3 research outputs found

    The functional manual therapy intervention in infants with nonsynostotic plagiocephaly: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: To document the evolution of cranial asymmetries in infants with signs of nonsynostotic occipital plagiocephaly (NSOP) who were undergo to many functional manual therapy treatments (in addition to the standard positioning recommendations) as well as to determine the feasibility of this methodology to conduct an outcome research investigating the impact of this intervention for infants with NSOP. METHODS: Pilot clinical standardization project using pre-post design in which 10 infants participated. Nine infants presented an initial Oblique Diameter Di5erence Index (ODDI) over 104%, three an initial Ear Deviation Index (EDI) over 4%, and three a Cranial Proportional Index (CPI) over 90%. Interventions: Infants received three functional manual therapy treatments for week during the <rst month of intervention and two ones for week during the second month. RESULTS: Plagiocephalometric measurememts were administered at the <rst assessment pre-intervention (T0), after 30 days (+/-5) (T1) and at a third time after 60 days (+/5) of treatment (T2). Results: 9/10 participants showed a significant decrease in ODDI under 104% between T0 and T2 assessments. 5/10 infants showed an EDI under 4%, and 3/10 showed a value about 0%. 3/10 maintained their CPI over 90% with a considerable decrease. CONCLUSIONS: These clinical findings support the hypothesis that functional manual therapy treatments contribute to the improvement of cranial asymmetries in infants younger than 6.5 months old presenting with NSOP

    Spectroscopic evidence of the radioresistance of Chroococcidiopsis biosignatures: A combined Raman, FT-IR and THz-TDs spectroscopy study

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    In the last decades, Mars has been widely studied with on-site missions and observations, showing a planet that could have hosted life in the past. For this reason, the recent and future space missions on the red planet will search for traces of past and, possibly, present life. As a basis for these missions, Space Agencies, such as the European Space Agency, have conducted many experiments on living organisms, studying their behavior in extraterrestrial conditions, learning to recognize their biosignatures with techniques remotely controllable such as Raman spectroscopy. Among these organisms, the radioresistant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis was irradiated during the STARLIFE campaign with strong radiative insults. In this article we have investigated this cyanobacterium using Raman spectroscopy and extended the characterization of its biosignatures and its response to the radiative stress to the mid- Infrared and Terahertz spectral region using the Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) and Terahertz Time Domain spectroscopy (THz- TDs), which demonstrates the compatibility and suitability of these techniques for future space missions

    Pain Management through Neurocognitive Therapeutic Exercises in Hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain

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    Background. The hypermobile type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (hEDS) is likely the most common hereditary disorder of connective tissue mainly characterized by joint hypermobility. Patients with hEDS suffer joint pain, in particular low back pain, commonly resistant to drug therapy. The aim of this research was to evaluate a neurocognitive rehabilitation approach based not only on the motion and function recovery but also on the pain management. Methods. In this nonrandomized clinical trial, eighteen hEDS patients (4 males and 14 females) with mean age 21 years (range 13-55) were recruited and evaluated before and after three months of rehabilitation treatment. Results. The outcome scores showed significant statistical results after treatment in reducing pain symptoms (numerical rating scale, P=0.003; McGill (total score), P=0.03), fatigue (fatigue severity scale, P=0.03), fear of movement (Tampa scale, P=0.003), and pain-associated disability (Oswestry disability index, P=0.03). Conclusion. The clinical results observed in our study seem to confirm the role of a specific neurocognitive rehabilitation program in the chronic pain management in the Ehlers–Danlos syndrome; the rehabilitation treatment should be tailored on patient problems and focused not only in the recovery of movement but also on pain perception