29 research outputs found

    Cenomanian ammonites from Santander (Cantabria) and Sopeira (Aragón, southcentral Pyrenees), northern Spain

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    Ammonites del Cenomaniense de Santander (Cantabria) y de Sopeira (Aragón, Pirineos centro-meridionales), España septentrional. Se describen por primera vez ammonites del Cenomaniense superior (Cretácico) de los alrededores de Santander y de Sopeira (provincia de Huesca), España septentrional. Las siguientes especies están presentes: Tetragonites subtimotheanus Wiedmann, 1962, Calycoceras ( Newboldiceras) asiaticum asiaticum (Jimbo, 1894), Calycoceras ( Newboldiceras) planecostatum (Kossmat, 1897), Eucalycoceras pentagonum (Jukes-Browne, 1896), Eucalycoceras jeanneti Collignon, 1937 y Thomelites sornayi (Thomel, 1966). Esta asociación es típica de la parte inferior del Cenomaniense superior de la zona de Calycoceras (Proeucalycoceras) guerangeri a excepción de E. jeanneti, conocido solamente de Madagascar.Upper Cenomanian (Cretaceous) ammonites are described for the first time from the environs of Santander (Cantabria) and Sopeira (Aragón, Huesca province) in northern Spain. The following species are present: Tetragonites subtimotheanus Wiedmann, 1962, Calycoceras( Newboldiceras) asiaticum asiaticum(Jimbo, 1894), Calycoceras( Newboldiceras) planecostatum(Kossmat, 1897), Eucalycoceras pentagonum(Jukes-Browne,1896), Eucalycoceras jeannetiCollignon, 1937, and Thomelites sornayi(Thomel, 1966). This assemblage is typical of the lower Upper Cenomanian Calycoceras ( Proeucalycoceras) guerangeriZone, with the exception of E. jeanneti, previously known only from Madagascar.Ammonites del Cenomaniense de Santander (Cantabria) y de Sopeira (Aragón, Pirineos centro-meridionales), España septentrional. Se describen por primera vez ammonites del Cenomaniense superior (Cretácico) de los alrededores de Santander y de Sopeira (provincia de Huesca), España septentrional. Las siguientes especies están presentes: Tetragonites subtimotheanus Wiedmann, 1962, Calycoceras ( Newboldiceras) asiaticum asiaticum (Jimbo, 1894), Calycoceras ( Newboldiceras) planecostatum (Kossmat, 1897), Eucalycoceras pentagonum (Jukes-Browne, 1896), Eucalycoceras jeanneti Collignon, 1937 y Thomelites sornayi (Thomel, 1966). Esta asociación es típica de la parte inferior del Cenomaniense superior de la zona de Calycoceras (Proeucalycoceras) guerangeri a excepción de E. jeanneti, conocido solamente de Madagascar

    A new Ammonite fauna fromthe Sub-Pyrenean Campanian (Upper Cretaceous)

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    The top of the marine Upper Cretaceous below the Grès de Labarre in the sub-pyrenean Richou-Montfa anticlineof the Plantaurel-Petites-Pyrénées flexure is dated for the first time as Upper Campanian. It yields the ammonites Didymoceras stevensoni (Whitfield, 1877), Pseudokossmaticeras brandti (Redtenbacher, 1873), Pachydiscus (P.), subrobustus Seunes, 1892, Saghalinites sp., and Baculites sp. Didymoceras stevensoni is a U.S. Western Interior Upper Campanian zonal index, not previously known from Western Europe. © 1995

    Cenomanian ammonites from Pech de Foix (Ariège, France)

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    Ammonite faunas from two Cenomanian outcrops in the "Chaînon du Pech de Foix" (Ariège, France), Sèzenac and the Cluse de Péreille, provide the first records of the guerangeri (lower Upper Cenomanian) and jukesbrownei (upper Middle Cenomanian) zones in the North-Pyrenean Cenomanian

    Albian ammonite faunas from Pech de Foix (Ariege, France)

