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is “motivated by the practical reality of globalization in the workplace”, whereas, the Full Range Leadership Model measures leadership types using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Both of these two concepts, and leadership adaptability define the scope of this study. This research focused on school leaders, and aimed to estimate their CQ, identify their predominant leadership style, and to understand the relationship between CQ and their ability to adapt their leadership style. The Abu Dhabi education sector is amenable to an investigation of the links between CQ, leadership style, and adaptability. Focus groups were held in order to develop questions for a quantitative instrument measuring leadership adaptability. An analysis of the leadership adaptability scale found it met expectations as a survey instrument. The CQ instrument was further validated in the UAE, and has been translated into Arabic. School leaders in Abu Dhabi exhibit high levels of CQ, leadership adaptability, and predominantly demonstrate a transformational leadership style. Significant relationships were identified between transformational leadership style and CQ, and between CQ and leadership adaptability. The implications of this research are far reaching as they highlight the interconnection between the factors of CQ, leadership style, and leadership adaptability in a UAE education context. Further, they present a positive picture of the Abu Dhabi education sector, which is undergoing a period of modernisation in order to be considered world leading and to develop a knowledge based economy

    Intrafamilial person-to-person spread of bacillary dysentery due to shigelza dysenteriae in Southwestern Saudi Arabia

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    Objective: To identify the factors that influence transmission of bacillary dysentry (BD) within families during a propagated outbreak of bacillary dysentery. Design: A retrospective cohort study. Setting: Eighteen neighbouring villages in rural Gizan, southwestern Saudi Arabia. Subjects: Two hundred and thirty three cases of BD were identified among seventy nine families. Results: Secondary cases of BD occurred in 57 of 79 families with a primary case of BD. The secondary attack rate per cent (AR%) within families ranged between 7.7% and 80%. Age of primary cases did not correlate with degree of secondary AR% in exposed families (p>0.04; p>0.05); however, within households, the age of the first secondary cases (median = two years) was usually less than the age of the primary case (median = six years). Children under five years of age constituted 43% of secondary cases. The median interval between successive cases within a house ranged from three and seven days. Two hundred and twenty cases (94.4%) gave history of close contact within another case of BD. Cases of BD were exposed to close relatives with BD (79.1%), neighbours (11.4%), and friends (9.5%). Risk factors influencing the spread of BD within families included two rooms or fewer per house (OR = 4.3, 9.5% CI 1.3-14.3), family size of five or more (p = 0.012, two-tailed Fisher's exact test), and presence of more than two persons per room (OR=11.2, 95% CI 3.1-42.4). Conclusion: Person-to-person secondary transmission can amplify the spread of bacillary dysentery within households and neighbouring villages. Crowding was a risk factor that amplified transmission of BD within families.East African Medical Journal, May 1999, 255-25

    Does NICU Intervention Improve Survivability in Consanguineous Trisomy 13?

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    Patau Syndrome is a fatal autosomal trisomy ,usually seen because of Meiotic nondisjunction due to maternal advanced age. It is observed at a higher frequency in non-consanguineous union.Trisomy has a prevalence of : 2,000– : 29,000 in newborns. ,Also known as Patau Syndrome, it is a rare and lethal autosomal trisomy 3 with a survivability of only 7- 0 days.Only an estimated 9% to 4% of live births survive beyond year of life and are associated with mosaicism. Severity of associated malformations also plays a key role in prognosis and survival.It presents with a wide array of dysmorphic features including microphthalmia, cutis aplasia, polydactyly, cleft lip, cleft palate, various congenital heart disease, omphalocele, holoprosencephaly and urogenital abnormalities. There is an intense discussion as to whether timely NICU interventions do play a role in improving mortality in the neonate and long term better prognosis and survivability as a result , especially in VLBW(Very Low Birth Weight) infants. There is a higher reporting frequency of Trisomy’s in non-consanguineous marriages one example of which is Down Syndrome. Currently diagnosis is based on increasing maternal age, sonographic findings, serum markers and amniocentesis followed in many cases by pregnancy termination as in the West. Risk increases with increasing maternal age with an average of age of 3 years