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    New collections, and a review of surviving material in nineteenth century collections are the basis for a reappraisal of the age of the Albian succession around Pech de Foix (Ariege, France). 'Urgonien' limestones are overlain by a condensed phosphatic conglomerate with a fauna of the upper Lower Albian Douvilleiceras mammilatum Zone; the top of the underlying 'urgonien' can be no younger than lower Lower Albian. Resedimented olistoliths in the succeeding black marls overlie uncondensed Mammilatum Zone sediments, and are in turn overlain by marls with autochthonous lower Middle Albian, Hoplites dentatus Zone, Hoplites spathi Subzone faunas. The higher parts of the black marls yield faunas of the lower Upper Albian Hysteroceras varicosum Subzone and possibly the H. orbignyi Subzone of the Mortoniceras inflatum Zone. This sedimentary sequence records two major events; the first, tethyan extension, corresponds to the Lower Albian eustatic rise in sea-level; the second, of regional extent is associated with the breakup of 'urgonian' carbonate platforms in response to the opening and transtension of the Albian basins of the Pyrenees. The Albian sequence of Pech de Foix dates this latter event to within the lower Middle Albian. The new, precise dating of the sequence leads to a revision of the timing of sedimentological, palaeogeographic and structural events in the north Pyrenees during the Albian

    Baculites ovatus SAY, 1820, a North American ammonite from the Maastrichtian of Roquefort, Landes, France

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    Baculites ovatus, SAY, 1820, a distinctive baculite previously known only from the condensed Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian phosphatic nodule bed at the base of the Navesink Formation in New Jersey, U.S.A., is described from the Maastrichtian Calcaire à Orbitoides of Roquefort, Landes, France. It adds to the growing number of Upper Campanian and Maastrichtian ammonites, many thought previously to be endemic to North America, that occur on both sides of the North Atlantic. © 2002 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung

    Ammonite faunas, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Coniacian-Santonian of the Corbieres (NE Pyrenees)

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    The Coniacian-Santonian ammonite faunas of the Corbieres are revised, and nearly 100 species/subspecies described. The Coniacian can be subdivided into four assemblage zones, as elsewhere in Western Europe, with successive zones of Forresteria (Harleites) petrocoriensis, Peroniceras (Peroniceras) tridorsatum, Gauthiericeras margae and Paratexanites serratomarginatus. The ammonite succession is integrated with the sequence stratigraphy of the interval, and provides a basis for assigning numerical ages to parts of the sequence. -from Author

    Pseudokossmaticeras brandti Redtenbacher, 1873, an Upper Campanian marker fossil in northern Aquitaine, France

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    A specimen of the upper Campanian marker ammonite Pseudokossmaticeras brandti (Redtenbacher, 1873) is described from the tuffeau facies at St. Cybard, Mouleydier, 10 km east of Bergerac, Dordogne, France. It was collected from 4-5 m above the Hippurities radiosus-Laperousia jouanetti biostrome that corresponds to the classic Dordonian stage of Coquand (1857), and confirms that the Dordonian is not equivalent to the Maastrichtian of Dumont

    Turonian ammonite faunas from the southern Corbières, Aude, France

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    The Turonian successions of the southern Corbières comprise three transgressive-regressive cycles in which ammonites occur in three intervals. The lowest comes from the glauconitic basal transgressive unit of the first cycle, and comprises 21 species, including Kamerunoceras douvillei (Pervinquière, 1907), Kamerunoceras turoniense (d’Orbigny, 1850), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) revelerianus (Courtiller, 1860), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) combesi (d’Orbigny, 1856), Mammites nodosoides (Schlüter, 1871), Mammites powelli Kennedy, Wright and Hancock, 1987, Fagesia tevestensis (Péron, 1896), Neoptychites cephalotus (Coutiller, 1860), Thomasites rollandi (Thomas and Péron, 1889), Wrightoceras wallsi Reyment, 1954, and Choffaticeras (Choffaticeras) quaasi (Péron, 1904). This is a Lower Turonian assemblage referred to the Mammites nodosoides Zone, although the possibility that elements from the preceding Fagesia catinus Zone are also present cannot be excluded. The fauna from the transgressive glauconitic interval of the succeeding cycle comprises nine species, including Romaniceras (Romaniceras) mexicanum Jones, 1938, Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum (Stoliczka, 1864), Pseudotissotia galliennei (d’Orbigny, 1850), Collignoniceras woollgari (Mantell, 1822) sensu lato, Coilopoceras springeri Hyatt, 1903, and Eubostrychoceras (Eubostrychoceras) saxonicum (Schlüter, 1872). They indicate the Middle Turonian Romaniceras (R.) mexicanum and R. (Y.) ornatissimum zones. The highest fauna, from the Marnes supérieurs de Saint-Louis of the Saint-Louis syncline, is: Subprionocyclus sp. juv., Prionocyclus sp. and Worthoceras cf. rochatianum (d’Orbigny, 1850). The Subprionocyclus are minute individuals that resemble S. bravaisianus (d’Orbigny, 1841), and suggest the presence of the lower Upper Turonian bravaisianus Zone